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Turkish Cypriot Unions protest Turkey's Policies

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Turkish Cypriot Unions protest Turkey's Policies

Postby grokked » Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:41 am

28 Ekim Eylemi KTÖS

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Turkish Cypriot Unions protest Turkey's policies 2of3

Turkish Cypriot Unions protest Turkey's policies 3of3
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Postby bill cobbett » Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:59 am

Er .... When?
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Postby grokked » Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:09 am

Broadcast by Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation's Biz Emeis on Monday 16th November, but we were all busy reading your excellent reports Bill (and Jerry) from the Apostolides v Orams case in London, and then we were all busy with the European Court of Human Rights hearing on Cyprus vs. Turkey from Strasbourg - so the items above got rather obscured (and most people probably missed them anyway).

So, I thought this would make good Sunday morning viewing for many of our regulars.

Perhaps it might be an excellent idea for Talat to seek asylum in London as suggested in another thread :)
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Postby bill cobbett » Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:10 am

D/p , thanks grokked.
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Postby grokked » Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:49 pm

Those who chose not to comment within this thread, or maybe did not see this thread, have chosen to post photos in another thread about the latest actions today Monday by the unions in 'northern' Cyprus about the effect of the Turkish Government's policies in Cyprus. ... 3e2f54d254
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English translation - KTÖS leaders Sener Elcil - Burak Mavis

Postby grokked » Thu Nov 26, 2009 5:44 am

(photo from 23rd November 2009 demonstration)

Turkish Cypriot Unions protest Turkey's policies 1of3

(Turkish Cypriot Announcer): Good evening dear viewers. We are with you again for the first programme of the week with purely Cypriot
matters. Our programme is proud that from this first programme we are closely following current events. So tonight we will deal with yet
another current matter, and in order to be better informed about the problems which are being faced by trade unionists, we have with us in the studio the Secretary General of KTÖS, Mr. Sener Elcil and the Executive President of the Union, Mr. Burak Mavis.


(Turkish Cypriot Interviewer): Good evening ladies and gentlemen - during recent days we have seen the intensification of union struggles
in the Turkish Cypriot community. There are strikes and demonstrations, and as always in all the protests KTÖS is to be found in the front line. We have with us in the studio the 'General
Secretary' of KTÖS, Mr Sener Ercil and the 'Organising Secretary' of the union, Mr Burak Mavis, who will update us on the aims of the
unions and provide us with a first assessment on the demonstrations which are taking place (in the 'north') ... welcome.

(Greek Cypriot Interviewer): Welcome.

(Turkish Cypriot Interviewer): What are the aims of the unions and why have they mobilised and become involved in such intensive action? Are the reasons economic ones, political ones, or are there other reasons?

(Sener Elcil): The reasons for the mobilisation are not economic ones. These are political decisions which are related to economic matters. As you know, there have been systematic policies which are intended to
achieve integration of the north part of the island with Turkey, as well as policies which are aimed at the assimilation of the Turkish

Within the context of this policy, firstly the names of Turkish Cypriot villages have been changed, forcing Turkish Cypriots to take
on new names.

Furthermore, all economic activities are directed by Turkey. A vassal administration has been created in the north of the island ... and
because they had no faith in the Turkish Cypriots they have transferred a numerically greater number of people (from Turkey)
making them 'citizens' and have thus undermined the political will of the Turkish Cypriots. Now there are efforts underway to make the economy in the north of the island similar to that of Turkey.

Within the context of these efforts a law has been prepared. This law had been prepared during the period when the CTP (Republican People's Party) had been in power. Having realised they couldn't impose this 'law' on the CTP they went ahead with 'early elections'. With the advent to power of the UBP (Party of National Unity), which, obeying Turkey's instructions, is trying to enforce this 'law'.

Now, regarding the provisions of this 'law'- all new employees in public service will start at half the salary. Though a new employee would have started on 1000 euros a month, this will now be reduced to about 500 euros. I am talking about the gross salary. Moreover, the salaries of existing employees will be reduced by one third.

In parallel with this however, the salaries of those holding political office will be increased.

We therefore feel that this law is not based on economics but on politics. In this way a political elite is created which will implement Turkey's directives. All those will get good salaries and
will implement Turkey's policies while the rest, and in particular the Turkish Cypriots who will not be able to make ends meet with a low
salary, will be forced to emigrate from the island.

Consequently this is all about a law intended to create emigration of the Turkish Cypriots from the island.

For those who govern us, the significance is only the size of the population, because with the policy of "A Turk leaves, a Turk arrives" (a Turkish Cypriot leaves, a Turkish settler arrives) the Turkish Cypriots are of no importance to
them. This is a plan which is intended to destroy, to decimate, our community.

The rights of the unions are also abolished in collective bargaining. This is another way to close the unions because it is the unions which
resist such anti-democratic practices.

