VP your racism and hate resounds in your statement. First of all the isolation of the Turk cyps is by the Turkish armies continues illegal occupation of the island of Cyprus.....Second when you resoundly classify Greek cyps as working together to damage the Turkis cyps then that chord tells me you are not very bright, Greek cyps hardly ever agree on anything and knowing that, and your so called property commission, the one thing Greek cyps do agree in an abstract way is that 2+2=4, and they cannot disagree onthat fact. Truths are truths your commission is illegal and biased, Greek cyps have been ethncally cleansed from their ancestral homes, your have no legitimacy over our lands........get it Cyprus
Viewpoint wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Deniz do you see the GCs doing the same in the north? thats the difference between us.
VP, I have a lot of respect for what you have to say, But do you really expect our GC friends to behave differently? They have been ethnically cleansed from the north and you expect them to behave in a different manner. If you can get angry at their behaiviour in the past, expect the same or even worse.
Deniz you cannot be to careful with GCs they are very cunning and united in making us pay...the isolation is a clear example of their real intentions...they will not shop in the north as they know it will support or economy which they pray in church every Sunday will collapse leaving us desolate surrendering to their ever whim. They are united in bycotting spending in the north or even going to the property commission thats where we differ we holdno grudges and rush south thinking things are cheaper which has been proven to be a phallacy but we TCs are not united and like to show off by say we went south to shop like its a big deal, which it is clearly not...people just do not realize they are being screwed and they are contributing to the economy of the man who wants them wiped of this island and therefore continues with actions that support the economice isolation and development of the north. You are clever enough to wor out the rest, dont be fooled by the exterior its whats inside which is more important and I personally dont find them to be genuine or balanced.