YFred wrote:denizaksulu wrote:paliometoxo wrote:denizaksulu wrote:paliometoxo wrote:we are sitting at the green line... its very busy for 7am here on the fence before i get no signle for my phone on a bus full of mainly older people....its going to be ages..
That explains the early start. I wish I was there too. We would have a lot to discuss and talk about.(non-political).
yes we went all the way to the north iw as suprised that there is more then two turk flags in the mountains another one just one alone with two real flags next to them and as u lead up the the mountain it has something written on a banner in turkish.. was very nice to see the sites and did some shopping form the stools outside the apostolos church which is in ruins now.. but its not destroyed its just not maintained anymore i guess but busses full of people coming
and on the way back a truck load of old ladies complaining that the turks ripped them off haha..
yeah that would of been nice to meet up. for such a small par tof a island it did feel like we where there forever driving and getting lost:D
what i always found funny that even so far in the north of cyprus where its all field and nothign else they still dont forget to put two turkey flags on every other building/house so many of them its unbelievable how much you tcs fill the north with turkey flags.
btw i saw this while in the south iw as wondering what it meant...
Many settlers in Rizokarpaso are from Turkey. Perhaps thats why the Turkish flags. Some TCs will also fly it.
The sign written by an illiterate Turk says 'keep off the grass/dont step on the grass' but it was misspelt. Instead of ÇİMENLERE they wrote ÇİMLERE Unless ofcourse its a new word in the Turkish language.
Did you actually see a lawn there?
I can see you also graduated from Oracle school of languages. In 1963 when you were in Cyprus, ÇİMENLERE may have been grass but even Google recognised Çimlere. So do you now understand what I mean when I say that language is alive and ever changing and ever encompassing.![]()
I take it that since you had to 'Google' the word 'Çimler' you did not know it either. Now be honest.