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Brave Iraqi resistance vs American invaders

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Postby miltiades » Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:42 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Linichka wrote:If their brethren care so deeply about the plight of Arabs in and around Israel, why do they treat them so brutally, expelling them from their countries at a whim, never offering them citizenship, and virtually never contributing financial aid?

:shock: So your gripe is that neighboring Arabs won't take the Palestinians that Israel ethnically cleanses making your job more difficult?

I think the point she was making was that the Arabs in general find the Palestinians a pain in the arse ! Come to think of it , judging by the events of the Kuwait invasion by Iraq , the Palestinians cant stand the Arabs either !
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:10 am

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Linichka wrote:If their brethren care so deeply about the plight of Arabs in and around Israel, why do they treat them so brutally, expelling them from their countries at a whim, never offering them citizenship, and virtually never contributing financial aid?

:shock: So your gripe is that neighboring Arabs won't take the Palestinians that Israel ethnically cleanses making your job more difficult?

I think the point she was making was that the Arabs in general find the Palestinians a pain in the arse ! Come to think of it , judging by the events of the Kuwait invasion by Iraq , the Palestinians cant stand the Arabs either !

So what if (allegedly) some Arabs “can’t stand them”? Does it give anyone the right to ethnically cleanse or kill them? I don’t think so!

Look at it this way Miltiades… I can’t stand YOU but you don’t see me at the airport whenever you arrive, whacking you on the head with a baseball bat as much as I’ve dreamed about it!

That’s because I recognize your (pitiful) right to exist!
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Postby AmericanGC » Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:25 am

Get Real, Go ahead and meet me at the airport with a bat you little bitch. I will solve you problem. How do you want it dog? I would take care of you just for drill. Keep talking shit from a keyboard, I run your ass loser, I will show you what a real man is, you know.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:36 am

AmericanGC wrote:Get Real, Go ahead and meet me at the airport with a bat you little bitch. I will solve you problem. How do you want it dog? I would take care of you just for drill. Keep talking shit from a keyboard, I run your ass loser, I will show you what a real man is, you know.

You should change your alias to GCRedneck… 8)
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Postby miltiades » Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:09 am

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Linichka wrote:If their brethren care so deeply about the plight of Arabs in and around Israel, why do they treat them so brutally, expelling them from their countries at a whim, never offering them citizenship, and virtually never contributing financial aid?

:shock: So your gripe is that neighboring Arabs won't take the Palestinians that Israel ethnically cleanses making your job more difficult?

I think the point she was making was that the Arabs in general find the Palestinians a pain in the arse ! Come to think of it , judging by the events of the Kuwait invasion by Iraq , the Palestinians cant stand the Arabs either !

So what if (allegedly) some Arabs “can’t stand them”? Does it give anyone the right to ethnically cleanse or kill them? I don’t think so!

Look at it this way Miltiades… I can’t stand YOU but you don’t see me at the airport whenever you arrive, whacking you on the head with a baseball bat as much as I’ve dreamed about it!

That’s because I recognize your (pitiful) right to exist!

I'm very surprised that you have not as yet joined up with your heroes , maybe blow your self up , or are you just mouth and no trousers!
You hating the West and supporting its enemies its a decease that must surely stem from childhood.
You bored all on this forum with your consistent berating of the West , the USA in particular , not on one occasion did you ever post one word of condemnation directed at the savages who blow themselves up in markets , public places and anywhere else where people congregate for the sole purpose of causing as much death and destruction.
I have always considered you a menace and a bloody disgrace to Cyprus , a big mouth with as little common sense as possible , a hateful individual who openly tells a member that he cant STAND HIM. !!
Arsehole , I can chew you up and spit you out and you know that , that's why you cant stand me because I'm the only one on this forum that puts shit like you where in they belong.
And finaly,
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Postby Linichka » Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:38 am

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Postby boomerang » Sun Dec 13, 2009 12:07 pm

AmericanGC wrote:Get Real, Go ahead and meet me at the airport with a bat you little bitch. I will solve you problem. How do you want it dog? I would take care of you just for drill. Keep talking shit from a keyboard, I run your ass loser, I will show you what a real man is, you know.

bravado or alter ego?... :lol:
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Postby boomerang » Sun Dec 13, 2009 12:08 pm


if america is the best nation on earth and every nation tried to emulate them, i think the human race would have been extinct by now... :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Dec 13, 2009 12:29 pm

boomerang wrote:

if america is the best nation on earth and every nation tried to emulate them, i think the human race would have been extinct by now... :lol:

Nonsense !! America is made up from people the world over. The demand for the prized Green Card is as high as ever. People from all over the world are jostling to enter the USA , Why , because America is the land of opportunity , the greatest nation ever.
Try and distinguish between political decisions influenced by a myriad of reasons and understand that America is not your enemy but your friend.
What the fuck is it with the Cypriot mentality , affected by that famous Greek syndrome of " Americaniko daxtilo. !!

Have you ever looked at the huge strides made by Americans in the field of medicine , technology , scientific achievements , do you may understand something more than just Iraq and Afghanistan !
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Postby boomerang » Sun Dec 13, 2009 12:38 pm

miltiades wrote:
boomerang wrote:

if america is the best nation on earth and every nation tried to emulate them, i think the human race would have been extinct by now... :lol:

Nonsense !! America is made up from people the world over. The demand for the prized Green Card is as high as ever. People from all over the world are jostling to enter the USA , Why , because America is the land of opportunity , the greatest nation ever.
Try and distinguish between political decisions influenced by a myriad of reasons and understand that America is not your enemy but your friend.
What the fuck is it with the Cypriot mentality , affected by that famous Greek syndrome of " Americaniko daxtilo. !!

Have you ever looked at the huge strides made by Americans in the field of medicine , technology , scientific achievements , do you may understand something more than just Iraq and Afghanistan !

have you ever been to the US milti?...I have many times...have you heard of the KKK mlti?...I have?...have you heard from the indigenous population of the US milti I have...have you heard from the Black people n the US milti?...i have...

and all these people would beg to differ with your views...

and do onot get me started on the innocents lost through their god damn wars...

yes they excel in medicine and a few others...but that does not make them a great nation... :?

PS...if you lived in shit yes you would want a green card...well milti I donot live in shit but I could use a green card to wipe my ass... :lol:
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