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Thieving "TCs" want to keep hold of stolen north!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby YFred » Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:59 pm

Oracle wrote:
Malapapa wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Malapapa wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Malapapa wrote:'s_cake_and_eat_it_too

To have one's cake and eat it too is a popular English idiomatic proverb or figure of speech... It is most often used negatively, meaning an individual consuming, exhausting, taking advantage of or using up a particular thing and, then, after that thing is gone or no longer reasonably available, still attempting to benefit from or use it.

Thank you for the "Wiki" definition (are there no depths to which you would not stoop?) .... but how does that improve your answer?

Oracle wrote:Why should acknowledging Cyprus' majority ethnic backdrop result in accepting that Turks "deserve" a piece?

Malapapa wrote:You can't have your cake and eat it

Are you suggesting one should not try to benefit from the truth, perhaps?

Who is this drivelling old witch? Hasn't someone told her X-Factor's on?

Apologies for mistaking you for a thinking person. Run along and play with YFred .... you two bigots can swap sexist sophisms.

He's in your league, not mine. And calling you a witch isn't sexist. What was the Priestess of the Oracle at Delphi, if not a witch?

I'm afraid your escalating score of errors have firmly tied you with YFred.

Perhaps you'd rather forget calling me a batty aunt when you can insult Greek Mythology too, with Turkish-style historical revisionism.

Since you favour "Wiki" quotes, here's one for you:

An oracle is a person or agency considered to be a source of wise counsel or prophetic opinion. It may also be a revealed prediction or precognition of the future, from deities, that is spoken through another object or life-form (e.g.: augury and auspice).

In the ancient world many sites gained a reputation for the dispensing of oracular wisdom: they too became known as "oracles," and the oracular utterances, called khrēsmoi in Greek, were often referred to under the same name—a name derived from the Latin verb ōrāre, to speak.

So carry on calling me a "batty aunt" or a "witch" but you "can't have your cake and eat it" too and so a sexist bigot you remain!

I look forward to the day you do a post without mentioning me. Your obsessive behaviour is getting rather worrying old girl.
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:06 am

Reh Freddoui, asked you before, stop calling our O "old".
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Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:25 am

Malapapa wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
Malapapa wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
Malapapa wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:Once a Turco always aTurco, a bunch of murdering/thieving Mongols. Time to stop calling them Cypriots, only Greeks can be Cypriots. They are just Turks who got left behind, time to return back to Turkey!


Happy birthday yialousa1971... 38 today?

Your cake looks very stale though; and with decorations like that, make sure you cut a healthy slice off for the Nazi Mongoloids (who I'm convinced you must be part-descended from).


And, like you, part Nazi Mongoloid.


Up yours Commie Mongol. Image

Well done. You're making your batty aunt's side of the family very proud.

I give you what you want fool. :wink: Do you want more?
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Postby Malapapa » Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:40 am

Oracle wrote:
I may be batty, but unlike you I know which is the one real enemy of Cyprus ... they happen to have 43,000 troops occupying my country, but that's alright by you because North London "Cypriots" have to learn to live with this enemy ...

Instead of giving your indisciplined brat of a nephew a dressing down for his mindless stupidity you intervene on his behalf when others feel compelled to put him in his place.

And then you have the temerity to accuse these others of not knowing who the "one real enemy" is.

Cyprus has more than one, you batty, over-protective aunt. The "Nazi Mongoloid" is one. But mindless stupidity is another. Real Cypriots, whether in north London or elswhere, have to learn to live with both; and deal with both if we're ever to be free of the 43,000 troops occupying our country.

Now go away for a while and give it some thought. Take your time. There's 51 weeks till Halloween comes round again.

(BTW I'm in Lenton, Nottingham).
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Postby YFred » Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:13 am

bill cobbett wrote:Reh Freddoui, asked you before, stop calling our O "old".

In my book, anybody older that 16 is old, old boy. What?
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Postby Oracle » Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:02 am

Malapapa wrote:
Oracle wrote:
I may be batty, but unlike you I know which is the one real enemy of Cyprus ... they happen to have 43,000 troops occupying my country, but that's alright by you because North London "Cypriots" have to learn to live with this enemy ...

Instead of giving your indisciplined brat of a nephew a dressing down for his mindless stupidity you intervene on his behalf when others feel compelled to put him in his place.

