gabaston wrote:what places prospered under the ottomans?
the places that had already been prospered before the ottomans had conquered them. what is the biggest city in turkey and who had originally founded (hint: he wasn't turkish)
gabaston wrote:what places prospered under the ottomans?
Erol wrote: 1)Allowed religious freedom
2)Abolished serfdom
3)Granted conquered cypriots citizenship of the ottoman empire.
MicAtCyp wrote:
1.Yeah as much relegious freedom as you want. Quote from Nivet Keit British consul 1846: A young Greek from Nicosia was accused by the Turks and brought before the judge.He denied the accusations, but the Mouslims brought witnesses.He brought witnesses too but the testimony of Cristians was not allowed. He was offered the choice either to become a mouslim or lose his head.
MicAtCyp wrote:
2.Not exactly.At stages young Cypriots male and female were shipped to Constantinoupolis/Instanbul to be sold as slaves. We even have the incident when a young woman called Maria Singlitiki blewed up the ship by setting fire to it's expolissive powder-keg, to escape from this dishonesty.
MicAtCyp wrote:
Why the Ottoman Era was 100 times worse? Quote from Cobman D., Exerpta Cypria, Cambridge 1908:
MicAtCyp wrote:
In conclusion yes the previous rulers were oppressing too, but they did not kill, they did not rape, they did not do as many attrocities as the Ottomans.
Erol wrote: Where as under the Venitans he would have just lost his head summarily without any trial or any option to not lose his head.
wrote: Any evidence that supports this claim?
wrote: So why do you think Cypria Exerpta is any more an accurate view of how the ottomans treated GC?
wrote: The fact is most historians would agree that the Ottomans as rulers of Cyprus were not as barabric as the Venitians
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