Bananiot wrote:Partition is a better choice than anarchy. After all, forcing a bitterly divorced couple to live under one roof is doomed to failure...
There are two types of people (from both sides) that want partition. The confirmed nationalists and the self proclaimed guardians of human rights who in the past, however, failed miserably in this field and have thus waived away any sort of credibility they claim to process. In fact, the second group derives from the first one.
Soon a "war" will break out, between the Cypriots (from both sides) that seek solution so that our two communities can live together in peace and those that dread solution, for various reasons. On both sides, the bigots are doing everything right now to convince us that the talks are doomed because they hate to wake up one morning and hear that the talks are nearing to a happy end. The messages sent by Eroglu and the rejectionists in the GC community are amazingly similar. They have a common enemy: SOLUTION.
I believe the forces that do want solution are gathering strength. The environment today has nothing to do with 2004. Today, there is no Papadopoulos and in Greece, George Papandreou is a strong supporter of solution. The signals from Turkey are also positive and our rejectionists have already started to condition people that what we are witnessing is nothing more that a communication ploy. Old tricks, in a different environment, however. This time people will not be fooled that easily.
Expatkiwi, decent Cypriots do not want a divorce. We have been forced apart for too long. This time, we should be calling the shots and tell the bigots in a clear voice, GC's and TC's together: You have done all the damage you could have done. Now, leave us along to start the new age for Cyprus where the two communities will at long last begin to live a proper life in a secure, peaceful, cooperative and above all humane environment where GC's and TC's can forge solid bonds of friendship.
You seem to imply that 76% of GCs were somehow tricked into voting No by various bigots etc. Is your opinion of GCs really that low?
What are you doing to ensure that the legitimate, fundamental rights of GCs will be respected in the new plan, so that it will make sense for GCs to vote Yes?
If your various interactions with TCs had a tangible result towards a positive direction (e.g. a common statement requesting the withdrawal of Turkish troops and settlers and respect of each Cypriot's INDIVIDUAL and private human right of property), then I would join such initiatives.