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Brave Iraqi resistance vs American invaders

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Postby Linichka » Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:25 pm

"Have you ever looked at the huge strides made by Americans in the field of medicine , technology , scientific achievements"

Ditto the huge strides made in all these fields by Israelis.

And good you want to wipe your ass on a Green Card, Boomerass. The country doesn't long for you.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:48 pm

Linichka wrote:"Have you ever looked at the huge strides made by Americans in the field of medicine , technology , scientific achievements"

Ditto the huge strides made in all these fields by Israelis.

That’s only because whenever a scientist becomes acclaimed for something, the Israelis go out of their way to invent a Jewish connection! Image

Isn’t that one of the AIPAC’s propaganda goals? :lol:

The real Israeli "scientists" are the likes of conmen like Uri Gueller, and those Israeli fraudsters performing "surgeries" in the eighties without using anesthetic when in actual fact they had chicken organs in the their pockets they’d pretend to be pulling out of patients, or the bogus Israeli smoking “cures”! :roll:

Oh, I know what kind of fraudulent garbage Israelis are really all about…
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Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:00 pm

AmericanGC wrote:Get Real, Go ahead and meet me at the airport with a bat you little bitch. I will solve you problem. How do you want it dog? I would take care of you just for drill. Keep talking shit from a keyboard, I run your ass loser, I will show you what a real man is, you know.

Get in line boy, don't you know theres a queue! 8)
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Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:09 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Linichka wrote:"Have you ever looked at the huge strides made by Americans in the field of medicine , technology , scientific achievements"

Ditto the huge strides made in all these fields by Israelis.

That’s only because whenever a scientist becomes acclaimed for something, the Israelis go out of their way to invent a Jewish connection! Image

Isn’t that one of the AIPAC’s propaganda goals? :lol:

The real Israeli "scientists" are the likes of conmen like Uri Gueller, and those Israeli fraudsters performing "surgeries" in the eighties without using anesthetic when in actual fact they had chicken organs in the their pockets they’d pretend to be pulling out of patients, or the bogus Israeli smoking “cures”! :roll:

Oh, I know what kind of fraudulent garbage Israelis are really all about…

You forgot Albert Einstein the guy who couldn't tie his own shoe laces. Overated and credited for other peoples work such as the famous equation E=MC2.
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Postby Linichka » Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:11 pm

No need to "invent" a Jewish connection, GR. They are so well established. As you no doubt know.

But the Islamists you defend: what about their contributions? Perhaps they'd have had notable showings in the 10th century, if Nobel prizes existed then. And they'd surely show up well if today, Nobels were handed out for terrorism.
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Postby boomerang » Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:16 pm

Linichka wrote:"Have you ever looked at the huge strides made by Americans in the field of medicine , technology , scientific achievements"

Ditto the huge strides made in all these fields by Israelis.

And good you want to wipe your ass on a Green Card, Boomerass. The country doesn't long for you.

and all this from the greatest nation on earth...the question is has the situation changed today...yes marginally...


and you can shove your little green card where the sun don't shine...

go easy on the insults unless you are longing for responces you it?
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Postby miltiades » Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:26 am

boomerang wrote:
miltiades wrote:
boomerang wrote:

if america is the best nation on earth and every nation tried to emulate them, i think the human race would have been extinct by now... :lol:

Nonsense !! America is made up from people the world over. The demand for the prized Green Card is as high as ever. People from all over the world are jostling to enter the USA , Why , because America is the land of opportunity , the greatest nation ever.
Try and distinguish between political decisions influenced by a myriad of reasons and understand that America is not your enemy but your friend.
What the fuck is it with the Cypriot mentality , affected by that famous Greek syndrome of " Americaniko daxtilo. !!

Have you ever looked at the huge strides made by Americans in the field of medicine , technology , scientific achievements , do you may understand something more than just Iraq and Afghanistan !

have you ever been to the US milti?...I have many times...have you heard of the KKK mlti?...I have?...have you heard from the indigenous population of the US milti I have...have you heard from the Black people n the US milti?...i have...

and all these people would beg to differ with your views...

and do onot get me started on the innocents lost through their god damn wars...

yes they excel in medicine and a few others...but that does not make them a great nation... :?

