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Postby Kikapu » Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:42 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:Don't go around insulting GR reh Gabira. The Yetis have moved down south. Last time I walked near my lands that GCs have stolen from me in Lurucina, I saw some tracks of 2 foot long foot prints coming from Larnaka side. I hope they haven't crossed the green line for our sake.

So YFred, what happened to your explanation that the TCs and the GCs from your village had "swapped" each others land in 1974 on an "gentleman’s agreement" and not stolen by the GCs as you claim above. You have changed your position on this issue more than a $20 whore in the last few months. Can you stick with one story (lie) and not keep changing it as it suits you.! :roll: :roll: :roll:

YFred wrote:I said the village had an agreement with the GC and swapped land. I also said the large proportion of the land given belonged to my father ... c&start=40

YFred wrote:Even a simple man like you should understand that I did not agree with it. I have the deeds, they have the land, hence it is stolen. Since when did anybody have any right to give anybody elses land away. Or do I have to be GC to be able to make such a claim. The local agreement was a verbal between the two villages and not worth the paper its written on.
Get it?
In any case what makes you think that that is the only land that GCs have stolen from me. My Bodamya lands they have stolen was not part of that little agreement anyhow. The Piroyi lands they mined so we couldn't use till recently was also not part of that little agreement.

You claimed that your family owns "ONLY" 100 Dönüms in the south, but if we are to believe everything you write, it appears half of the south belongs to the YFred clan.! :lol:

YFred wrote:You are as daft as your posts.

Says the master of a "£20 Dollar whore" who changes his position at every opportunity.! :lol: :lol:

YFred wrote:Welcome back, any time you would like to test it with our little challenge you just let me know when.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What challenge are you talking about. Surely not the one that I called your bluff on your lousy "Pair of Deuces" and handed your head on a platter for you that even VP was crying with his disappointment of seeing another one of his backed "horses" fall and break a leg on the last hurdle before the home stretch victory just like Liar Soyer tried where I had to come and put you guys out of your miseries. Is that the challenge you are talking about.??

The bigger challenge which I put to you of course has yet to be answered by you, which was, YFred, that if you and your family do not hold onto any GC land in the north, other than the one your sister lives in, then swear on your parents graves that you and your family does not and if you should lie, that may they rot in hell. Now YFred, you answer that challenge and don't waste any time with anything else to try and get one over Kikapu, because I'm always 5 steps ahead of you in every way. You answer my above challenge so that I can apologise to you as you have demanded and I have offered. Anything is offered by you only adds to your guilt, plain and simple.!

YFred wrote:You are allowed to bring your good friend Bitch25 along too, with the same deal, take him to the cleaners too. He could do with a wash.

You are not even able to wash off any skid marks off your underwear, let alone taking me or anyone else to the cleaners.! :lol:

Thanks for the welcome back, YFred. Lets hope you will not live to regret it.! :wink:

YFred wrote:100 donums my arse. Stop making things up. Where did I claim that my family owns just 100 donums in the south.

That's how I remember you making a statement in the past, YFred. I could try and find it if you like, but before I do that, give us your new Dönüm numbers your family owns in the south so that we can compare them with your original statement of 100 Dönüms.!

YFred wrote:The challenge has just opened again.

Ah, so you do admit that your bluff was called on your ill conceived, so called "challenge" to excavate yourself from my accusations of you/ your family holding onto GC land in the north and had to make a run for it and now want to come back again to drag the whole thing all over again in the hopes that you can do better this time around. In the first round you actually did the reverse and dug yourself further into a bigger hole by my counter challenge for you to swear on your parents grave which you have not been able to do, because you cannot due to the fact my accusations are 100% spot on. But since I'm a fair person, I'm always willing to take back my accusations and apologise once you meet my terms. So far you have refused. This really says it all, does it not, YFred.?
YFred wrote:Find the solicitors and we can talk and put you on the straight and narrow as it were. It seems unless you pay you aint going to learn.

The case is CLOSED , YFred. Your bluff was called and you had folded and you were told by Insan to let it go because he sees you in the deeper hole even if you can't. Besides, I also told Denis that it was over and the case was CLOSED, so I don't know why you keep bringing it up at every chance you get. Accept your defeat and move on. You don't see me bringing it up, do you.? Stop being a gambler and wanting to "double-down" on your loses. As the song " The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers says, "Know when to hold em and know when to fold em". Your bluff has been called so just fold em and move on.! :idea: :idea:

YFred wrote:Just think how many GCs you will be helping by outing me.

If you get outed any further, you will be arrested for indecent exposure and for ruining peoples appetite for food.! :lol:
YFred wrote:Go on do it. It will be a very valuable lesson, worth its weight in gold.

You want to go and play with yourself, be my guess, but I'm not interested in your "virtual challenges" of impossibility. I have more important things to do than waste my time with you on this subject. You have given me and everyone all the proof needed to back my accusations. The case is CLOSED.!
YFred wrote:The only swearing I will do is under oath in front of the judge.

All criminals and morally corrupted people lie in the court to the judge, so what's your point.? I have set a much higher standard for you, between you and your conscience and asked you to swear on your parents grave, and you failed to do so. That's all I needed to know to tell me what you are made off.
YFred wrote:So should you. Can you do that?

The case is CLOSED.!

YFred wrote:You is a yellow fellow.

I see that you still read comic books.! :lol:

Grow up, will you.! :idea:
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Postby YFred » Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:52 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
YFred wrote:Don't go around insulting GR reh Gabira. The Yetis have moved down south. Last time I walked near my lands that GCs have stolen from me in Lurucina, I saw some tracks of 2 foot long foot prints coming from Larnaka side. I hope they haven't crossed the green line for our sake.

