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TCs ain't no German Jews!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:41 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Birkıbrıslı welcome to the real world of GC hate and revenge camaflouged by the democracy and human rights for all fallacy, now do you understand why we should never trust people like Piratis Oracle Sotos B25 Kifeas and that without plenty of safrguards and guarantees we should never accept to unify with this type of mindset, we would be putting our people in great danger.
:cry: :cry: :cry:

I am sure you are disappointed Bir but you have seen how GCs think and feel about us and why I personally would never trust these people, the majority of GCs are like them alothough they try not to show it and are all friendly on the outside deep down they are all like oracle a very frightening and dangerous thought, do you want to put Tcs in that type of danger once again?

The short answer is no,VP...
It is very dificult for someone like me who truly believes that Cypriots are one people,they should be one democratic nation as well...This was our birth right,but it was denied to us because the imperialist powers had other interests to follow.. The imperialists would have failed if the GCs had seen us as true Cypriots as well,not just minority pests used by the big powers to frustrate their ENOSIS dreams... I have to face the reality...If the GCs cannot see, let alone appreciate ,that we are the biggest losers in all this,and if they consciously or subconsciously want to punish us for frustrating their ambition to join with Greece,and if they can't bring themselves to admit to the smallest amount of empathy and compassion for our past and present plights,then there is no hope... :cry:

Bir, are you the next Freud with supernatural abilities and you can read our subconscious?

First of all, for the divide and rule practices the blame lies primarily with those Imperialists that used them. Most Cypriots (both GCs and TCs) were uneducated villagers back then and they could be manipulated very easily. Some people today, even educated ones, can be manipulated by the clever practices of those Imperialists so it is utopian to expect that Cypriots in the 50s would be able to outsmart those masters of deception. I do not dispute that you are very sincere when you describe the feelings of the TCs at the time. If I was a TC in 1950s most probably I would feel and act as you did.

My main disagreement with people like VP is that they see the enosis cause as something illegitimate that was created to harm the TCs, and in this way they try to excuse their Taksim demand. This is not true. The enosis cause was a legitimate one and it was not something turned against TCs. The lives of TCs were not threatened. The reason TCs felt otherwise is not due to the enosis cause per se, but due to the fact that the Imperialists made TCs feel that way, in order to achieve divide and rule. On the other hand the Taksim was (and continues to be) directly turned against GCs, requiring our annihilation from half of our island. Such demand could not and can not be excused. Can you agree with me on this Bir? This for me is the ONLY relevant point from this story.

As I said I was born in the late 70s and I personally NEVER wanted union with Greece. In the 50s union with Greece was seen as the only means for freedom from Imperialist empires and the security of the Cypriot people from foreign threats, but after the 60s most Cypriots wanted a true independence with a true democracy. Today, that majority is even greater, and those who continue to want enosis are nothing but a tiny minority. Today Cyprus is modern democratic country part of EU. Why would we want to be some distant district of the Greek Republic, especially if we can guarantee our security by different means?

So please stop pretending to be some kind of Medium that can read our subconscious. We dot want union with Greece and we do not want to punish any TC today for events that happened in the past, events for which the foreign Imperialists are mainly responsible.

At the same time I will not allow partitionists like VP to excuse their Partition and human rights violations with lame excuses. Partition is just as inexcusable today as it has always been. And Human rights violations and racist discriminations should have never been allowed into our constitution.

I fully appreciate that you (TCs) are the biggest losers of this issue, with us (rest of Cypriots) coming close second. Unfortunately VP doesn't see it this way. He things that TCs are the big winners of the war who should now receive their trophies on the expense of the defeated GCs. With that kind of mentality a solution can not be found.

It is up to you if you will continue playing the game of the Imperialists. Their methods are the same today as they have always been. They maintain in you an unreasonable and unjustified fear for GCs (the stick) while they continue promising to you rewards such as half of Cyprus and disproportionally large powers (the carrot). The end result of this is that we lose, you lose even more, and who wins are your Imperialist "friends" who are laughing behind your back.

Stop playing their game, accept that the whole Cyprus belongs to all Cypriots and that Cypriots should be equal citizens without racist discriminations, and then be sure that a solution can be found that will benefit all Cypriots and will help to end the racist divisions enforced on us since Ottoman times.
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Dec 18, 2009 1:51 pm

Birkibrisli, you might like to know that we had a debate in Parliament that lasted over 3 three days on the state budget. Naturally, the Cyprob was at the epicentre of the debate.

All the MP's that are directly or indirectly connected to the rejectionist front, talked against the current round of negotiations and it was obvious that their concern is in case the negotiations are fruitful. They support the utopic view of one person one vote and of course they reject, like always, federation. Most vociferous in favour of this were extreme right wingers of DISI and DIKO parties. Among them was Sampson's son and a certain Themistocleous geezer from Limassol.

