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Terrorism in Cyprus, do you fear it?

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Re: Terrorism in Cyprus, do you fear it?

Postby JustAnAmerican » Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:03 pm

cannedmoose wrote:
Nickp wrote:If you are a USA soldier, the attitude among the British Soldiers in Cyprus is that it's the place to be stationed in the British Army. The place is like a holiday camp!

Problem is that those stationed in Cyprus always seemed to go off to Iraq as their next assignment...

As for US soldiers being in the British bases, only if you're a top intelligence expert, since they're not officially supposed to be in the bases, they wouldn't just let the grunts stroll about.

Actually as of late, UK Army troops are sent here as a reward for service in Iraq.

Interesting to note; the last unit that was sent to guard Sector Two was Artillery guys! They say the UK Army does not have the numbers to provide “grunts” to actually guard the Green Line. The next unit in line to relieve them is an Air Defense Artillery unit!!

Chip, there is an Air Force element here, but they don’t work for the Air Force. There are US Army “liaison” people here, and they have really, really long hair. Cypriot National Guard soldiers are barred from training with US soldiers, yet some of the officers have been to Airborne School in the US (the UK version of P-Company).
Confusing? Wait till someone brings up the Annan plan...
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Postby ZHTO EOKA » Sat Dec 31, 2005 10:59 pm

terrorism in cyprus will happen except it wont be terrorism it will be freedom fighting and under the name of "children of EOKA" bt it will be branded terrorism by the western world!
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Postby Sotos » Sun Jan 01, 2006 4:10 am

ZHTO EOKA grow up ;) This thread is 5 months old btw...
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