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TCs accept ONE STATE solution ...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby halil » Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:32 pm

Deniz ....... it is the only one thing we can agree is food ..... even there is a hellim and hellumi fights goes .... even on this argument EU patent office having difficulties ... to decide who will have hellim or hellumi . :lol:

arguments and sayings are goes on from both sides .... very clearly Cemil Çiçek said last night ...Turkey doesn't care about EU entry ... They cares only future of the TC's .

have a look what else Talat said last night .

Speaking to the BRT during the reception held at the Dome Hotel , President Mehmet Ali Talat reminded that the last 26 years have passed with great struggles and efforts, adding that most of the difficulties confronted during that period still continued today.
Stating that most of the difficulties faced are due to the non-recognition of the TRNC and the unjust international isolations imposed on it, President Talat said that their main goal with the ongoing negotiations was to transform the TRNC into an equal constituent state under a federal structure.

“Efforts are underway to solve the Cyprus Problem and to transform the TRNC into a politically equal founding state under a federal roof” he said.
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Postby Raymanoff » Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:36 pm

Christofias can go to hell, i am not changing my passport to anything else than ROC... its either TCs are in or out.... bloody hell, what a bunch of morons TCs and Talat are...
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Postby halil » Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:41 pm

Raymanoff wrote:Christofias can go to hell, i am not changing my passport to anything else than ROC... its either TCs are in or out.... bloody hell, what a bunch of morons TCs and Talat are...

mind of your own business . U have no rights to talk about TC's . We can decide what we want not foreigners like u. It is our problem ... between TC's and GC's .
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Postby YFred » Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:42 pm

Raymanoff wrote:Christofias can go to hell, i am not changing my passport to anything else than ROC... its either TCs are in or out.... bloody hell, what a bunch of morons TCs and Talat are...

You are safe there. TCs will object to the russians or ukranians being allowed to stay, so you will pack up your bags and next stop Grozny, old boy.
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Re: TCs accept ONE STATE solution ...

Postby insan » Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:01 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
insan wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
insan wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Oracle wrote:Christofias calls on Turkey for constructive stand on Cyprus


President Demetris Christofias has called on Turkey to adopt a constructive stand towards Cyprus, to help the ongoing peace effort towards a solution, which, as he pointed out, will benefit all parties involved.

Noting that the primary responsibility for a solution rests with the Cypriots, he nevertheless stressed that unless Turkey contributes to the resolution of the international aspect of the question of Cyprus, it would be very difficult to reach a negotiated settlement.

On the question of Cyprus, he said for the first time the Turkish Cypriot community has accepted that the solution will provide for one state, with a single sovereignty, one citizenship and one international personality.

In his address at a special ceremony in Salonica, Greece, he explained that the notion of “solution for the Cypriots by the Cypriots” means that the two communities have the primary responsibility to solve the problem, through negotiations.

“What is unprecedented in the current effort to find a negotiated settlement is the fact that there is no solution plan, nor ideas nor indicators from third parties on the negotiating table. We have on the table the basis which has been agreed with Mr Talat,” he added.

He said that as the Cypriots assume their own responsibilities, Turkey, which maintains occupation troops in the island’s northern part and has changed its demographic character through the massive influx of Turkish settlers, is faced with its own responsibilities as far as Cyprus is concerned.

“We shall never stop pestering Turkey until it decides to solve these problems and cooperate for a solution,” he said, noting that the international aspects of the Cyprus question relate to Ankara.

On the ongoing UN-led peace talks, President Christofias said “the progress achieved so far does not satisfy us, we had anticipated more progress and more convergence, which unfortunately has not happened.”

He said there is convergence on governance and European affairs but previously achieved convergence on the economy has dissipated after the Turkish Cypriot side has reneged.

Fending off criticism about his proposal for a rotating presidency, in an agreed settlement, he said this could act as a unifying factor since it creates mutual responsibility for the island’s two communities on how their country would be governed.

On the issue of Turkish settlers and their future in a solution, Christofias said that it had been agreed in the past that a certain number of Turkish settlers will remain on the island after the solution. The President had previously talked about 50,000 Turkish settlers staying on after a solution.

