YFred wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:I think the mosque is the two-story building whose walls have been painted a peach colour. This is clearly a separate and much newer construction.
Trust Oracle to get the wrong end of the stick and jump the gun in one post.

Unfortunately Oracle was not far off the mark Yfred.
I saw a program on TV (UK) which showed the gradual eradication of Armenian culture in the lake Van district.
The areas around the lake was once inhabited by Armenians and was littered with churches and monasteries. By a series of photographs you couls see how these religious buildings were slowly but surely eradicated. While watching the destruction of these buildings someone walked into the TV room and noticed it. I changed chanels immediately. We had just come from our last Turkish holiday. It was embarrassing to say the least.
These were carved stone buildings, so we cannot blame weathering. Just like the stone mosque in our village. It wasnt the weather but human hands. I am sure with your skill at search you might find clips on You Tube.