BirKibrisli wrote:Piratis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Piratis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:B25 wrote:Bananiot wrote:Of course they are all Turks B25. In the eyes of the nationalists all dogs belong to the same breed. However, is it just peculiar (to say the least) that the little fascist is lecturing Birkibrisli?
I am neither little, nor a fascist, nor giving lectures, one of you were lying.
He claims TCs you claim Turks, not that can give ahoot, but get your lies straight before you spread them.
To me Birk, is just another TC trying to get things his way, but don't worry your little head, we know where you stand.
You missed Bananiot's point all together,B25..He was implying that to the GCs at the time,lining up to witness the massacre,those to be slaughtered were just "Turks",including my cousins,the 3 TC students..

And I guess those 500 TCs landed there to have a picnic and not to kill people?
Piratis,they were student in their early 20s studying in Turkey...when the 63 troubles began they thought they should get back to help their community survive what they thought was going to be an all out attack to wipe off the TCs...Turkish army gave them all a 2 week course in using firearms,and dumped them on this little enclave which was surrounded by the GC regulars and irregular (i have no midea who they were) in no time...They had no idea what they were doing...But soon found out they were mistakenly believed to be the avantgard of a Turkish military operation...Some were killed in the skirmishes,and all were in grave danger of starvation for the whole duration...This was the most bizarre chapter of the 63-74 period...People should know what really happened,dont you think???Instead of thinking that Turkey just wanted some target practice...But I suspect nothing will dent the armour of hatred and bitterness in certain people here...

What Turkey and TCs wanted was the partition of Cyprus. Do you deny this?
Piratis,again you are only considering part of the story...
Turkey had washed her hands of Cyprus in 1923 when they signed it away...They had no interest in none of it...The British and the Americans dragged the Menderes govenment kicking and screaming into the picture, just as the GCs were taking up arms against the British in the mid 50s...If you had not started the ENOSIS campaign,and tried to force it by an underground armed struggle led my the EOKA ,TAKSIM (partition)would never have become unofficial Turkish policy...We were both conned by the British and American governments,to advance their own national interests at the time...You can't just wipe all this under the carpet,and blame the TCs and Turkey for everything...
Bir, I was among the first ones who talked about the role of the British.
I gave the example of Rhodes, which was an Italian colony and also has a Turkish minority, and which was united with Greece in 1947 without even a single bleeding nose.
It is a fact that the British didn't want to abandon Cyprus for their own strategic reasons, and they brought Turkey into the game, using the TC community as their pawns in order to get what they want. Cyprus is the
ONLY former British colony where the British still maintain "sovereign" bases in it.
This "divide and rule" policy is not something applied only in Cyprus. In fact one of the excuses for the Armenian genocide was that the Armenians were used against the Turks in a similar way that the TCs were used against GCs in Cyprus.
But I don't know where you blame us for this. We have been asking for many decades to be given the option to peacefully and democratically decide the destiny of our own island and this was always refused to us. An armed struggle was our last resort.
Also the fact that TCs and Turkey accepted the calls of the British does not absolve them from their responsibility. And I don't agree that they were "dragged kicking and screaming". They had a lot to gain from their collaboration with the British against GCs, and nothing to lose. So it seems to me that they gladly accepted the proposals of the British.