Kikapu wrote: YFred wrote:Don't go around insulting GR reh Gabira. The Yetis have moved down south. Last time I walked near my lands that GCs have stolen from me in Lurucina, I saw some tracks of 2 foot long foot prints coming from Larnaka side. I hope they haven't crossed the green line for our sake.
So YFred, what happened to your explanation that the TCs and the GCs from your village had "swapped" each others land in 1974 on an "gentleman’s agreement" and not stolen by the GCs as you claim above. You have changed your position on this issue more than a $20 whore in the last few months. Can you stick with one story (lie) and not keep changing it as it suits you.!
YFred wrote:Even a simple man like you should understand that I did not agree with it. I have the deeds, they have the land, hence it is stolen. Since when did anybody have any right to give anybody elses land away. Or do I have to be GC to be able to make such a claim. The local agreement was a verbal between the two villages and not worth the paper its written on.
Get it?
In any case what makes you think that that is the only land that GCs have stolen from me. My Bodamya lands they have stolen was not part of that little agreement anyhow. The Piroyi lands they mined so we couldn't use till recently was also not part of that little agreement.
You claimed that your family owns "ONLY" 100 Dönüms in the south, but if we are to believe everything you write, it appears half of the south belongs to the YFred clan.!
YFred wrote:You are as daft as your posts.
Says the master of a "£20 Dollar whore" who changes his position at every opportunity.!

YFred wrote:Welcome back, any time you would like to test it with our little challenge you just let me know when.
What challenge are you talking about. Surely not the one that I called your bluff on your lousy "Pair of Deuces" and handed your head on a platter for you that even VP was crying with his disappointment of seeing another one of his backed "horses" fall and break a leg on the last hurdle before the home stretch victory just like Liar Soyer tried where I had to come and put you guys out of your miseries. Is that the challenge you are talking about.??
The bigger challenge which I put to you of course has yet to be answered by you, which was, YFred, that if you and your family do not hold onto any GC land in the north, other than the one your sister lives in, then swear on your parents graves that you and your family does not and if you should lie, that may they rot in hell. Now YFred, you answer that challenge and don't waste any time with anything else to try and get one over Kikapu, because I'm always 5 steps ahead of you in every way. You answer my above challenge so that I can apologise to you as you have demanded and I have offered. Anything is offered by you only adds to your guilt, plain and simple.!
YFred wrote:You are allowed to bring your good friend Bitch25 along too, with the same deal, take him to the cleaners too. He could do with a wash.
You are not even able to wash off any skid marks off your underwear, let alone taking me or anyone else to the cleaners.!
Thanks for the welcome back, YFred. Lets hope you will not live to regret it.!