So YFred, what happened to your explanation that the TCs and the GCs from your village had "swapped" each others land in 1974 on an "gentleman’s agreement" and not stolen by the GCs as you claim above. You have changed your position on this issue more than a $20 whore in the last few months. Can you stick with one story (lie) and not keep changing it as it suits you.! :roll: :roll: :roll:

YFred wrote:I said the village had an agreement with the GC and swapped land. I also said the large proportion of the land given belonged to my father ... c&start=40

YFred wrote:Even a simple man like you should understand that I did not agree with it. I have the deeds, they have the land, hence it is stolen. Since when did anybody have any right to give anybody elses land away. Or do I have to be GC to be able to make such a claim. The local agreement was a verbal between the two villages and not worth the paper its written on.
Get it?
In any case what makes you think that that is the only land that GCs have stolen from me. My Bodamya lands they have stolen was not part of that little agreement anyhow. The Piroyi lands they mined so we couldn't use till recently was also not part of that little agreement.

You claimed that your family owns "ONLY" 100 Dönüms in the south, but if we are to believe everything you write, it appears half of the south belongs to the YFred clan.! :lol:

YFred wrote:You are as daft as your posts.

Says the master of a "£20 Dollar whore" who changes his position at every opportunity.! :lol: :lol:

YFred wrote:Welcome back, any time you would like to test it with our little challenge you just let me know when.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What challenge are you talking about. Surely not the one that I called your bluff on your lousy "Pair of Deuces" and handed your head on a platter for you that even VP was crying with his disappointment of seeing another one of his backed "horses" fall and break a leg on the last hurdle before the home stretch victory just like Liar Soyer tried where I had to come and put you guys out of your miseries. Is that the challenge you are talking about.??

The bigger challenge which I put to you of course has yet to be answered by you, which was, YFred, that if you and your family do not hold onto any GC land in the north, other than the one your sister lives in, then swear on your parents graves that you and your family does not and if you should lie, that may they rot in hell. Now YFred, you answer that challenge and don't waste any time with anything else to try and get one over Kikapu, because I'm always 5 steps ahead of you in every way. You answer my above challenge so that I can apologise to you as you have demanded and I have offered. Anything is offered by you only adds to your guilt, plain and simple.!

YFred wrote:You are allowed to bring your good friend Bitch25 along too, with the same deal, take him to the cleaners too. He could do with a wash.

You are not even able to wash off any skid marks off your underwear, let alone taking me or anyone else to the cleaners.! :lol:

Thanks for the welcome back, YFred. Lets hope you will not live to regret it.! :wink:

YFred wrote:100 donums my arse. Stop making things up. Where did I claim that my family owns just 100 donums in the south.

That's how I remember you making a statement in the past, YFred. I could try and find it if you like, but before I do that, give us your new Dönüm numbers your family owns in the south so that we can compare them with your original statement of 100 Dönüms.!

YFred wrote:The challenge has just opened again.

Ah, so you do admit that your bluff was called on your ill conceived, so called "challenge" to excavate yourself from my accusations of you/ your family holding onto GC land in the north and had to make a run for it and now want to come back again to drag the whole thing all over again in the hopes that you can do better this time around. In the first round you actually did the reverse and dug yourself further into a bigger hole by my counter challenge for you to swear on your parents grave which you have not been able to do, because you cannot due to the fact my accusations are 100% spot on. But since I'm a fair person, I'm always willing to take back my accusations and apologise once you meet my terms. So far you have refused. This really says it all, does it not, YFred.?
YFred wrote:Find the solicitors and we can talk and put you on the straight and narrow as it were. It seems unless you pay you aint going to learn.

The case is CLOSED , YFred. Your bluff was called and you had folded and you were told by Insan to let it go because he sees you in the deeper hole even if you can't. Besides, I also told Denis that it was over and the case was CLOSED, so I don't know why you keep bringing it up at every chance you get. Accept your defeat and move on. You don't see me bringing it up, do you.? Stop being a gambler and wanting to "double-down" on your loses. As the song " The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers says, "Know when to hold em and know when to fold em". Your bluff has been called so just fold em and move on.! :idea: :idea:

YFred wrote:Just think how many GCs you will be helping by outing me.

If you get outed any further, you will be arrested for indecent exposure and for ruining peoples appetite for food.! :lol:
YFred wrote:Go on do it. It will be a very valuable lesson, worth its weight in gold.

You want to go and play with yourself, be my guess, but I'm not interested in your "virtual challenges" of impossibility. I have more important things to do than waste my time with you on this subject. You have given me and everyone all the proof needed to back my accusations. The case is CLOSED.!
YFred wrote:The only swearing I will do is under oath in front of the judge.

All criminals and morally corrupted people lie in the court to the judge, so what's your point.? I have set a much higher standard for you, between you and your conscience and asked you to swear on your parents grave, and you failed to do so. That's all I needed to know to tell me what you are made off.
YFred wrote:So should you. Can you do that?

The case is CLOSED.!

YFred wrote:You is a yellow fellow.

I see that you still read comic books.! :lol:

Grow up, will you.! :idea:

Don't waste your time. The 100 figure I may have mentioned is not donums, its individual pieces of land. How much money do you have in your account old boy?

Your obsession is going to destroy any creditability you may have had. Don't say I did not warn you.
I will do what you are asking but in the court, so you have something to loose by your stupidity. Not only that I will prove to you everything I have said, and you can then try to find if anything I have not said, is true. Can I be more reasonable than that.
If you are right what are you worried about.
........And boy are you wrong.
Case closed my arse. Take the challenge or shut up. Ignorance is bliss.
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