Anyway, lets move to that faggoty TC who wants to sleep with GCs!

Get Real! wrote:Insan, 185,000 & 45,000 are the official adjusted UN figures that still stand to date. There's no point wasting any more time on this. I have more credible evidence to verify them but I can't be bothered right now.
Anyway, lets move to that faggoty TC who wants to sleep with GCs!
The 11-year-long ethnic cleansing campaign of the Greek Cypriots,
culminating in the coup d’état of 15 July 1974, had produced around 30,000 Turkish Cypriot refugees, one quarter of the entire Turkish Cypriot population at the time. During this period, Turkish Cypriots were effectively disenfranchised and forced to live in scattered enclaves under socio-economic siege. This is what the assessment of the Secretary-General was about, the plight of the Turkish Cypriot people in that tragic period, as stated in his report to the Security Council dated 10 September 1964 (S/5950, para. 222):
"... The economic restrictions imposed against the Turkish communities in
Cyprus, ... in some instances have been so severe as to amount to a veritable
During the events of 1974 triggered by the coup d’état, 65,000 more Turkish Cypriots were displaced and sought refuge in the safety of the north. It was only then that the Greek Cypriots also became a party to the problem of displacement that had afflicted the Turkish Cypriots for 11 years,
insan wrote:From ur reliable source...The 11-year-long ethnic cleansing campaign of the Greek Cypriots,
culminating in the coup d’état of 15 July 1974, had produced around 30,000 Turkish Cypriot refugees, one quarter of the entire Turkish Cypriot population at the time. During this period, Turkish Cypriots were effectively disenfranchised and forced to live in scattered enclaves under socio-economic siege. This is what the assessment of the Secretary-General was about, the plight of the Turkish Cypriot people in that tragic period, as stated in his report to the Security Council dated 10 September 1964 (S/5950, para. 222):
"... The economic restrictions imposed against the Turkish communities in
Cyprus, ... in some instances have been so severe as to amount to a veritable
During the events of 1974 triggered by the coup d’état, 65,000 more Turkish Cypriots were displaced and sought refuge in the safety of the north. It was only then that the Greek Cypriots also became a party to the problem of displacement that had afflicted the Turkish Cypriots for 11 years, ... penElement
Letter dated 15 November 1996 from the Permanent
Representative of Turkey to the United Nations
addressed to the Secretary-General
Get Real! wrote:insan wrote:From ur reliable source...The 11-year-long ethnic cleansing campaign of the Greek Cypriots,
culminating in the coup d’état of 15 July 1974, had produced around 30,000 Turkish Cypriot refugees, one quarter of the entire Turkish Cypriot population at the time. During this period, Turkish Cypriots were effectively disenfranchised and forced to live in scattered enclaves under socio-economic siege. This is what the assessment of the Secretary-General was about, the plight of the Turkish Cypriot people in that tragic period, as stated in his report to the Security Council dated 10 September 1964 (S/5950, para. 222):
"... The economic restrictions imposed against the Turkish communities in
Cyprus, ... in some instances have been so severe as to amount to a veritable
During the events of 1974 triggered by the coup d’état, 65,000 more Turkish Cypriots were displaced and sought refuge in the safety of the north. It was only then that the Greek Cypriots also became a party to the problem of displacement that had afflicted the Turkish Cypriots for 11 years, ... penElementLetter dated 15 November 1996 from the Permanent
Representative of Turkey to the United Nations
addressed to the Secretary-General
Insan, I eat UN documents for breakfast!
YFred wrote:Get Real! wrote:Insan, 185,000 & 45,000 are the official adjusted UN figures that still stand to date. There's no point wasting any more time on this. I have more credible evidence to verify them but I can't be bothered right now.
Anyway, lets move to that faggoty TC who wants to sleep with GCs!
There is another word. Adjusted, by whom, for what reason and in what direction?
insan wrote:Yeah.. I'm aware but it's u that not aware of ur so-called evidence was submited by ur so-called RoC government and u naively believe...
Get Real! wrote:YFred wrote:Get Real! wrote:Insan, 185,000 & 45,000 are the official adjusted UN figures that still stand to date. There's no point wasting any more time on this. I have more credible evidence to verify them but I can't be bothered right now.
Anyway, lets move to that faggoty TC who wants to sleep with GCs!
There is another word. Adjusted, by whom, for what reason and in what direction?
The GCs were claiming 200,000 odd, but the UN with the assistance of its organizations adjusted it down to 185k.
I've got that document too somewhere...
bill cobbett wrote:insan wrote:bill cobbett wrote:Would like to see a breakdown of the alleged 84 "resolved" cases.
How many ........
The link to the website of TRNC properties board... still some sections r under construction...
From the link Insan gives ....
"As of 4 November 2009, 432 applications have been lodged with the Commission and 81 of them have been concluded through friendly settlements and four through formal hearing. The Commission has paid GBP 37,660,600 to the applicants as compensation. Moreover, it has ruled for exchange and compensation in two cases and for restitution and compensation in four cases. In one case it has delivered a decision for restitution after the settlement of Cyprus Issue, and in one case it has ruled for partial restitution "
So of the 85 or so cases with a result, only 4 have ended with restitution.
insan wrote:bill cobbett wrote:insan wrote:bill cobbett wrote:Would like to see a breakdown of the alleged 84 "resolved" cases.
How many ........
The link to the website of TRNC properties board... still some sections r under construction...
From the link Insan gives ....
"As of 4 November 2009, 432 applications have been lodged with the Commission and 81 of them have been concluded through friendly settlements and four through formal hearing. The Commission has paid GBP 37,660,600 to the applicants as compensation. Moreover, it has ruled for exchange and compensation in two cases and for restitution and compensation in four cases. In one case it has delivered a decision for restitution after the settlement of Cyprus Issue, and in one case it has ruled for partial restitution "
So of the 85 or so cases with a result, only 4 have ended with restitution.
It seems like that's what they wished reh Billy mate... or u heard something else?
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