On the contrary, it was less of a compulsion to support Yialousa (with whom I have had a number of past disagreements, but he is entitled to his views), and more "batty aunt" inquisitiveness as to how you could explain your remark that just because Cyprus happens to have a majority who originate from Greek stock, it entitles Turkey to have a share of Cyprus. It was my way to grasp your, newcomer, stance.

Instead, you simply resorted to attacking me (not that I care) because you had no real answer (expected) except some homily about eating cake! You are therefore of those mindless Cypriots that Turkey loves!

As a general rule, I only attack the views of those who support Turkey. Announcing you are Greek, of Greek-descent or support Hellenism (as Yialousa does); does NOT fall into that category! But continuing to spread the Turkish propaganda that those three properties do not belong in Cyprus, does!

And then you have the temerity to accuse these others of not knowing who the "one real enemy" is.

Yes, you oaf! If you deny the existence or rights of any other ethnic group (e.g. Greeks), so that Turkey is not riled, then YOU are as bad as the ethnic cleansers, who are the enemy of Cyprus.

Cyprus has more than one, you batty, over-protective aunt. The "Nazi Mongoloid" is one.

I do not consider Turkey's presence in Cyprus as "over-protective"! It is indicative of your mind-set (and Turk-TCs) that you unfortunately do. The reality of their occupation is less about "protecting" Cyprus and more about milking it of its assets, including its identity!

If you think any relationship of Cyprus towards Greece is of the same essence, then you have remained an uneducated Turkish serf!

But mindless stupidity is another. Real Cypriots, whether in north London or elswhere, have to learn to live with both; and deal with both if we're ever to be free of the 43,000 troops occupying our country.

Why don't you start with yourself and learn to live with people such as Yialousa, who consider themselves ethnically Greek, instead of being racist against him?

I think you suffer from that common syndrome amongst pub quiz-setters that they eventually start to believe they have all the answers and over-extend themselves.

Stick to designing quizzes (you are rather good at them :wink: ) and leave the answers to others!

(BTW I'm in Lenton, Nottingham).

That's nothing to boast about ... but be careful with those anti-cultural views of yours, as I hear you have a mixed-bag multitude with which to contend....
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Postby Paphitis » Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:21 am

Oracle wrote:
Malapapa wrote:
Oracle wrote:
I may be batty, but unlike you I know which is the one real enemy of Cyprus ... they happen to have 43,000 troops occupying my country, but that's alright by you because North London "Cypriots" have to learn to live with this enemy ...

Instead of giving your indisciplined brat of a nephew a dressing down for his mindless stupidity you intervene on his behalf when others feel compelled to put him in his place.

On the contrary, it was less of a compulsion to support Yialousa (with whom I have had a number of past disagreements, but he is entitled to his views), and more "batty aunt" inquisitiveness as to how you could explain your remark that just because Cyprus happens to have a majority who originate from Greek stock, it entitles Turkey to have a share of Cyprus. It was my way to grasp your, newcomer, stance.

Instead, you simply resorted to attacking me (not that I care) because you had no real answer (expected) except some homily about eating cake! You are therefore of those mindless Cypriots that Turkey loves!

As a general rule, I only attack the views of those who support Turkey. Announcing you are Greek, of Greek-descent or support Hellenism (as Yialousa does); does NOT fall into that category! But continuing to spread the Turkish propaganda that those three properties do not belong in Cyprus, does!

And then you have the temerity to accuse these others of not knowing who the "one real enemy" is.

Yes, you oaf! If you deny the existence or rights of any other ethnic group (e.g. Greeks), so that Turkey is not riled, then YOU are as bad as the ethnic cleansers, who are the enemy of Cyprus.

Cyprus has more than one, you batty, over-protective aunt. The "Nazi Mongoloid" is one.

I do not consider Turkey's presence in Cyprus as "over-protective"! It is indicative of your mind-set (and Turk-TCs) that you unfortunately do. The reality of their occupation is less about "protecting" Cyprus and more about milking it of its assets, including its identity!

If you think any relationship of Cyprus towards Greece is of the same essence, then you have remained an uneducated Turkish serf!

But mindless stupidity is another. Real Cypriots, whether in north London or elswhere, have to learn to live with both; and deal with both if we're ever to be free of the 43,000 troops occupying our country.

Why don't you start with yourself and learn to live with people such as Yialousa, who consider themselves ethnically Greek, instead of being racist against him?

I think you suffer from that common syndrome amongst pub quiz-setters that they eventually start to believe they have all the answers and over-extend themselves.

Stick to designing quizzes (you are rather good at them :wink: ) and leave the answers to others!

