halil wrote:to be a policeman in TRNC ....
a) Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Türk Vatandası olmak.(
Should be citizen of TRNC) and should be Turk .
b) 18 yasını tamamlamıs fakat 30 yasını tamamlamamıs olmak.
between 18-30 years oldÜniversite mezunları için 35 yasını tamamlamamıs olmak.(
University graduates up to 35.)c) Mesleğin gerektirdiği iyi ahlak ve karaktere sahip olmak; kumarbazlık,
sarhosluk ve uyusturucu madde kullanımı gibi kötü alıskanlıkları
should have good character)
d) En az lise veya dengi bir okul mezunu olmak.(
at least graduate from LYce or equal level)(Diplomanın aslı veya Eğitim Bakanlığından tasdikli fotokopisi
ibraz edilmelidir)
e) Askerlik hizmetini yerine getirmis olmak
.(completed military service)
f) Sıhhatli olmak ve bedeni bakımdan Polis görevlerine uygun olmak.(
Healty , bodily to suit police Work)
g) Boy itibarıyle 1.70 cm'den kısa olmamak. Boy ölçüsünün cm olarak
son iki rakamı ile kilosu arasında 1.75 cm’den yukarı olanlarda 15
kg., 1.75 cm’den kısa olanlarda 10 kg.’dan fazla fark olmayacak.
not less than 1.70 .h) Yapılacak sınavlarda basarılı olmak.(
have to pass exams)i) Karakterine yansıyan herhangi bir suçtan hapis cezasına çarptırılmamıs
olmak,veya affa uğramıs olsalar dahi rüsvet, hırsızlık, dolandırıcılık,
sahtekarlık, irtikap hileli iflas ırza geçme ve benzeri yüz kızartıcı
suçlardan dolayı hüküm giymemis olmak.
j) Bir disiplin suçundan dolayı daha önce kamu görevinden
uzaklastırılmamıs olmak.
he/she shouldn't have any court case from stealing , blackmaling , crooking , smuggle , etc...etc...http://www.khk.kamunet.net/docs/polis_munhal_1.pdf
Halil wrote: (Should be citizen of TRNC) and should be Turk .
Well, what a "country" the north must be, which it can only be described as Racist, just as some of the TC forumers on this forum. Expatkiwi is so ashamed, I'm sure, to even have left out
"and should be Turk" from his reply on page 2 to the above same Halil's post, for anyone in order to become a police officer in the north. So, if other "citizens" of the north are not a Turk, they cannot be a police officer and it is this Ottoman mentality that they want to bring into any BBF settlement, as the case was with the doomed 2004 Annan Plan, where all state jobs in the north would have required one to speak Turkish as well as give allegiance to Ataturk and not be allowed to vote, buy property, and only able to sell property to a Turk if the seller was not a Turk. The "trnc" has no desire to live with Human Rights afforded to it's own "citizens" it seems in what Halil wrote above, therefore all safeguards must be taken to make sure all citizens of Cyprus under BBF will have equal rights as anyone else and not afford more rights to anyone more than others, just because they are numerical minorities. These Racist ideology disgusts me to point of wanting to throw up.!
Halil wrote:he/she shouldn't have any court case from stealing , blackmaling , crooking , smuggle , etc...etc...
Considering the fact that the whole "trnc" is based on in violation of all of the above wrong doings and also actively participating in the above wrong doings ever since it's establishment, how can the north deny anyone a job to be a police officer, as long as one is a TURK, of course.!
The whole thing is a utter joke which must be shame staining all decent TCs in the north and abroad, because of the "Animal Farm" mentality run by the Racist Fascists of such an institution.
@ Expatkiwi,
Why did you leave out the words
"and should be Turk" on page 2 in your response to Halil.??