Dear Mr Santa claus
i know that the tooth fairy isn`t real and i also know that there is big chances you aint real either, but i have that tiny little bit of hope that
your spirit exist and i think you are real to those who believe so long story short here is wot i want this christmas,
i want my driving licence to be sorted, i want a big big house on the hills next to a beutiful rever with a big big garden, i want to win the lottery and
work as an international peace maker, i want to get a bit taller cause 5.6 ft is pretty frikin short and i want my hair to no longer get fizzy ,
i want a time travel machine and i want an upnormal power, flying or moving things with my hand would be ok.. not all to me tho lol
i want new Z3 for Sara coz she loves that car,
i want a new laptop for lady G coz she is now 9 years old and big enough to have a laptop not a PC please!!
i want L to stop being shy and finaly find it in him self to be with the girl he love((happy ending ya sad bugger), and please i want a super eye glasses that can see wots under girls clothes for my dear little friend M, i want a very special thing for Bjorn please get him an alien or take him to the moon..
Thank you in advance.