Everything related to politics in Cyprus and the rest of the world.
by Gabira » Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:47 pm
paliometoxo wrote:tourism in that small village? mosque or no mosque it wont help...
am going to apostolos antreas tomorrow it will be the first time i ever go that far into the north... of course we will take our own food and not buy anything over there

Tip : Don't come to that sad looking monstrosity of a building at the tip of Turkish Cypriot Karpaz. You will not enjoy it and will be very disappointed. You will soon see that you are foreign and do not belong there. For your sake, I hope this will be your last and final visit anywhere in the TRNC because we know how much distress it causes you to come North


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by YFred » Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:11 pm
Oracle wrote:I'm not pious but I do respect the tradition of the Greek Orthodox Church which has served to keep our historic records and guide us in resisting the Turkish barbarians over the centuries.
Its endurance is uncontested and for those who can get BBC iplayer, here is yesterday's fantastic documentary on the history of Orthodoxy and the nasty usurpations by the evil Turks ...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0 ... to_Empire/
Perhaps you can explain to us, how the Catholics came from Rome and robbed all the churches in Istanbul long before the dreaded turk in 1204.
Please enlighten with your superior knowledge.

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by Oracle » Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:13 pm
Gabira wrote:paliometoxo wrote:tourism in that small village? mosque or no mosque it wont help...
am going to apostolos antreas tomorrow it will be the first time i ever go that far into the north... of course we will take our own food and not buy anything over there

Tip : Don't come to that sad looking monstrosity of a building at the tip of Turkish Cypriot Karpaz. You will not enjoy it and will be very disappointed. You will soon see that you are foreign and do not belong there. For your sake, I hope this will be your last and final visit anywhere in the TRNC because we know how much distress it causes you to come North

The only sad monstrosities in Cyprus are you and your brothers so why don't you do the environment a big favour and fuck off back to Turkey ... I'll pack sandwiches for you starving Yetis.


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by Gabira » Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:26 pm
Oracle wrote:Gabira wrote:paliometoxo wrote:tourism in that small village? mosque or no mosque it wont help...
am going to apostolos antreas tomorrow it will be the first time i ever go that far into the north... of course we will take our own food and not buy anything over there

Tip : Don't come to that sad looking monstrosity of a building at the tip of Turkish Cypriot Karpaz. You will not enjoy it and will be very disappointed. You will soon see that you are foreign and do not belong there. For your sake, I hope this will be your last and final visit anywhere in the TRNC because we know how much distress it causes you to come North

The only sad monstrosities in Cyprus are you and your brothers so why don't you do the environment a big favour and fuck off back to Turkey ... I'll pack sandwiches for you starving Yetis.

I am not the least bit interested in Turkey other than her handsome brave soldiers. Aren't yetis extinct ?
If the sandwiches are from a greek cafe I will refuse to eat them


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by Oracle » Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:29 pm
Gabira wrote:Oracle wrote:Gabira wrote:paliometoxo wrote:tourism in that small village? mosque or no mosque it wont help...
am going to apostolos antreas tomorrow it will be the first time i ever go that far into the north... of course we will take our own food and not buy anything over there

Tip : Don't come to that sad looking monstrosity of a building at the tip of Turkish Cypriot Karpaz. You will not enjoy it and will be very disappointed. You will soon see that you are foreign and do not belong there. For your sake, I hope this will be your last and final visit anywhere in the TRNC because we know how much distress it causes you to come North

The only sad monstrosities in Cyprus are you and your brothers so why don't you do the environment a big favour and fuck off back to Turkey ... I'll pack sandwiches for you starving Yetis.

I am not the least bit interested in Turkey other than her handsome brave soldiers. Aren't yetis extinct ?

Aren't TCs? ... maybe not if Yetis like
you keep screwing them (handsome brave soldiers) and reproducing!


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by YFred » Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:37 pm
Gabira wrote:Oracle wrote:Gabira wrote:paliometoxo wrote:tourism in that small village? mosque or no mosque it wont help...
am going to apostolos antreas tomorrow it will be the first time i ever go that far into the north... of course we will take our own food and not buy anything over there

Tip : Don't come to that sad looking monstrosity of a building at the tip of Turkish Cypriot Karpaz. You will not enjoy it and will be very disappointed. You will soon see that you are foreign and do not belong there. For your sake, I hope this will be your last and final visit anywhere in the TRNC because we know how much distress it causes you to come North

The only sad monstrosities in Cyprus are you and your brothers so why don't you do the environment a big favour and fuck off back to Turkey ... I'll pack sandwiches for you starving Yetis.

I am not the least bit interested in Turkey other than her handsome brave soldiers. Aren't yetis extinct ?

If the sandwiches are from a greek cafe I will refuse to eat them

Don't go around insulting GR reh Gabira. The Yetis have moved down south. Last time I walked near my lands that GCs have stolen from me in Lurucina, I saw some tracks of 2 foot long foot prints coming from Larnaka side. I hope they haven't crossed the green line for our sake.