These people talk about human rights and democracy and conveniently forget that the past cannot be deleted when shaping a solution for the Cyprob. All international organisations realise this and tell us every year that the only solution that can be agreed upon is BBF.

Yet, these people, and our friends in this forum, suggest that we are quite capable of striving for a better solution. Even if all Cypriots agree (TC's and GC's) for the ideal solution, it could not happen because we are not alone in this world. It may be cruel but here you have it. Once powers like Turkey, America, England etc, became key players in this issue, they will have a say, probably a huge say. This is not something which identifies Cyprus only. It is the same all over the world. Political "laws" are universal and cannot be ignored.

Having recognised the above, I am saying that the best we can do is to appeal to these players jointly and try to get the best out of them. After all, these are civilised countries (yes, even Turkey and it will get better with time, I have no doubt, especially within the EU) which can lend a helping hand for the benefit of everybody concerned. We will not get everything our way and the TC's will not get everything their way. This is a compromise we need to make and it will be a courageous one too. Saying no all the time brings us one step closer to destruction every time.

Now, I will sit back and "absorb" the abuse from the bash patriots who wage their struggle from the comfort of their armchair, as always.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:02 pm

Bananiot wrote:Birkibrisli, you might like to know that we had a debate in Parliament that lasted over 3 three days on the state budget. Naturally, the Cyprob was at the epicentre of the debate.

All the MP's that are directly or indirectly connected to the rejectionist front, talked against the current round of negotiations and it was obvious that their concern is in case the negotiations are fruitful. They support the utopic view of one person one vote and of course they reject, like always, federation. Most vociferous in favour of this were extreme right wingers of DISI and DIKO parties. Among them was Sampson's son and a certain Themistocleous geezer from Limassol.

These people talk about human rights and democracy and conveniently forget that the past cannot be deleted when shaping a solution for the Cyprob. All international organisations realise this and tell us every year that the only solution that can be agreed upon is BBF.

Yet, these people, and our friends in this forum, suggest that we are quite capable of striving for a better solution. Even if all Cypriots agree (TC's and GC's) for the ideal solution, it could not happen because we are not alone in this world. It may be cruel but here you have it. Once powers like Turkey, America, England etc, became key players in this issue, they will have a say, probably a huge say. This is not something which identifies Cyprus only. It is the same all over the world. Political "laws" are universal and cannot be ignored.

Having recognised the above, I am saying that the best we can do is to appeal to these players jointly and try to get the best out of them. After all, these are civilised countries (yes, even Turkey and it will get better with time, I have no doubt, especially within the EU) which can lend a helping hand for the benefit of everybody concerned. We will not get everything our way and the TC's will not get everything their way. This is a compromise we need to make and it will be a courageous one too. Saying no all the time brings us one step closer to destruction every time.

Now, I will sit back and "absorb" the abuse from the bash patriots who wage their struggle from the comfort of their armchair, as always.

We have already compromised quite enough. It is the occupier who does not want to compromise, and as always, everything will be vetted by the voters on our side, so I'm not too sure what you're on about.
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Postby Malapapa » Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:36 pm

Piratis wrote:Today Cyprus is modern democratic country part of EU. Why would we want to be some distant district of the Greek Republic, especially if we can guarantee our security by different means?

Good question. Yialousa?
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Postby Oracle » Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:44 pm

Bananiot wrote:These people talk about human rights and democracy and conveniently forget that the past cannot be deleted when shaping a solution for the Cyprob. .

It's not a desire to "delete" the past which makes people vociferous for a Democratic, Human Rights' respecting solution, but because of it. It's not just the TCs who "suffered" with only half the power in their hands, but the GCs suffered too . So, let's do what other groups have done (e.g. UK) who had far more notorious pasts (slave trade, colonialism etc) and yet did not let this past shape their future negatively. They did not punish themselves by giving up the UK ... they grasped democracy and respect of Human Rights for all!
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Postby boomerang » Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:44 pm

Bananiot wrote:Birkibrisli, you might like to know that we had a debate in Parliament that lasted over 3 three days on the state budget. Naturally, the Cyprob was at the epicentre of the debate.

All the MP's that are directly or indirectly connected to the rejectionist front, talked against the current round of negotiations and it was obvious that their concern is in case the negotiations are fruitful. They support the utopic view of one person one vote and of course they reject, like always, federation. Most vociferous in favour of this were extreme right wingers of DISI and DIKO parties. Among them was Sampson's son and a certain Themistocleous geezer from Limassol.

These people talk about human rights and democracy and conveniently forget that the past cannot be deleted when shaping a solution for the Cyprob. All international organisations realise this and tell us every year that the only solution that can be agreed upon is BBF.

