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Afrika demands an explanation from Security Forces Command

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Afrika demands an explanation from Security Forces Command

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Nov 24, 2009 1:49 pm

Afrika is calling on the ‘Security Forces Command’, which controls the police force in northern Cyprus and which is itself a puppet of the Turkish army, to comment on a story that the newspaper published. ... e&sid=1084

According to the story ... e&sid=1083

a 70-year-old Turkish Cypriot named Hasan Yılmaz, whose son was a murder victim and who himself is not suspected of any crime, was summoned at 10.00 in the evening to immediately attend at Nicosia Police Headquarters, where they took a photocopy of his ID. Mr Yılmaz merely inquired as to the reason for this procedure, only to be told in a very rude manner by the mainland Turkish police officer dealing with him, “Git işine be adam” [Clear off and mind your own business, chum]. Mr Yılmaz persisted and asked what offence he had committed, to be told by the same policeman, “Sorma, bir şey sorma, ver kimliğini, yoksa atarım içeri” [Don’t ask, ask nothing, give me your ID or I will throw you in the slammer].

This makes me sad. I had some dealings with the de facto police in northern Cyprus in the 90’s when all the officers were still Turkish Cypriots. I found them to be very courteous and considerate; nothing like their rude and aggressive mainland counterparts. How unfortunate to see yet another aspect of life in mainland Turkey imported to this island.
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Re: Afrika demands an explanation from Security Forces Comma

Postby insan » Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:32 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Afrika is calling on the ‘Security Forces Command’, which controls the police force in northern Cyprus and which is itself a puppet of the Turkish army, to comment on a story that the newspaper published. ... e&sid=1084

According to the story ... e&sid=1083

a 70-year-old Turkish Cypriot named Hasan Yılmaz, whose son was a murder victim and who himself is not suspected of any crime, was summoned at 10.00 in the evening to immediately attend at Nicosia Police Headquarters, where they took a photocopy of his ID. Mr Yılmaz merely inquired as to the reason for this procedure, only to be told in a very rude manner by the mainland Turkish police officer dealing with him, “Git işine be adam” [Clear off and mind your own business, chum]. Mr Yılmaz persisted and asked what offence he had committed, to be told by the same policeman, “Sorma, bir şey sorma, ver kimliğini, yoksa atarım içeri” [Don’t ask, ask nothing, give me your ID or I will throw you in the slammer].

This makes me sad. I had some dealings with the de facto police in northern Cyprus in the 90’s when all the officers were still Turkish Cypriots. I found them to be very courteous and considerate; nothing like their rude and aggressive mainland counterparts. How unfortunate to see yet another aspect of life in mainland Turkey imported to this island.

These types of treatments by the policemen(it doesn't matter their ethnicity) cannot be accepted and tolerated...

It is true that, generally; arrogance of Turkish policemen is harsher than the TC policemen.

There r arrogant policemen among TC policemen too. These type of policemen neither represents whole of TC policemen nor the policemen who have "Turkish" ethnicity. They don't represent Turkey too...

Moreover, ill-treatment of TC police of any ethnicity is not a common practice...
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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Nov 24, 2009 3:01 pm

I lived in Turkey for a long time and have had various dealings with the police there. I am afraid to say that I have always found the Turkish police to be rude and overbearing. Perhaps it was just my bad luck. I think the police in Turkey have probably improved their act now, though, as part of the EU accession process.

In my experience, the behaviour of the police officer reported in that article is what I would expect of the mainland Turkish force. That officer was probably simply continuing to act in the manner to which he has become accustomed.
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Postby Expatkiwi » Tue Nov 24, 2009 4:42 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:I lived in Turkey for a long time and have had various dealings with the police there. I am afraid to say that I have always found the Turkish police to be rude and overbearing. Perhaps it was just my bad luck. I think the police in Turkey have probably improved their act now, though, as part of the EU accession process.

In my experience, the behaviour of the police officer reported in that article is what I would expect of the mainland Turkish force. That officer was probably simply continuing to act in the manner to which he has become accustomed.

Probably annoyed because he didn't have his coffee and donuts that morning...
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Postby SKI-preo » Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:17 pm

LOL...barbarian Turk he probably needed the blood of newborn Greek Cypriot refugees too spread on his toasted sandwich.

