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The bash patriots in reality hate Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby verywitty » Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:18 am

I dont know if the pash patriots hate Cyprus but they surely dont love it. The patriots in this awesome country are the ones who either:
a) Want to be called Greek not Cypriots and/or
b) Will not accept any form of solution that involves 1 or more Turkish Cypriot
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Re: The bash patriots in reality hate Cyprus

Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:23 am

Bananiot wrote:Yiannakis Omirou, EDEK's President, launched a scathing attack on Sweden today, after the Swedish Presidency circulated the draft resolution of the final conclusions of the European Council.

Among else, he accused Sweden of "exhibiting monumental hypocrisy" but such kind of vulgar diplomacy only serves to appease the likes of Piratis, B25 and all the bash patriots of the Greek Cypriot society.

Why didn't you quote or link the draft resolution so that readers can make up their own minds if Omirou was right, or do you expect Cypriots to just nod their heads at everything thrown at them?
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Postby -mikkie2- » Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:40 am

It just amazes me how small minded some Cypriot politicians have become. Being in the EU is a perfect opportunity to build bridges, to inform, to discuss, to share, to explain and to listen. That is what our politicians should be doing with the gift of the EU and it is the only way to convince people of the cause of Cyprus.

Attacking our fellow EU members and making scathing remarks is a recipe for disaster. It is a mentality which belongs to the past and I guess in large part our political elites have not matured enough yet to be taken with any degree of seriousness in the rest of the EU.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:48 am

-mikkie2- wrote:It just amazes me how small minded some Cypriot politicians have become. Being in the EU is a perfect opportunity to build bridges, to inform, to discuss, to share, to explain and to listen. That is what our politicians should be doing with the gift of the EU and it is the only way to convince people of the cause of Cyprus.

Attacking our fellow EU members and making scathing remarks is a recipe for disaster. It is a mentality which belongs to the past and I guess in large part our political elites have not matured enough yet to be taken with any degree of seriousness in the rest of the EU.

Shouldn't you have read the draft resolution first before commenting?
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Postby -mikkie2- » Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:00 am

The draft resolution may be a consequence of our politicians being stupid don't you think?

The draft resolution basically gives the choice to Cyprus to do as it pleases regarding Turkish accession negotiations. It basically is saying that the rest of the EU is prepared to give some leway to Turkey for now due to the ongoing negotiations in Cyprus. If we want to fuck things up then we can go right ahead and block further chapters (as if enough aren't blocked already) and face the consequences afterwards.

You see, the draft resolution is not written by Sweden in isolation, but written after sounding out all other EU member states and then writing the resolution to take their views into account. So for Omirou to kick off on one and start accusing Sweden of all sorts of things he should stop and think about what he is saying.

If he has a point to put accross then fine, put it accross, but don't go making accusations and point fingers. This is what I mean about immature politicians.

The time will come when the EU will put Turkey on the spot, but for our sake, I don't think that point is now. What Cyprus should be pushing for now is rather than turn the screw on Turkey now they should perhaps give a period of grace knowing that we are in negotiations at the moment, and re-asses the situation in the summer of 2010.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:10 am

-mikkie2- wrote:The draft resolution may be a consequence of our politicians being stupid don't you think?

:? Not necessarily… that's a rather pitiful outlook on the matter!

The draft resolution basically gives the choice to Cyprus to do as it pleases regarding Turkish accession negotiations. It basically is saying that the rest of the EU is prepared to give some leway to Turkey for now due to the ongoing negotiations in Cyprus. If we want to fuck things up then we can go right ahead and block further chapters (as if enough aren't blocked already) and face the consequences afterwards.

If there are important “ongoing negotiations in Cyprus” then its Turkey’s EU accession process that should be postponed not the other way round! :lol:
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:07 am

verywitty wrote

I don't know if the pash patriots hate Cyprus but they surely don't love it. The patriots in this awesome country are the ones who either:
a) Want to be called Greek not Cypriots and/or
b) Will not accept any form of solution that involves 1 or more Turkish Cypriot

Of course, deep down in their thick head you can find their hatred for anything Turkish, which now they conveniently hide with their newly discovered "principles" of democracy and freedom. The church and the schools are mainly responsible for producing hordes of people, fitted with blindfolds, that can see only in one direction.

Shed those blindfolds and they might see that basically Turkish Cypriots are kind, polite and absolutely normal people in their vast majority. This would destroy their stereotype picture however and would bring down their make-believe world. I remember this attitude before the 1974 events and hence the invasion of 1974 has nothing to do with their present behaviour. In short, they have no excuse, they are simply egotistic barbarians who merely want to satisfy their personal needs, without giving a penny for the good of the country in general.
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Postby DT. » Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:20 am

Bananiot wrote:verywitty wrote

I don't know if the pash patriots hate Cyprus but they surely don't love it. The patriots in this awesome country are the ones who either:
a) Want to be called Greek not Cypriots and/or
b) Will not accept any form of solution that involves 1 or more Turkish Cypriot

Of course, deep down in their thick head you can find their hatred for anything Turkish, which now they conveniently hide with their newly discovered "principles" of democracy and freedom. The church and the schools are mainly responsible for producing hordes of people, fitted with blindfolds, that can see only in one direction.

Shed those blindfolds and they might see that basically Turkish Cypriots are kind, polite and absolutely normal people in their vast majority. This would destroy their stereotype picture however and would bring down their make-believe world. I remember this attitude before the 1974 events and hence the invasion of 1974 has nothing to do with their present behaviour. In short, they have no excuse, they are simply egotistic barbarians who merely want to satisfy their personal needs, without giving a penny for the good of the country in general.

Simplistic generalisations Bananiot, even for you.
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:39 am

What are you after DT? A diatribe?
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Postby Tony-4497 » Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:56 am


While I do believe that you (and Christofias, who thinks like you) want the best for Cyprus, it is TRAGIC that through your actions and positions are driving Cyprus straight to PARTITION.

People like you FAIL to aknowledge, respect and ACT on the will of the vast majority of the GC people. This was expressed LOUD & CLEAR in 2004, yet your life's mission is to bring back and impose on GCs an Annan-plan lookalike.

Christofias STOLE the vote of GCs by LYING about his true intentions to bring back the AP. NOWHERE did he mention to voters all the fundamental concessions he made IMMEDIATELY upon taking power (not to mention all the other LIES about reducing military service to lure in voters).

He had DISY leadership with him all along and subsequently even managed to control the likes of DIKO leadership by offering Garoyian 2 terms as parliament leader (rumour has it Garoyian has also been told that, being neither GC nor TC, he would be the ideal first president of the United ROC..)

He is under the illusion that GC voters will follow what party leadership will say. He ignores 2004 and that ALL the polls show that the VAST majority of GCs TODAY REJECT the solution he is preparing.

Ignoring the will of the people has a PRICE. That price is PARTITION - because that is what will happen when he takes an agreed (in his mind) solution to referendum and this gets rejected. And he and people like you will be FULLY responsible for this.

If you are betting that a last-minute blackmail will work (ie. "oops, it's too late now and if you vote No we're screwed, so vote Yes") - then think again. The blame will NOT be with the people but with Christofias, Anastasiades & Co, because they are currently REFUSING to LISTEN to the GC public.

His effort right now should be on carrying out polls, running focus groups to UNDERSTAND what GCs would need in order to say Yes, without changing the BBF basis. He is doing the exact opposite i.e. shaping a solution HE is happy with i.e. the AP and has the ARROGANCE to believe he will just pass it through a referendum. e.g. 80% GCs say rotating presidency is unacceptable but he pisses on this..

I do hope that your kind starts to see the light before it's too late..
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