“The submission on our part of such proposals proves our sincere desire for a solution and strengthens our credibility,” he said, stressing that the Turkish Cypriot side now has to follow suit in response to these proposals by the Greek Cypriot side.

The President recalled also that as far as the talks are concerned, “nothing is agreed until everything is agreed.”

On the issue of property, he said that due to the big gap in the positions of the two sides, it has been agreed to classify the properties concerned to have a full picture of the situation.

“Our good will is not enough to lead us to a solution. We have to have the will and the sincere effort of the other side. We continue to stretch out our hand to them, in anticipation of their constructive response,” the President added.

He pointed out that Turkey, whose role is decisive in finding a negotiated settlement, must also respond accordingly and has to understand that a solution would serve its own interests as well.

“The Cyprus solution can be a win-win situation for all parties involved, as long as they take the necessary decisions and solve the problem on the basis of UN resolutions,” he remarked.

On Turkey’s EU accession course, he had this to say: “Turkey will either meet its EU obligations or it will not continue its European accession course without paying a price,” adding at the same time that Nicosia neither wants nor seeks to punish Ankara.

Turkey, he continued, cannot ignore on one hand its EU commitments and on the other expect to sail through its membership talks.

Ankara, he noted, has made no positive steps towards meetings its EU obligations and in addition to that, it provokes through public statements by its officials and moves against the Republic of Cyprus.

He said that in December the EU will assess Turkey’s compliance with the commitments it has undertaken towards Brussels, noting that Ankara’s European aspirations can and must act as an incentive for Turkey itself and as a pressure lever for the EU to convince Ankara to change its stand on Cyprus.

The President recalled that the Greek Cypriot side has already accepted a “difficult and painful compromise” – the bizonal bicommunal federation – which, as he pointed out, was a “solution of necessity to rid the country of the Turkish occupation and reunite the country.”

Do both leaders concur with the highlighted section, or are they still playing different tunes to each other? One does not know which to believe. :roll:

Why am I reminded of the x-factor twins? :roll:

It is the first time that GC community has accepted(supposedly) that the solution will provide for one state, with a single sovereignty, one citizenship and one international personality. TC community has accepted this principle since the referandum of Annan Plan in 2004.

...are you saying that BBF is part of this deal? How?

The GC demand of one state, with a single sovereignty, one citizenship and one international personality was not the same with what we accepted. Their demand simply foresaw a GC ruled Cyprus in a so-called BBF that all refugees would return with no political equality of 2 communities.

That2s why after 1983 Denktash insisted on a BBF of 2 sovereign states. However it was not accepted by any of the GC leadership, so that during the negotiation process of Annan Plan one state, with a single sovereignty, one citizenship and one international personality was elaborated according to UN parameters in order to provide TCs an acceptable content of it.

Hmmm! The Krebs Cycle makes more sense.

Where is Halils food section?

Hmmm... it would be better u get involved with ahzükabz then... :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:57 pm

A very important declaration was made by Cemil Çiçek over the founding TRNC celebrations, if Turkey is forced to choose between the TRNC and EU entry they would pick the TCs every time....speaks volumes to those who hear and understand.
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Postby Raymanoff » Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:16 pm

YFred and Viewpoint, i am a citizen of ROC... 55% of my life spent here, basicaly i grew up in Cyprus.... both of you morons can go to hell... TCs are a minority, fuck off...plain simple. Take it or leave it.
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Postby YFred » Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:21 pm

Raymanoff wrote:YFred and Viewpoint, i am a citizen of ROC... 55% of my life spent here, basicaly i grew up in Cyprus.... both of you morons can go to hell... TCs are a minority, fuck off...plain simple. Take it or leave it.

Lead the way old chap. Not sure where it is and all that.
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:37 pm

Raymanoff wrote:YFred and Viewpoint, i am a citizen of ROC... 55% of my life spent here, basicaly i grew up in Cyprus.... both of you morons can go to hell... TCs are a minority, fuck off...plain simple. Take it or leave it.

We left that in 1974.
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Postby Raymanoff » Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:39 pm

Partially left, all is needed now is to clear the land...
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