This 'law' consequently has political aims and that is the reason why we are reacting with demonstrations and other actions.

(Question from Turkish Cypriot interviewer): Mr Mavis, the other day there was a big demonstration. Certain media downplayed this
demonstration, saying for example that participation was minimal. How do you evaluate participation in the demonstration?

(Burak Mavis): It is natural for such events to be misrepresented in the media which are under the influence of the dominant side. Such
information appeared in newspapers such as Kibris, Vatan and Volkan - newspapers which are dependent, and are being directed. The other newspapers did not convey such (misrepresented) news. On the contrary,
they published articles and commentaries which showed the success and effectiveness of this demonstration.

At this point I would like to thank the Turkish Cypriot media which support such demonstrations by the unions.

Participation in the demonstration, particularly among the Turkish Cypriot teachers approached 99%.

Some of our members did not take part in the strike for political reasons. Our position towards them will be determined by the provisions of our charter.

Our strike was crowned with success due to the participation also of the other unions. We had a large march. Students of the Educational
Academy, the Turkish Cypriot equivalent of the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute also participated in the march. There was a large and enthusiastic procession.

Despite the fact that our 'Constitution' guarantees the right to strike and to demonstrate, the 'police' blocked us.

(Question from Turkish Cypriot interviewer): they obstructed you?

(Burak Mavis): ... they set up roadblocks.

We continued with our march, we bypassed the roadblocks and marched towards the point where we were due to have our demonstration, in front of the 'Parliament' and we protested where we were supposed to. This disturbed certain circles. Such a confrontation, and our getting past the roadblocks disturbed the authorities and their supporters, and those who wish the assimilation of the Turkish Cypriots.

Our strike was successful.

I do not know how far such news will reach, however as long as Turkish Cypriot society remains determinedly (at our side) it will provide the appropriate answer to such news-reports.

(Question from Turkish Cypriot interviewer): Were charges brought against some of those who took part in the strike?

(Burak Mavis): Yes, and I am one of those.

19 participants in the demonstration have had charges brought against them for disrupting the task of 'the police' and for attacks against

This is all about particular people who are in the front line.

Leading persons in the union, among which are included the Executive President of KTÖS, Guven Baroglu, were instructed to report to 'the police' headquarters where charges were brought against them.

As a result of these summonses, all 19 of us went to the headquarters with our banners. Once there we declared that we did not commit the offences with which we have been charged.

This is all about a fascist tactic, the same as was practised in Nazi Germany and in underdeveloped countries - something which we felt to have been the case in Cyprus from 1955 until 1974. Using the right to democratic action we provided, and will continue to provide, our
response to such practices.

Such coercion can not intimidate the Turkish Cypriot teachers, the Turkish Cypriot working classes, or Turkish Cypriots generally.

(end section 1)

(photo from 23rd November 2009 demonstration)

(start section 2)

Turkish Cypriot Unions protest Turkey's policies 2of3

(Question from Greek Cypriot interviewer): In your response earlier, you mentioned that underlying all these problems is the arrival of
masses of settlers. I have had cause to ask you in the past, and I don't know if at this particular time there are specific numbers - how
many settlers are there currently? Are such figures available?

(Sener Elcil): It is very difficult for anyone to know what the population is in the north of the island. Different sources provide varying figures as regards the population there. It is said that it is about one million - in his statements Talat has referred to 500,000 - officially it is put at 264,000 - I believe however that this is a
misleading number.

When ones goes out in the streets one sees the difference.

According to one study which we carried out in schools two years ago - of the students in our schools, 37% are children of citizens of the
Republic of Turkey, 19% are children of settlers who came to the island after 1974 and who have been registered as citizens, 9% are
children of settlers who are married to Turkish Cypriots, 1% are children from third countries. Children whose parents are indigenous
Turkish Cypriots make up 34% of our students.

This shows that only one third of our population in the north are Turkish Cypriots.

Approaching your question from this perspective, and if we do accept that Turkish Cypriots in the north are 130,000 we must therefore be talking about a population three times that.

Consequently it is not possible to talk about a specific number ... but when we present these factors, as scientifically proven - we evoke
a terse response - this is a matter which disturbs those who seek assimilation of the Turkish Cypriots.

Whoever does talk, or refer to such matters, does so at risk to their life.

As a result, the population of the north is unknown.

At a time when there are negotiations between our leaders, and if as a result of these we do proceed to a referendum, we as a union of
Turkish Cypriot teachers demand, as we have incidentally also done in the past - that there should be a census of the population
overseen by foreign observers.

I wish to stress that if there are to be those who will decide on a solution and the future of our island, these should be the Cypriots.

(Question from Turkish Cypriot interviewer): As unions you will of course naturally continue your industrial action. Can you talk to us a little more about your plan of action?