Yet, these people, and our friends in this forum, suggest that we are quite capable of striving for a better solution. Even if all Cypriots agree (TC's and GC's) for the ideal solution, it could not happen because we are not alone in this world. It may be cruel but here you have it. Once powers like Turkey, America, England etc, became key players in this issue, they will have a say, probably a huge say. This is not something which identifies Cyprus only. It is the same all over the world. Political "laws" are universal and cannot be ignored.

Having recognised the above, I am saying that the best we can do is to appeal to these players jointly and try to get the best out of them. After all, these are civilised countries (yes, even Turkey and it will get better with time, I have no doubt, especially within the EU) which can lend a helping hand for the benefit of everybody concerned. We will not get everything our way and the TC's will not get everything their way. This is a compromise we need to make and it will be a courageous one too. Saying no all the time brings us one step closer to destruction every time.

Now, I will sit back and "absorb" the abuse from the bash patriots who wage their struggle from the comfort of their armchair, as always.

yes nice speech...everyone that disagrees with bananiots way of thinking is a rejectonists...if you ask questions you are a rejectonists....if you voice an opinion that slightly differs from bananiot is a rejectonists...

and now he comes with a new term for anyone exercising his democratic right of free thought and speech as a bash patriot...

well mr patriot, so far we know what the gcs gave why not tells what the tcs have given so far?...lets hear some of these compromises you talk off...see if you can snap some snappy...

oh...yes...yes i am your residet fascist...please spare us the bullshit...
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Postby insan » Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:46 pm

Even if all Cypriots agree (TC's and GC's) for the ideal solution, it could not happen because we are not alone in this world. It may be cruel but here you have it. Once powers like Turkey, America, England etc, became key players in this issue, they will have a say, probably a huge say. This is not something which identifies Cyprus only. It is the same all over the world. Political "laws" are universal and cannot be ignored.

Illiterates of Cyprus will never comprehend this, Bananiot....
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:48 pm

Bananiot wrote:Now, I will sit back and "absorb" the abuse from the bash patriots who wage their struggle from the comfort of their armchair, as always.

Whereas, you wage it from the comfort of your sofa… 8)

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Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:51 pm

boomerang wrote:
Bananiot wrote:Birkibrisli, you might like to know that we had a debate in Parliament that lasted over 3 three days on the state budget. Naturally, the Cyprob was at the epicentre of the debate.

All the MP's that are directly or indirectly connected to the rejectionist front, talked against the current round of negotiations and it was obvious that their concern is in case the negotiations are fruitful. They support the utopic view of one person one vote and of course they reject, like always, federation. Most vociferous in favour of this were extreme right wingers of DISI and DIKO parties. Among them was Sampson's son and a certain Themistocleous geezer from Limassol.

These people talk about human rights and democracy and conveniently forget that the past cannot be deleted when shaping a solution for the Cyprob. All international organisations realise this and tell us every year that the only solution that can be agreed upon is BBF.

Yet, these people, and our friends in this forum, suggest that we are quite capable of striving for a better solution. Even if all Cypriots agree (TC's and GC's) for the ideal solution, it could not happen because we are not alone in this world. It may be cruel but here you have it. Once powers like Turkey, America, England etc, became key players in this issue, they will have a say, probably a huge say. This is not something which identifies Cyprus only. It is the same all over the world. Political "laws" are universal and cannot be ignored.

Having recognised the above, I am saying that the best we can do is to appeal to these players jointly and try to get the best out of them. After all, these are civilised countries (yes, even Turkey and it will get better with time, I have no doubt, especially within the EU) which can lend a helping hand for the benefit of everybody concerned. We will not get everything our way and the TC's will not get everything their way. This is a compromise we need to make and it will be a courageous one too. Saying no all the time brings us one step closer to destruction every time.

Now, I will sit back and "absorb" the abuse from the bash patriots who wage their struggle from the comfort of their armchair, as always.

yes nice speech...everyone that disagrees with bananiots way of thinking is a rejectonists...if you ask questions you are a rejectonists....if you voice an opinion that slightly differs from bananiot is a rejectonists...

and now he comes with a new term for anyone exercising his democratic right of free thought and speech as a bash patriot...

well mr patriot, so far we know what the gcs gave why not tells what the tcs have given so far?...lets hear some of these compromises you talk off...see if you can snap some snappy...

oh...yes...yes i am your residet fascist...please spare us the bullshit...

You Fucking fascist! :lol:
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Postby DT. » Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:56 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Bananiot wrote:Now, I will sit back and "absorb" the abuse from the bash patriots who wage their struggle from the comfort of their armchair, as always.

Whereas, you wage it from the comfort of your sofa… 8)


Just goes to show how ignorant you are. Bananiot and Halil are performing the fight of the kleftiko and the bammia. They are fighting daily in the ditches of the islands souvlitjidika, and kebab houses. Injuring themselves constantly in the unstoppable quest for baklava and the bithkiavli.

If we eat enough together then there must be peace. Who cares what a new constitution would do to the other 3hrs a day we're awake and not eating.
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