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by denizaksulu » Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:39 pm
halil wrote:paliometoxo wrote:halil wrote:paliometoxo wrote:tourism in that small village? mosque or no mosque it wont help...
am going to apostolos antreas tomorrow it will be the first time i ever go that far into the north... of course we will take our own food and not buy anything over there :D
Deniz ,
Young generation of The GC's ......... Think again what the TC's thinks when they hear such a words . Such a words comes out from the young boy and they will live together at united Cyprus .
I wonder, If his TC friends does same thing when they passing to south .
I bet they don't .here is the our differences Palio .
yes but oits one to go into the north and accept a partitioned land by giving them money and another to say buy froma turkish cypriot shop when re united.. if the land was re united i would have no problem going into any turkish cypriot shop and buying anything from food to electronics to whatever took my fancy.. but not like this when we have turkish troops dividing our island by force
Palio , I don't accept your excuse .
Partition is not the fault of the ordinary people of Turks or Greeks .
If our kids behaves the way u are thinking they will never , ever come together .Same things applies for TC's if they thinks the way u are thinking they shouldn't buy anything from GC's shops .They should choose such a way to get your money and not spend .single penny from their wages . But we the TC's (majority of U-us) does not thinking like u Palio .We do trade we our GC's shop holders in Nicosia . These are builds up the trust between 2 sides.
@ Deniz ,
There is alots of restaurants on thw way to Karpasia . (Lots of fish and continantal restaurants)
I don't think peoples of karpasia shares same culture as Afgans .
I advise to Palio to just pop in one of the coffee shops in Rizokarpasia and he will get good chance to obser those people also there is a Greek Cypriot family shop in the village if he doesn't want to give his money to Turkish people at least he can support his own people and he will have chance to obser those people living from one coıffe shop balcony to other.
Halil, you completely missed my joke about the Afgani's. Never mind. Palio knows.

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by Gabira » Sat Nov 21, 2009 1:38 am
Oracle wrote:Gabira wrote:Oracle wrote:Gabira wrote:paliometoxo wrote:tourism in that small village? mosque or no mosque it wont help...
am going to apostolos antreas tomorrow it will be the first time i ever go that far into the north... of course we will take our own food and not buy anything over there

Tip : Don't come to that sad looking monstrosity of a building at the tip of Turkish Cypriot Karpaz. You will not enjoy it and will be very disappointed. You will soon see that you are foreign and do not belong there. For your sake, I hope this will be your last and final visit anywhere in the TRNC because we know how much distress it causes you to come North

The only sad monstrosities in Cyprus are you and your brothers so why don't you do the environment a big favour and fuck off back to Turkey ... I'll pack sandwiches for you starving Yetis.

I am not the least bit interested in Turkey other than her handsome brave soldiers. Aren't yetis extinct ?

Aren't TCs? ... maybe not if Yetis like
you keep screwing them (handsome brave soldiers) and reproducing!

Cyprus was innoculated by the yeti many centuries ago. it's time for you to embrace the yeti too. You may even come to appreciate the Cypriot Yeti and stop being so angry.

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by paliometoxo » Sat Nov 21, 2009 6:50 pm
Gabira wrote:paliometoxo wrote:tourism in that small village? mosque or no mosque it wont help...
am going to apostolos antreas tomorrow it will be the first time i ever go that far into the north... of course we will take our own food and not buy anything over there

Tip : Don't come to that sad looking monstrosity of a building at the tip of Turkish Cypriot Karpaz. You will not enjoy it and will be very disappointed. You will soon see that you are foreign and do not belong there. For your sake, I hope this will be your last and final visit anywhere in the TRNC because we know how much distress it causes you to come North

nice one.. how does it feel living in limassol foreigner turk??? why dont you go back home to the trnc you malakismeno/i

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by paliometoxo » Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:06 pm
YFred wrote:paliometoxo wrote:halil wrote:paliometoxo wrote:tourism in that small village? mosque or no mosque it wont help...
am going to apostolos antreas tomorrow it will be the first time i ever go that far into the north... of course we will take our own food and not buy anything over there :D
Deniz ,
Young generation of The GC's ......... Think again what the TC's thinks when they hear such a words . Such a words comes out from the young boy and they will live together at united Cyprus .
I wonder, If his TC friends does same thing when they passing to south .
I bet they don't .here is the our differences Palio .
yes but oits one to go into the north and accept a partitioned land by giving them money and another to say buy froma turkish cypriot shop when re united.. if the land was re united i would have no problem going into any turkish cypriot shop and buying anything from food to electronics to whatever took my fancy.. but not like this when we have turkish troops dividing our island by force
Look at it another way, if you don't buy from TC shops then more TCs will leave from Cyprus, so you are actually helping towards partition, where as if you buy, you are helping the TCs stay which can't be a bad thing.
spending money in the north is helping the invaded north fake state economy all them stupid gcs who spend thousand smillions in the casinos every year..
once cyprus is re united ill be happy to spend cash in tc places

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