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Postby cannedmoose » Wed Jul 13, 2005 3:14 pm

I echo the sentiments of all here Bro', hope they catch the bastards, doing whatever they did on your kids beds is probably worse than losing material possessions, quite what these people think they achieve in doing so is beyond me.

I think it's difficult to label it as a UK problem as it can happen anywhere, but I think it's true that most likely these were young people doing this and they're a product of the lack of respect for other people and other peoples' property that lax education and discipline has created in this land. Thankfully, touch wood, I've never been burgled but that's probably because I've made sure I installed an alarm in any house that I have owned.

Thoughts are with you mate, hope they get caught soon.
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Postby petethegreek » Wed Jul 13, 2005 3:26 pm

brother wrote:My home just got burgled, its the second time in four years, the first was when i was living in Palmers Green and the second happened last night.
I am seriousley pissed off with the theiving ways of this shitty U.K, you could nail something to the ground and some bastard would still find a way to nick it.

When i first got 'done' they took everything except for the beds and sofa's and this time they took all electrical, DVD's, X-Box and games, my computer, kids bikes etc. they left nothing of value again.

You know who can have your U.K the land of thieves and ram it up where the sun don't shine, they might not overcharge but instead they come and break into your home and invade you privacy and take everrything of value.

What has upset me most is that they emptied the fridge and freezer on the floors, looking for what God knows?????? And one/they has done something on my childrens beds that i refuse to write about as it is absolutely disgusting.


Firstly, sorry to hear about u being burgled.

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Postby ex_pat » Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:37 pm

rotate wrote:The good news! the 'little shit' has recently been diagnosed as having cancer. So there's some truth in them old Cypriot curses.

Can't say I agree with that comment.

That is just plain evil.

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Postby Hazza » Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:08 pm

Sorry to hear about the burglary Brother. Years ago when I lived in Haringey, we got broken into and burgled. It wasn't so much what they took, it was the fact that they'd invaded my private space. For months afterwards, I was a nervous wreck in that house.

Hope the police catch them soon mate.
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Postby demetriou_74 » Wed Jul 13, 2005 6:57 pm

sorry to hear that bro. has this crime changed your plan of moving to london. did they break in or sneak in through an open window becasue that what the (insert offensive word here. totally at your imaginations' discretion) did to my mates house
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Postby city » Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:21 pm

I'm feeling with you and your family brother. Sorry to hear about that. I hope you can cope with that terrible incident in the best possible way.
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Postby cannedmoose » Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:03 pm

Demetre, can you edit your last post please, I know that's what these folks are but the c word is a bit much on an open forum mate
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Postby rotate » Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:55 pm

ex_pat wrote:
rotate wrote:The good news! the 'little shit' has recently been diagnosed as having cancer. So there's some truth in them old Cypriot curses.

Can't say I agree with that comment.

That is just plain evil.


If you had seen what he and his associates do to the Moldovian girls (kids really) who refuse to go on the game to earn big bucks for him and his associates you might change your mind!
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Postby brother » Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:35 am

Thankyou everyone
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Postby Liza » Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:38 am

Morning Bro - how's it going? Did police get fingerprints?
Any Idea who did it?
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