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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Postby Bananiot » Sat Nov 21, 2009 11:22 am

They lived together, they died together, brutaly murdered by the bigots that have set their sights at destroying Cyprus.


Today, the same bigots, in both communities, are preparing to deal another blow to the heart of this tragic island, because they sense that the two communities are about to reach an historic agreement that will destrroy their plans for "clean" solution.

This time round, things will be much more different than 2004, I assure the bigots. The omens, at this instance, are against them and finally, the spirits of Kavazoglu and Mishiaoulis can rest in peace, as a new era will down for our united island.

P.S. For those that conviniently doubt the roles of Yiorgadjis and Denktash during the dark times of 1960's, here is a small exerpt from Ihsan Ali's memoirs.

« Ο Γιωρκάτζης που κατά κακή τύχη του κυπριακού λαού βρισκόταν στην κυβέρνηση ως Υπουργός Εξωτερικών και ο Ντενκτάς, ως ηγέτης της τουρκοκυπριακής κοινότητας, έκαναν ότι μπορούσαν για να δημιουργήσουν μια χαώδη κατάσταση.
Στο σημείο αυτό θέλω ν΄αναφέρω ένα γεγονός που όχι μόνο θα επιβεβαιώσει τα πιο πάνω, αλλά και θα προκαλέσει έκπληξη.
Σ’ εκείνες τις τραγικές μέρες που οι οπαδοί του Γιωρκάτζη δολοφονούσαν αθώους Τούρκους και οι οπαδοί του Ντενκτάς δολοφονούσαν αθώους Έλληνες, ένας Τούρκος, που δεν είναι ορθό ν’ αναφέρω το όνομα του, βρισκόταν τυχαία στο γραφείο του Ντενκτάς. Σε μια στιγμή χτύπησε το τηλέφωνο και το σήκωσε ο Ντενκτάς. Στην άλλη άκρη του σύρματος ήταν ο Γιωρκάτζης με τον οποίο άρχισε να γελά και ν’ αστειεύεται σαν να μη συνέβαινε τίποτε. Την ίδια στιγμή οι οπαδοί τους αλληλοτρώγονταν. Να λοιπόν ποιοι άνθρωποι διεύθυναν τις δυο κοινότητες».

Δρος Ιχσάν Αλή
Τα απομνημονεύνατα μου σελ. 35

Rough translation:

Yiorgadjis, who unfortunately was a minister in the governement and Denktash, who unfortunately was the leader of the TC community, did everything in their power to create havoc. I will like to reveal something that substantiates the above and also may surprise.

During those tragic days, when Yiorgadjis's men murdered innocent TC's and Denktash's men murdered innocent GC's, a Turk, whose name I will not disclose, was in the office of Denktash when his phone rung. Denkyash lifted the phone and Yiorgadzis was at the other end. He started to laugh and joke with him, as though nothing was happening, when their supporters were killing each other. These were the people that rulede our two communities.

Dr I. Ali
My memoirs, page 35
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Postby Jerry » Sat Nov 21, 2009 11:50 am

Bananiot wrote:They lived together, they died together, brutaly murdered by the bigots that have set their sights at destroying Cyprus.


Today, the same bigots, in both communities, are preparing to deal another blow to the heart of this tragic island, because they sense that the two communities are about to reach an historic agreement that will destrroy their plans for "clean" solution.

This time round, things will be much more different than 2004, I assure the bigots. The omens, at this instance, are against them and finally, the spirits of Kavazoglu and Mishiaoulis can rest in peace, as a new era will down for our united island.

P.S. For those that conviniently doubt the roles of Yiorgadjis and Denktash during the dark times of 1960's, here is a small exerpt from Ihsan Ali's memoirs.

« Ο Γιωρκάτζης που κατά κακή τύχη του κυπριακού λαού βρισκόταν στην κυβέρνηση ως Υπουργός Εξωτερικών και ο Ντενκτάς, ως ηγέτης της τουρκοκυπριακής κοινότητας, έκαναν ότι μπορούσαν για να δημιουργήσουν μια χαώδη κατάσταση.
Στο σημείο αυτό θέλω ν΄αναφέρω ένα γεγονός που όχι μόνο θα επιβεβαιώσει τα πιο πάνω, αλλά και θα προκαλέσει έκπληξη.
Σ’ εκείνες τις τραγικές μέρες που οι οπαδοί του Γιωρκάτζη δολοφονούσαν αθώους Τούρκους και οι οπαδοί του Ντενκτάς δολοφονούσαν αθώους Έλληνες, ένας Τούρκος, που δεν είναι ορθό ν’ αναφέρω το όνομα του, βρισκόταν τυχαία στο γραφείο του Ντενκτάς. Σε μια στιγμή χτύπησε το τηλέφωνο και το σήκωσε ο Ντενκτάς. Στην άλλη άκρη του σύρματος ήταν ο Γιωρκάτζης με τον οποίο άρχισε να γελά και ν’ αστειεύεται σαν να μη συνέβαινε τίποτε. Την ίδια στιγμή οι οπαδοί τους αλληλοτρώγονταν. Να λοιπόν ποιοι άνθρωποι διεύθυναν τις δυο κοινότητες».

Δρος Ιχσάν Αλή
Τα απομνημονεύνατα μου σελ. 35

Rough translation:

Yiorgadjis, who unfortunately was a minister in the governement and Denktash, who unfortunately was the leader of the TC community, did everything in their power to create havoc. I will like to reveal something that substantiates the above and also may surprise.

