DT. wrote:We deserve what we get with a government like this.
The man that brought to you the rotating presidency and other gems such as omonoia laos protathlima...has now evolved into a cross-border attraction. The multi-level diplomacy being conducted with the likes of Lybia, Syria and Cuba have finally brought as some well earned results. For starters we finally got rid off those pesky US Senators that have been supporting our cause and maintaining some sort of a "balance" in US politics between Cyprus and Turkey.
http://www.offsite.com.cy/images/storie ... 9_2009.pdf
What a joy to look forward to the day when our President will be Eroglu and our Vice President will be Chistofias. Its enough to make you gather up the hooligans from Apoel and begin work on the formation of EOKA C.
President Christofias needs to have a read of my thread: "Fidel Castro is a criminal".
Its OK that he has made a mistake by applying a ludicrous double standard in Human Rights, as long as he is big enough to admit his mistake and apologize to Senator Menendez for causing a silly diplomatic uproar between the RoC and the US, by further mocking the Human Rights of Cuban citizens....
When will President Christofias offer his apology to Senator Menendez and the Cuban people?