PS...if you lived in shit yes you would want a green card...well milti I donot live in shit but I could use a green card to wipe my ass... :lol:

Yes , I have been to the USA , there are problems just like elsewhere in the world no one is denial that Utopia does not exist even in the greatest nation on earth.
I seem to also recall that it was America who saved our arses in the last WW .
Please don't forget who started this war !

America stood up to that evil ideology , communism and once again saved our arses.
Yes I love America , always did and always will.
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Postby boomerang » Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:36 am

miltiades wrote:
boomerang wrote:
miltiades wrote:
boomerang wrote:

if america is the best nation on earth and every nation tried to emulate them, i think the human race would have been extinct by now... :lol:

Nonsense !! America is made up from people the world over. The demand for the prized Green Card is as high as ever. People from all over the world are jostling to enter the USA , Why , because America is the land of opportunity , the greatest nation ever.
Try and distinguish between political decisions influenced by a myriad of reasons and understand that America is not your enemy but your friend.
What the fuck is it with the Cypriot mentality , affected by that famous Greek syndrome of " Americaniko daxtilo. !!

Have you ever looked at the huge strides made by Americans in the field of medicine , technology , scientific achievements , do you may understand something more than just Iraq and Afghanistan !

have you ever been to the US milti?...I have many times...have you heard of the KKK mlti?...I have?...have you heard from the indigenous population of the US milti I have...have you heard from the Black people n the US milti?...i have...

and all these people would beg to differ with your views...

and do onot get me started on the innocents lost through their god damn wars...

yes they excel in medicine and a few others...but that does not make them a great nation... :?

PS...if you lived in shit yes you would want a green card...well milti I donot live in shit but I could use a green card to wipe my ass... :lol:

Yes , I have been to the USA , there are problems just like elsewhere in the world no one is denial that Utopia does not exist even in the greatest nation on earth.
I seem to also recall that it was America who saved our arses in the last WW .
Please don't forget who started this war !

America stood up to that evil ideology , communism and once again saved our arses.
Yes I love America , always did and always will.

oh teah milti you went to the us a couple of times and you became an expert...sorry mate for misundertanding you...

i lived in the us for just under a year and in silicon valley...travelled through a lot via road sick of living in a 3rd world shit hole and came home to OZ...

but please feel free telling us about your amazing mind bending experiences...please...

but the best of all milti, the country you hold at the highest level fucked our country more times than one...not only fucked us many times in the past...they keep on fucking us...I am most interested in hearing what you have to say about this...coz here we have a country and by your comments the greatest democracy of them all where the rule of law applies, turning a blind eye to ethnic cleansing and genoside...

eagerly looking forward to your reply...
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Postby Linichka » Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:05 am

Boomerank, you sound rather shrill and peevish. That and your silly tag line suggest that too many American birds gave you the cold shoulder.
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Postby boomerang » Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:52 am

Linichka wrote:Boomerank, you sound rather shrill and peevish. That and your silly tag line suggest that too many American birds gave you the cold shoulder.

yeah thats it...

actually it's a tag line from zappa...the song?...jewish princes...look it up my little jewish freind... :lol:

here are the lyrics for your enjoyment... :lol:

I want a hairy little jewish princess
With a brand new nose, who knows where it goes
I want a steamy little jewish princess
With over-worked gums, who squeaks when she cums
I don't want no troll
I just want a yemenite hole

I want a darling little jewish princess
Who don't shit about cooking and is arrogant looking
A vicious little jewish princess
To specifically happen with a pee-pee that's snappin
All up inside
I just want a princess to ride
Awright, back to the top...everybody twist

I want a funky little jewish princess
A grinder; a bumper, with a pre-moistened dumper
A brazen little jewish princess
With titanic tits, and sand-blasted zits
She can even be poor
So long as she does it with four on the floor

I want a dainty little jewish princess
With a couple of sisters who can raise a few blisters
A fragile little jewish princess
With roumanian thighs, who weasels n lies
For two or three nights
Wont someone send me a princess who bites
Wont someone send me a princess who bites
Wont someone send me a princess who bites
Wont someone send me a princess who bites

PS...offended?...take up with zappa... :lol:

anything else I can do for you?... :lol:
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