boomerang wrote:miltiades wrote:boomerang wrote:miltiades wrote:boomerang wrote:Linichka wrote:"LONG LIVE AMERICA THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH - AFTER CYPRUS !!" (Also, after Israel!)
if america is the best nation on earth and every nation tried to emulate them, i think the human race would have been extinct by now...

Nonsense !! America is made up from people the world over. The demand for the prized Green Card is as high as ever. People from all over the world are jostling to enter the USA , Why , because America is the land of opportunity , the greatest nation ever.
Try and distinguish between political decisions influenced by a myriad of reasons and understand that America is not your enemy but your friend.
What the fuck is it with the Cypriot mentality , affected by that famous Greek syndrome of " Americaniko daxtilo. !!
Have you ever looked at the huge strides made by Americans in the field of medicine , technology , scientific achievements , do you may understand something more than just Iraq and Afghanistan !
have you ever been to the US milti?...I have many times...have you heard of the KKK mlti?...I have?...have you heard from the indigenous population of the US milti I have...have you heard from the Black people n the US milti?...i have...
and all these people would beg to differ with your views...
and do onot get me started on the innocents lost through their god damn wars...
yes they excel in medicine and a few others...but that does not make them a great nation...
PS...if you lived in shit yes you would want a green card...well milti I donot live in shit but I could use a green card to wipe my ass...

Yes , I have been to the USA , there are problems just like elsewhere in the world no one is denial that Utopia does not exist even in the greatest nation on earth.
I seem to also recall that it was America who saved our arses in the last WW .
Please don't forget who started this war !
America stood up to that evil ideology , communism and once again saved our arses.
Yes I love America , always did and always will.
oh teah milti you went to the us a couple of times and you became an expert...sorry mate for misundertanding you...
i lived in the us for just under a year and in silicon valley...travelled through a lot via road sick of living in a 3rd world shit hole and came home to OZ...
but please feel free telling us about your amazing mind bending experiences...please...
but the best of all milti, the country you hold at the highest level fucked our country more times than one...not only fucked us many times in the past...they keep on fucking us...I am most interested in hearing what you have to say about this...coz here we have a country and by your comments the greatest democracy of them all where the rule of law applies, turning a blind eye to ethnic cleansing and genoside...
eagerly looking forward to your reply...
Firstly your presumption of my limited knowledge of the USA , its institutions , its constitution , and social aspects is wrong. I have not mentioned how many times or how long I spent in the USA , secondly I have never been to numerous countries such as Australia , Canada , New Zealand , Pakistan , Iran, Russia Bangladesh and many many more , you will agree that the fact that I have not visited the above mentioned countries does not preclude me from gaining knowledge about them .
Have you ever considered the reasons that America who so desperately tried to stop Turkey invading earlier did not do so in 1974 ? Fucked us as you say ,. Let me tell you you why . For months before the invasion of 1974 Makarios was at loggerheads with the Greek junta who were determined to bring about the downfall of the legitimate government of Cyprus by any means , aided and abated by the extreme right who formed the backbone of the coupists. So that initially fucked us were the extreme right wingers along with the orchestrators of the coup , the Greek government albeit the Junta.
America is the worlds superpower now as indeed it was way back in 1974 but with another superpower opposing that of the Soviet Union.
Turkey was then , to a much lesser extent now, a vital strategic partner of NATO and as Kissinger said at the time " stability is preferred to justice "
The coup and the ensuing catastrophe was not caused by the USA but by the Greek Junta who not only orchestrated the military coup they failed to fulfill their obligations under the Zurich agreement .
Cyprus is but a tiny fish in the ocean. Turkey is a big one , you do not continually berate the USA and the West and then expect the USA to offer us love and protection. Cyprus was considered as the Cuba of the Mediterranean by the then administration.
What I have found odd with many Cypriots is their insatiable appetite of anti American sentiment and yet their demand that the USA should offer its protection to us.
Can anyone reasonably assess the likely benefits that Cyprus will derive by joining forces with the anti American third word ? Can anyone suggest that hating and decrying America will benefit our cause one iota.
My conclusion is that many Cypriots influenced by Greece have succumbed to the cliche that all of our ailments are the result of adverse actions by the Americans .
You will learn as ,you get older ,that in order to survive in this world you must chose both your enemies and your friends very very carefully. Choosing , as GR does to hate passionately the USA does nothing to benefit the island of Cyprus , it simply makes a mockery of our diplomatic efforts in the USA .