(BTW I'm in Lenton, Nottingham).

That's nothing to boast about ... but be careful with those anti-cultural views of yours, as I hear you have a mixed-bag multitude with which to contend....

I love this post...

And to any normal human being.

I can't believe that some Cypriots (a pathetic minority) would sooner deny their heritage of 3,500 years so that Turkey will not be riled and so Turks can keep their's whilst still holding lands stolen from us regardless... :?
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Postby Malapapa » Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:51 pm

Oracle wrote:
Malapapa wrote:
Oracle wrote:
I may be batty, but unlike you I know which is the one real enemy of Cyprus ... they happen to have 43,000 troops occupying my country, but that's alright by you because North London "Cypriots" have to learn to live with this enemy ...

Instead of giving your indisciplined brat of a nephew a dressing down for his mindless stupidity you intervene on his behalf when others feel compelled to put him in his place.

On the contrary, it was less of a compulsion to support Yialousa (with whom I have had a number of past disagreements, but he is entitled to his views), and more "batty aunt" inquisitiveness as to how you could explain your remark that just because Cyprus happens to have a majority who originate from Greek stock, it entitles Turkey to have a share of Cyprus. It was my way to grasp your, newcomer, stance.

Instead, you simply resorted to attacking me (not that I care) because you had no real answer (expected) except some homily about eating cake! You are therefore of those mindless Cypriots that Turkey loves!

As a general rule, I only attack the views of those who support Turkey. Announcing you are Greek, of Greek-descent or support Hellenism (as Yialousa does); does NOT fall into that category! But continuing to spread the Turkish propaganda that those three properties do not belong in Cyprus, does!

And then you have the temerity to accuse these others of not knowing who the "one real enemy" is.

Yes, you oaf! If you deny the existence or rights of any other ethnic group (e.g. Greeks), so that Turkey is not riled, then YOU are as bad as the ethnic cleansers, who are the enemy of Cyprus.

Cyprus has more than one, you batty, over-protective aunt. The "Nazi Mongoloid" is one.

I do not consider Turkey's presence in Cyprus as "over-protective"! It is indicative of your mind-set (and Turk-TCs) that you unfortunately do. The reality of their occupation is less about "protecting" Cyprus and more about milking it of its assets, including its identity!

If you think any relationship of Cyprus towards Greece is of the same essence, then you have remained an uneducated Turkish serf!

But mindless stupidity is another. Real Cypriots, whether in north London or elswhere, have to learn to live with both; and deal with both if we're ever to be free of the 43,000 troops occupying our country.

Why don't you start with yourself and learn to live with people such as Yialousa, who consider themselves ethnically Greek, instead of being racist against him?

I think you suffer from that common syndrome amongst pub quiz-setters that they eventually start to believe they have all the answers and over-extend themselves.

Stick to designing quizzes (you are rather good at them :wink: ) and leave the answers to others!

(BTW I'm in Lenton, Nottingham).

That's nothing to boast about ... but be careful with those anti-cultural views of yours, as I hear you have a mixed-bag multitude with which to contend....

I was hoping you'd wait a little longer before responding; allow your head to clear of the python fumes so that you could come out of your venomous trance. Instead, you jump in with baseless, delusional conclusions, attempting to stick metaphorical pins in me as the though I were a voodoo doll. Enough evil, woman.

My objections to that stupid cake post by your stupid nephew weren't based on his Hellenic hubris, to which he's entitled. Look again. Let's see whether you're truly blind as well as batty, auntie.

Here's a clue. The word began with 'E' and ended in disaster. And yet it's still being peddled by the feeble minded, condoned by the feeble willed.

BTW, I didn't boast about coming from Lenton. I merely pointed it out because you mentioned north London. Your rabid imagination and erronous conclusions really are quite dangerous.
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Postby alexISS » Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:57 pm

Malapapa wrote:ινταμπου πσαλις, θκια?

Is the "πσ" in the word "πσαλις" used as in "πσωμί", "πσεύτης" and "πσώρα";

What do you have against "Ψ" Malapapa? Too Greek? :lol:
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Postby Malapapa » Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:01 pm

alexISS wrote:
Malapapa wrote:ινταμπου πσαλις, θκια?

Is the "πσ" in the word "πσαλις" used as in "πσωμί", "πσεύτης" and "πσώρα";

What do you have against "Ψ" Malapapa? Too Greek? :lol:

Psofos! :lol:
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