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Brave Iraqi resistance vs American invaders

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Postby Cap » Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:57 pm

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Postby Cap » Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:59 pm

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Postby miltiades » Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:59 pm

Jerry wrote:Innocent bystanders in Iraq by "insurgents" but unfortunate "Collateral damage" when killed by Western forces.

I wonder which hurts more ?

Gerry ,both acts are condemnable , however one is a premeditated act directed intentionally against innocent people the other is an unintentional act that occurs wherever there is strife.
There is no comparison between one and the other.
The barbarians who blow themselves up in public places are reprehensible savages and can not be described by anyone as "brave"
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Postby Linichka » Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:24 pm

It is also a mistake to assume that the roots of Iraqi, Afghani and all other struggles may be found in "Palestine". If their brethren care so deeply about the plight of Arabs in and around Israel, why do they treat them so brutally, expelling them from their countries at a whim, never offering them citizenship, and virtually never contributing financial aid? No, they'd rather use these Arabs as another excuse for their base savagery.
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Postby Jerry » Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:32 pm

Milti, it could be argued that the invasion of Iraq was a premeditated act, whilst the deaths of innocent people was not the prime objective, it could also be argued that the invaders were not too bothered about how many innocents suffered. I well remember during the first invasion of Iraq when 300 innocent civilians were fried alive in a bunker the US officer reporting the incident said "I am comfortable with the decision we made"

Whilst I despise what Sadam did to his own people I am certain that fewer innocent lives would have been lost had he stayed in power, we stirred up a hornets nest. One of the witnesses from the current Iraq Enquiry said that Saddam could have been overthrown by his own people given more time, so why did we have to invade?
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Postby Jerry » Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:38 pm

Linichka wrote:It is also a mistake to assume that the roots of Iraqi, Afghani and all other struggles may be found in "Palestine". If their brethren care so deeply about the plight of Arabs in and around Israel, why do they treat them so brutally, expelling them from their countries at a whim, never offering them citizenship, and virtually never contributing financial aid? No, they'd rather use these Arabs as another excuse for their base savagery.

What a stupid thing to say. All arabs do not think alike. Some are rich, some are poor, some support the West, others hate us. You can find a diversity of views in any race or country.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:27 pm

Linichka wrote:If their brethren care so deeply about the plight of Arabs in and around Israel, why do they treat them so brutally, expelling them from their countries at a whim, never offering them citizenship, and virtually never contributing financial aid?

:shock: So your gripe is that neighboring Arabs won't take the Palestinians that Israel ethnically cleanses making your job more difficult?
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Postby Linichka » Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:32 pm

Not at all am I saying that, GR. But doesn't it strike you as rather unfair that countries such as Lebanon withhold citizenship and many basic rights to Palestinian Arabs resident in the country for decades - and others, such as the UAE, kick out migrant workers of this group whenever they get a bee up their asses? And what about lovely neighbor Jordan, recently stripping Pals of citizenship? Heard nary a protest about THAT from you, GR, or Jerry or the others always so reactive to anything involving Israel.

Your accusation of Israel's "ethnic cleansing" is the usual bullshit. Look to Sudan if you want to play that canard.
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Postby Linichka » Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:39 pm

And Jerry, where did I say or imply that ALL Arabs were of one mindset? Of course I am aware they differ as individuals and nationalities. A majority seem united on hatred of Israel, if hardly everything else.
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Postby Cap » Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:33 pm

The debate rages on...

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