(Sener Elcil): The north is entirely under Turkey's control and that of the government of the day.

We say this.

One of the reasons why on the day of the demonstration the 'police' attacked our comrades was because of a banner they were holding. This banner said that the Republic of Turkey is treating Cyprus as its province. We showed this banner in front of the Turkish Embassy. This disturbed them a lot.

Therefore the message we want to send out through our actions in the north is directed against Turkey. Because the ones who impose the policy of assimilation and integration is none other than the Republic of Turkey. On the one hand it tells the whole world that it desires a
solution on the island yet on the other it tries to assimilate and integrate the north of the island.

Therefore, all our actions, and all our demonstrations, are aimed at the officials of the Republic of Turkey. Behind all the attacks against us, the 'police interrogations', the attacks and the threats against us - is the government of the Republic of Turkey.

At this point I would like to give out the message that we will continue our actions, the strikes and our demonstrations. We will wage
our political struggle so that this 'legislation' will not be adopted, and if it is adopted we will continue until it is repealed.

(Question from Turkish Cypriot interviewer): According to some polls, people consider teachers to be in the category of those who are
better-off and they do not understand why they should be on strike. How would you reply to that?

(Sener Elcil): The best organised and most militant union is the Teachers Union. That is how it has always been in the past, before the union was even created. In intra-communal clashes the teachers have always been at the forefront.

(Question from Greek Cypriot interviewer): To continue on from the question set by my colleague, and given what you have told us, other than your members who are participating en mass in these demonstrations - are there also simple Turkish Cypriots who are with
you? Do they take part in your actions?

(Sener Elcil): We are not struggling alone. We have at our side the workers unions - the workers in the electricity and telephone unions as a common platform, there are those who work for the 'state' and workers in the municipalities, doctors, nurses -- all the prestige sections of society ... if you are asking why the teachers are doing this, the answer is that the teachers are not struggling for money ... the union of Turkish Cypriot Teachers is struggling for civil rights.

We are not involved in this struggle in order to improve our salaries or even our standard of living. We can achieve that if we do want to
do that. We are affected however when the parents of the children we teach are working in bad conditions and are not adequately rewarded. The teachers are a part of society and as such we struggle for the welfare of the society, it defends its democratic rights and the
creation of a social order where there is respect for human rights.

(end section 2)

(photo from 23rd November 2009 demonstration)

(start section 3)

Turkish Cypriot Unions protest Turkey's policies 3of3

(Question from Greek Cypriot interviewer): We have only a few minutes left - we would also like to know your future plans. Given these
actions which are already under way - what will be your next steps? What will be your next actions? Are there appeals?

(Burak Mavis): The struggle of the Turkish Cypriot Teachers which started in 1968, with the understanding that the problems of
teachers are related to civil rights, will continue into the future. Even though there are economic reasons, our struggle is mainly a political one. The efforts which began in 1955 and in 1974 led to the de-facto division of the island and the separation of the two communities, will continue into the future.

Turkey will continue to implement its policy of political assimilation of the Turkish Cypriots. Our union and the Turkish Cypriot community
will continue its struggle against efforts to assimilate its identity, its culture, its religious consciousness, its language (dialect) and
the social life of the Turkish Cypriots.

We will resist Turkey's efforts to implement the policy which it implemented in Hatagi when it annexed it to Turkey in 1939. We understood a long time ago that we will not achieve our goal through 'elections' to 'parliament' and the kind of discussions which have occurred from 1974 to this day.

In the north of the country there is a policy of "get up get up - sit down sit down" ... there are those who give the orders and those who
implement them. The elections are simply intended to choose those who will implement the orders.

We know that the essential problem is that Ankara is behind all the interventions which occur in the Turkish Cypriot community. In setting our direction and our actions we strive through strikes and demonstrations to increasingly realise our society, to bring it with
our part so we can continue our struggle by projecting a more radical and dynamic position.

(Question from Greek Cypriot interviewer): In closing, during the last few seconds, will these actions continue, and to what extent are you determined to implement even more dynamic measures? Very quickly ...

(Sener Elcil): We are determined.

I do want to clearly lay down an important distinction.

As a Turkish Cypriot, when I cross into the south, I am treated as a Turk. When I cross into the north I am regarded as a Cypriot. I am
first and foremost a Turkish Cypriot. This must be understood. I want to remind everyone in Cyprus that they must respect the struggle which the Turkish Cypriots are involved with in the north. We have been waging this struggle for many years now, for the survival of our
community, to not be assimilated and we will continue this struggle to the end.

(Turkish Cypriot interviewer): We thank you, and I wish you good luck with your struggle.

(Greek Cypriot interviewer): We thank you very much, and we hope that your struggle will be productive.

(photo from 23rd November 2009 demonstration)
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Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:29 am

wow, thanks grokked.
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