The kiwi police are a friendly bunch though . I was once caught speeding 30kph over the limit and was let off with a warning because I told the kiwi cop I thought the sign was in miles not kms. The cop even posed for a photo.

Are you from Rotarua? because some of your backward real politik opinions stink.
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Postby Oracle » Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:18 pm

Tim, did you ever stop to think that the TC policemen, who were nice to you, were thankful to you for the help your country gave them in stealing nearly half of Cyprus from under the GCs' noses?
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Postby insan » Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:19 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:I lived in Turkey for a long time and have had various dealings with the police there. I am afraid to say that I have always found the Turkish police to be rude and overbearing. Perhaps it was just my bad luck. I think the police in Turkey have probably improved their act now, though, as part of the EU accession process.

In my experience, the behaviour of the police officer reported in that article is what I would expect of the mainland Turkish force. That officer was probably simply continuing to act in the manner to which he has become accustomed.

How old is he? As far as I know, all policemen of TRNC r Cyprus born TCs either have native TC parents or 1/both parent(s) from Turkey.
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Postby iceman » Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:33 pm

insan wrote:As far as I know, all policemen of TRNC r Cyprus born TCs either have native TC parents or 1/both parent(s) from Turkey.

Not necessarily anymore!!!
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Postby Expatkiwi » Tue Nov 24, 2009 6:37 pm

SKI-preo wrote:LOL...barbarian Turk he probably needed the blood of newborn Greek Cypriot refugees too spread on his toasted sandwich.

The kiwi police are a friendly bunch though . I was once caught speeding 30kph over the limit and was let off with a warning because I told the kiwi cop I thought the sign was in miles not kms. The cop even posed for a photo.

Are you from Rotarua? because some of your backward real politik opinions stink.

Well, I used to live near there as a kid, but my mother still runs a pub not far from Rotorua. Anyway, I'm sorry if you find my opinion on the Cyprus Problem not to your liking, but my motives for my stance are based on what I see as necessary, given the situation.
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Postby halil » Tue Nov 24, 2009 6:44 pm

iceman wrote:
insan wrote:As far as I know, all policemen of TRNC r Cyprus born TCs either have native TC parents or 1/both parent(s) from Turkey.

Not necessarily anymore!!!

to be a policeman in TRNC ....

a) Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Türk Vatandası olmak.( Should be citizen of TRNC) and should be Turk .
b) 18 yasını tamamlamıs fakat 30 yasını tamamlamamıs olmak.
between 18-30 years old
Üniversite mezunları için 35 yasını tamamlamamıs olmak.(University graduates up to 35.)
c) Mesleğin gerektirdiği iyi ahlak ve karaktere sahip olmak; kumarbazlık,
sarhosluk ve uyusturucu madde kullanımı gibi kötü alıskanlıkları
olmamak.(should have good character)
d) En az lise veya dengi bir okul mezunu olmak.(at least graduate from LYce or equal level)
(Diplomanın aslı veya Eğitim Bakanlığından tasdikli fotokopisi
ibraz edilmelidir)
e) Askerlik hizmetini yerine getirmis olmak.(completed military service)
f) Sıhhatli olmak ve bedeni bakımdan Polis görevlerine uygun olmak.(Healty , bodily to suit police Work)
g) Boy itibarıyle 1.70 cm'den kısa olmamak. Boy ölçüsünün cm olarak
son iki rakamı ile kilosu arasında 1.75 cm’den yukarı olanlarda 15
kg., 1.75 cm’den kısa olanlarda 10 kg.’dan fazla fark olmayacak.
not less than 1.70 .

h) Yapılacak sınavlarda basarılı olmak.(have to pass exams)
i) Karakterine yansıyan herhangi bir suçtan hapis cezasına çarptırılmamıs
olmak,veya affa uğramıs olsalar dahi rüsvet, hırsızlık, dolandırıcılık,
sahtekarlık, irtikap hileli iflas ırza geçme ve benzeri yüz kızartıcı
suçlardan dolayı hüküm giymemis olmak.
j) Bir disiplin suçundan dolayı daha önce kamu görevinden
uzaklastırılmamıs olmak.

he/she shouldn't have any court case from stealing , blackmaling , crooking , smuggle , etc...etc...
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