So much for his participation in talks towards a “Cyprus solution”!
Behind Christofias’ back, the bankrupt Turkish puppet clown is campaigning for “recognition” but he’ll end up getting the largest of the three… as we GCs say!

Behind Chris?

Asking the lifting of isolations which Talat reiterates at every accoasion cannot not be considered as looking for recognition but u will witness TCs really asking recognition in the first half of 2010!
so all that begging the "trnc" has been doing for the last 28 years was just a warmup?

It was meaningless to keep the name Turkish Federated State of Cyprus and hopes for reunification. Can u imagine the frustration of TCs, negotiating for 9 years under isolations and reaching no comprehensive agreement? ... and add this the the fruitless talks process of pre-74...
Though, I personally don't believe that the only responsible of not reaching a comprehensive agreement was/is GC-Greek duo...
Anyway, Denktash, his crew and then the Turkish officials who also frustrated by some other hostile actions of Greeks i.e one of the finger behind Armenian and PKK terror, proclaimed TRNC as a strong message to GCs and Greeks that TCs will never accept minority status in Cyprus...
Afterwards 1983, they argued abt a confederation between 2 states anyway... Why didn't they stop negotiating and ask for recognition of TRNC? Because neither the allies of Turkey nor most of the UN members were in favour of recognition of TRNC for various reasons... if even they recognized the TRNC; TC leadership and then Turkish governments would still seek a reunification on basis of a confederation of 2 sovereign states because of local reasons(i.e property and land ownership), regional reasons(good relations between Greece and Turkey, balance of the powers in E.M) and international reasons.(Global policies of NATO and EU).
Nevertheless, I'm aware of that GC-Greek leadership consider a confederation even more detrimental than two seperate, sovereign states on Cyprus...
In this context, current talks were based on a federation.However, the federative structures envisaged by TC-Turksh side and GC-Greek side have so many impossible to overcome divergences...
Therefore, after the failure(most likely) of current talks, concerned parties will focus on partition of Cyprus instead running around same circles and going nowhere.
Then there will be no reason for international community to say no to 2 seperate sovereign states in Cyprus.