Get Real! wrote:Me Ed wrote:It is not the Afghan people that detest the West but the Taliban that detests the west.
I wonder how you and Miltiades derive these fantastical conclusions given that neither one of you do any serious reading except for the odd BBC/ABC biased junk report that’s thrown in your face on British TV?
Given half the chance, your average Afghan would move to the west without a moments hesitation and leave Afghanistan to the Taliban that only rule through fear and intimidation.
Would that be before or after the death & destruction the US & UK had caused?
You are a total waste of a space. Your contribution to the Cyprus problem has been anything but constructive. Your full of hate for the West and you are also full of shit . You abuse everyone on this forum and consider your self ...knowledgeable. You are a first class moron and the biggest plonker around. I told you before son , I can have you for breakfast 7 days a week , not that I would want to given that you are full of shit .
Go on boy tell us about the " criminal " activities of the USA and the West. No once have you ever uttered one word of criticism directed at the savages who blow themselves up in fucking markets and mosques , on buses and in public places.
Fool you are and always will be. Now piss off to Afghanistan boy blow yourself up !