YFred wrote:I must refer you to the answer I posted previously. You have not understood it, read it again please reh Papazui.
Get Real! wrote:YFred wrote:I must refer you to the answer I posted previously. You have not understood it, read it again please reh Papazui.
Let me summarize things very quickly for you…
Under a solution, if you return as a community expect to get POORER, and under Turkey expect to gradually disappear.
YFred wrote:Piratis wrote:Expatkiwi wrote:Piratis wrote::roll: The Turkic states (all of them in Asia) are Turkic because the majority of the population in those states is Turkic. In Cyprus you are a minority in all parts of this island.
You can have your independence, sovereign country and everything else you want but not on OUR land. Go find your own land to have your country on because you have no right to take ours and we will NEVER give it to you.
Turkish Cypriots did own a chunk of Cyprus land, Piratis. Now, the actual percentage is still up for debate, but regardless, that hardly makes the entire island Greek now, does it?
The property the TCs own is spread all over Cyprus and not concentrated in any particular part of the island. Any way you divide Cyprus in 2 (East/south/west/north etc) the majority of all parts is always Greek Cypriot (by a a huge margin).
If that was not the case then Turks would not need to perform ethnic cleansing of the majority of the population in order to declare the "trnc". They would have declared it over the territory where they were already the majority. But there was no such territory.
And it is not debatable at all how much TC own, since this is something recorded since the time of the British rule. (or maybe you will claim that TCs became the big land owners of Cyprus between 1960-1974? Well, that would be contrary to your other claims about that period, wouldn't it?)
Nobody said that the entire population of Cyprus is Greek. If you know of any country that the entire population is of just one ethnic group let me know. Minorities exist everywhere, and the TCs are a classic example of one such minority.
The border is drawn; it will be adjusted to the north to solve the problem. Your maths is not much to write home about, if you are valuing TC land in the south as the same as GC land in the north, donum for donum. It will balance in the end. I suspect that the TCs will sell the land in the south and buy land in the north which will correct what seems to be unfair, but in actual fact is totally fair.
You did not realise that by suffocating the TCs in actual fact you were driving the value of the GC properties down, so in a way it is a punishment to the GC government for the crimes of the last 35 years against the innocent TCs. You do accept that collective punishment of a people is against the international law.
There is always the possibility that the TCs will not sell their property in the south and simply rent it at a good premium to the GCs and in turn rent GC property in the north at the appropriate price (Cheap Cheap). So you see it is economics pure and simple.
Which is exactly what I and the rest of the YFred clan intend to do.
Piratis wrote:If on your way home today a criminal stops you, puts a gun on your head and demands that you should show him your passport in order to let you continue to your home, would that mean that there is a "border" at that point?
What exists in Cyprus YFred are criminals who illegally occupy our lands and do not allow to the Cypriot people to move freely to their own homes. There is no border. You have to learn the difference between the two.
Piratis wrote:If on your way home today a criminal stops you, puts a gun on your head and demands that you should show him your passport in order to let you continue to your home, would that mean that there is a "border" at that point?
What exists in Cyprus YFred are criminals who illegally occupy our lands and do not allow to the Cypriot people to move freely to their own homes. There is no border. You have to learn the difference between the two.
Expatkiwi wrote:Piratis wrote:If on your way home today a criminal stops you, puts a gun on your head and demands that you should show him your passport in order to let you continue to your home, would that mean that there is a "border" at that point?
What exists in Cyprus YFred are criminals who illegally occupy our lands and do not allow to the Cypriot people to move freely to their own homes. There is no border. You have to learn the difference between the two.
The problem though, Piratis, is that the TC's think that GC's are criminals for what happened between 1963 and 1974. It all depends upon which side you're on...
RESOLUTION 541 (1983)
Adopted by the Security Council
on 18 November 1983
The Security Council,
Having heard the statement of the Foreign Minister of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus,
Concerned at the declaration by the Turkish Cypriot authorities issued on 15 November 1983 which purports to create an independent state in northern Cyprus,
Considering that this declaration is incompatible with the 1960 Treaty concerning the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus and the 1960 Treaty of Guarantee,
Considering therefore that the attempt to create a "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus", is invalid, and will contribute to a worsening of the situation in Cyprus,
Reaffirming its resolutions 365(1974) and 367(1975),
Aware of the need for a solution of the Cyprus problem, based on the mission of good offices undertaken by the Secretary-General,
Affirming its continuing support for the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus,
Taking note of the Secretary-General's statement of 17 November 1983,
1. Deplores the declaration of the Turkish Cypriot authorities of the purported secession of part of the Republic of Cyprus;
2. Considers the declaration referred to above as legally invalid and calls for its withdrawal;
3. Calls for the urgent and effective implementation of its resolutions 365(1974) and 367(1975);
4. Requests the Secretary-General to pursue his mission of good offices in order to achieve the earliest possible progress towards a just and lasting settlement in Cyprus;
5. Calls upon the parties to cooperate fully with the Secretary-General in his mission of good offices;
6. Calls upon all States to respect the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and non-alignment of the Republic of Cyprus;
7. Calls upon all States not to recognise any Cypriot state other than the Republic of Cyprus;
8. Calls upon all States and the two communities in Cyprus to refrain from any action which might exacerbate the situation;
9. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Security Council fully informed.
Adopted at the 2500th meeting by 13 votes to 1 against (Pakistan) with 1 abstention (Jordan).
YFred wrote:Piratis wrote:If on your way home today a criminal stops you, puts a gun on your head and demands that you should show him your passport in order to let you continue to your home, would that mean that there is a "border" at that point?
What exists in Cyprus YFred are criminals who illegally occupy our lands and do not allow to the Cypriot people to move freely to their own homes. There is no border. You have to learn the difference between the two.
So, ceasefire was sufficient to just go back to normality was it? No peace agreement was required? So you can get rid of us more efficiently next time hey. You can only kid yourself with that one, nobody else. Where else has there been a war where ceasefire was sufficient for peaceful coexistence without a peace agreement?
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