Get Real! wrote:miltiades wrote:Get Real! wrote:Linichka wrote:If their brethren care so deeply about the plight of Arabs in and around Israel, why do they treat them so brutally, expelling them from their countries at a whim, never offering them citizenship, and virtually never contributing financial aid?

So your gripe is that neighboring Arabs won't take the Palestinians that Israel ethnically cleanses making your job more difficult?
I think the point she was making was that the Arabs in general find the Palestinians a pain in the arse ! Come to think of it , judging by the events of the Kuwait invasion by Iraq , the Palestinians cant stand the Arabs either !
So what if (allegedly) some Arabs “can’t stand them”? Does it give anyone the right to ethnically cleanse or kill them? I don’t think so!
Look at it this way Miltiades… I can’t stand YOU but you don’t see me at the airport whenever you arrive, whacking you on the head with a baseball bat as much as I’ve dreamed about it!
That’s because I recognize your (pitiful) right to exist!
I'm very surprised that you have not as yet joined up with your heroes , maybe blow your self up , or are you just mouth and no trousers!
You hating the West and supporting its enemies its a decease that must surely stem from childhood.
You bored all on this forum with your consistent berating of the West , the USA in particular , not on one occasion did you ever post one word of condemnation directed at the savages who blow themselves up in markets , public places and anywhere else where people congregate for the sole purpose of causing as much death and destruction.
I have always considered you a menace and a bloody disgrace to Cyprus , a big mouth with as little common sense as possible , a hateful individual who openly tells a member that he cant STAND HIM. !!
Arsehole , I can chew you up and spit you out and you know that , that's why you cant stand me because I'm the only one on this forum that puts shit like you where in they belong.
And finaly,