During those tragic days, when Yiorgadjis's men murdered innocent TC's and Denktash's men murdered innocent GC's, a Turk, whose name I will not disclose, was in the office of Denktash when his phone rung. Denkyash lifted the phone and Yiorgadzis was at the other end. He started to laugh and joke with him, as though nothing was happening, when their supporters were killing each other. These were the people that rulede our two communities.

Dr I. Ali
My memoirs, page 35

Congratulations Bananiot, a balanced post from you at last. Will Denky meet the same fate as his chum Yiorgadjis I wonder.
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Postby insan » Sat Nov 21, 2009 11:57 am

It was not only those 2. Almost all political groups(especially executives) contributed this havoc... The saddest is AKEL's official Enosis support...

Hope Tim translates the below linked article into English.
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Postby insan » Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:12 pm

Many sad events of our common history have shown us that even the so-called leftists of GCs don't worth building a close realtionship, struggling for common interests.

Even Bananiot, who has some close relationships with some TCs to a degree; does not hesitate to define TC community as a minority at every occassion...

There r some other contradictions in Bananiot's world that strongly reminds me the contradictions existed in AKEL's world. The contradictions that led assassination of several leftist TCs in late 50s and first half of 60s.
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Postby YFred » Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:33 pm

insan wrote:Many sad events of our common history have shown us that even the so-called leftists of GCs don't worth building a close realtionship, struggling for common interests.

Even Bananiot, who has some close relationships with some TCs to a degree; does not hesitate to define TC community as a minority at every occassion...

There r some other contradictions in Bananiot's world that strongly reminds me the contradictions existed in AKEL's world. The contradictions that led assassination of several leftist TCs in late 50s and first half of 60s.

Insan, that comment is rather inaccurate. The two TC lawyers and Kavazoglu was killed by TMT. Mishauli was an exception becasue he was in the car with Kavazoglu. The general rule here applies. Your enemy's enemy is your friend. The leftists on both sides were killed by their own. It's the innocent cypriots that were killed by the other side. Leader would give the order to kill somebody. They would go out to the filds and find somebody and hill them. That is the sadest aspect of the people who disapeared in the early 60s. They are totally innocent, because eoka and TMT did not need to do any work and they all knew it.
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Postby Bananiot » Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:48 pm

Jerry, I have been saying the same things all along. I have always pointed out the wrongdoings of bigots in both communities.

Insan, I was the first poster in this forum who wrote about political equality of the two communities and collected the scorn of the nationalists in my community. Your comment is not fair, I think. Arithmetically, the TC's are minority but politically we are equal. I have said this many times.

I ma not sure of what you mean by your last paragraph. However, I have in the past and repeat today that AKEL was wrong to support enosis, especially after 1960. It was a terrible mistake that led to many TC members of AKEL and PEO break bonds with this party. Kavazoglu tried hard to speak to the leadership of AKEL, but to no avail. In fact, AKEL did not protect Kavazoglu from TMT and his murder may have removed an embarassing voice for AKEL.

For this reason, Kavazoglu is not credited to AKEL. He is a hero for all Cyprus!
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Postby insan » Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:48 pm

YFred wrote:
insan wrote:Many sad events of our common history have shown us that even the so-called leftists of GCs don't worth building a close realtionship, struggling for common interests.

Even Bananiot, who has some close relationships with some TCs to a degree; does not hesitate to define TC community as a minority at every occassion...

There r some other contradictions in Bananiot's world that strongly reminds me the contradictions existed in AKEL's world. The contradictions that led assassination of several leftist TCs in late 50s and first half of 60s.

Insan, that comment is rather inaccurate. The two TC lawyers and Kavazoglu was killed by TMT. Mishauli was an exception becasue he was in the car with Kavazoglu. The general rule here applies. Your enemy's enemy is your friend. The leftists on both sides were killed by their own. It's the innocent cypriots that were killed by the other side. Leader would give the order to kill somebody. They would go out to the filds and find somebody and hill them. That is the sadest aspect of the people who disapeared in the early 60s. They are totally innocent, because eoka and TMT did not need to do any work and they all knew it.

My comment is not related with friendship of Kavazoğlu and Mişauli...
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Postby insan » Sat Nov 21, 2009 1:42 pm

Bananiot wrote:Jerry, I have been saying the same things all along. I have always pointed out the wrongdoings of bigots in both communities.

Insan, I was the first poster in this forum who wrote about political equality of the two communities and collected the scorn of the nationalists in my community. Your comment is not fair, I think. Arithmetically, the TC's are minority but politically we are equal. I have said this many times.

I ma not sure of what you mean by your last paragraph. However, I have in the past and repeat today that AKEL was wrong to support enosis, especially after 1960. It was a terrible mistake that led to many TC members of AKEL and PEO break bonds with this party. Kavazoglu tried hard to speak to the leadership of AKEL, but to no avail. In fact, AKEL did not protect Kavazoglu from TMT and his murder may have removed an embarassing voice for AKEL.

For this reason, Kavazoglu is not credited to AKEL. He is a hero for all Cyprus!

I appreciate ur balanced views a lot Bananiot and I many times reiterated how peaceful and rational u think abt the solution of Cyprus problem but there r some several instances that u slightly change ur position regarding what u defend... There r some instances u talk abt TCs as TC community and in some other instances u refer TCs as Turkish Cypriot minority...

Maybe it's because the psychological pressure u have felt from those bigots?
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Postby Bananiot » Sat Nov 21, 2009 1:55 pm

Insan, I assure you I am steadfast in my views. Also I assure you that I feel no psychological pressure from the bigots. I have fought against then and their "principles" throughout my life and I will not badge an inch, you can be sure of this.
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Postby Oracle » Sat Nov 21, 2009 2:41 pm

God help us from the bigots who self-righteously do not "badge an inch" because, so determined are they that, only they could be right!
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