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Solidarity with Dissenters in 'northern' Cyprus

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Solidarity with Dissenters in 'northern' Cyprus

Postby grokked » Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:04 am


Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Solidarity with Dissenters in Northern Cyprus
Call for action against Police intervention in the northern part of Cyprus

Editorial Note:
Please see this announcement from the Turkish Cypriot New Cyprus Party (YKP), one of the few branches of the Socialist community of Cyprus which openly acknowledge the facts of the illegal military Occupation of the island, and openly oppose the occupation regime as such. We've added a short comment below.
Editorial Collective


Murat Kanatli, General Secretary of the Executive Board of the New Cyprus Party (YKP), plus 2 other YKP members and 16 trade unionists received a call on Friday 30th October from the Nicosia District Police Station Headquarters to be informed that they were being sued with the accusation that they beat up the police and they did not allow the police to do their duty.

He was participating at the demonstration of Wednesday 28th October 2009 in the northern part of Nicosia, not only as General Secretary of YKP but also as a journalist for the weekly newspaper Yenicag.

The demonstration took place on Wednesday 28th October and was part of the General Strike to oppose the new economical package brought by the new right wing government. During the last few months the trade unions were on strike on various occasions, and on the occasion of this new economic package going to the parliamentary committee last Wednesday, 27 trade unions decided on a General Strike.

They tried to do a demonstration in front of the “parliament” and the Turkish Embassy in Nicosia. The police blocked the road and the demonstrators went through the police barrier and passed to the front of Turkish Embassy and “parliament” with the main demand of withdrawal of the new economic package. This package is believed to be imposed directly from Turkey so the demonstrators were reacting not only against the “parliament” but also the Turkish Embassy. One of the banners said “Cyprus Province of the Turkish Republic” so the ambassador is like a district officer... The demonstrators and the police had some “interaction” and on Friday 30th October the police sued 19 demonstrators because of this action.

Three YKP members, one being the General Secretary, the other one a trade unionist and Executive Board Member Erdinc Selasiye and the third one, Salih Uyguroglu, again trade unionist and Party Council member were amongst those sued.

Murat Kanatli says that it is so obvious that this is a fascist and undemocratic action of the police which tries to create pressure on civil society organisations and in this way preventing further action like another general strike, from being taken. As it is known the northern part of Cyprus, is described by international bodies like the European Commission of Human Rights (ECHR) as the subordinate local administration of Turkey. The police in the northern part of Cyprus receive orders from the Chief Commander of the Turkish Cypriot army (GKK) who is appointed directly from Ankara.

Murat Kanatli says that Turkey is directly responsible for this action and thus calls upon all leftist parties and political organisations to react and show their reaction not only to the subordinate local administration’s right wing government (UBP) but also directly to Ankara; to the President of Turkey, the Prime Minister of Turkey and the Chief Commander of the Turkish Army.

Kanatli added that; “During this action may be no-one was arrested but there is a possibility in the near future for someone to be arrested. So we urge all political groups to react to this undemocratic and fascist action and show international solidarity to the Turkish Cypriots trade unionists and activists and political party representatives.”


Editorial Statement

The Turkish Cypriot New Cyprus Party (YKP), and a small number of independent Socialists, Communists and Anarchists in the north, including Şener Levent of the newspaper Afrika and a number of other well-known and unknown figures of the Turkish Cypriot alternative and radical community, are the most coherent social forces in the north with a sane, humanist and well-thought out orientation toward elements of both Justice and Peace for Cyprus.

Peace and Justice can be built when such forces become able and willing to unite with Hellene (greek) Cypriot patriots, independent Socialists, Communists and Anarchists, Feminists and radical-minded Green Feminists in the south who value freedom, autonomy, and social self-organization.

Our comrades in the north stand out in stark contrast with the large political parties of the fake Left, the pseudo-socialists, who at present are holding State power in their hands in both the South and the North and are hell-bent on lying to the people about peace while together, and supported by the major Imperialist powers, they are forging an Apartheid regime for us complete with Race Laws; with racial percentages to be embedded in all levels of society and government; laws about ownership and the economy to be determined by those Race Laws; and a division of the country on the basis of a "legalized" bizonal partition which they are calling a "reunification of the island".

If bizonal partition is "reunification", then War is Peace. And donkeys are known to fly - if you believe it hard enough.

We applaud Murat Kanatli and the New Cyprus Party (YKP), and Sener Levent and all the other comrades for standing up to the Occupation forces, and for calling out the truth, telling it as it is. When Turkish Cypriots living under the Occupation regime say that the local administration is a puppet of Ankara, saying that the police in the northern part of Cyprus receive orders from the Chief Commander of the Turkish Cypriot army (GKK) who is appointed directly from Ankara; when they are calling "upon all leftist parties and political organisations to react and show their reaction not only to the subordinate local administration’s right wing government (UBP) but also directly to Ankara; to the President of Turkey, the Prime Minister of Turkey and the Chief Commander of the Turkish Army" then...

...what - exactly! - is the role of the pseudo Left in the south who are empowering the Occupation regime by having formal talks with its leaders and puppets of Ankara?

Is it not a betrayal of progressive forces among the Turkish Cypriots?

Is it not a betrayal of radical and liberal Turkish Cypriots when the pseudo-Socialist Government of Cyprus pretends that the Occupation regime is a democratic entity and converses with it? Not just "converses" but is actually putting together with it a whole new re-arrangement of the country's essential realities.

At a time when progressive and radical working people, unions and community activists are calling for demostrations and General Strikes against the Occupation regime, the Government of Cyprus is co-operating with that regime in work-committees that will give legal, internationally recognised State power to those criminals!

The genocidal Occupation regime in northern Cyprus is being gifted with State power to rule over a soon-to-be-inaugurated racial Bizonal Apartheid State ... not by some openly fascist organization or some foreign Imperialist power, but by the "socialist" Government of Cyprus. How crazy is that?

We say it's unacceptable.
All power to the Turkish Cypriot working class and its independent Socialist organizations!


Cyprus IndyMedia Editorial Collective


Open mail that was sent to UN Commisionary by the unions [in Turkish occupied Cyprus]

Sunday, 01 November 2009 at 01:23
According to London and Zurich aggreements; In order to maintain territorial integrity and constitutional law of the Republic of Cyprus, Turkey which was commissioned as guarantor, made a military intervention and Turkey’s political and economic strategies in the north of the island has become a threat against Turkish Cypriots.

Systematically and against the Geneva agreements, there has been population transfer to the north of the island. This transferred population is given citizenship and thus, the situation causes exploitation of the political will of the Turkish Cypriot citizens. This makes the elections become non-sense. Economic and political structure is under command of Turkey. The elected governments function has become a chain of command in order to remain as the governing power. So, the governments which are elected in terms of these factors represent an organ of government which obeys the orders of Turkish Republic; rather than representing the Turkish Cypriot political will. The advisors and permanent secretaries in the frame of the Turkish Embassy on our island have the same authority as the ministers in the government; the north of the island is governed by their decisions. In these terms, European Court of Human Rights’ ascertainment after Loizidou Case is absolutely true; which is: The structure in the north of the island is determined as a subordinate local administration.

Recent years, with the excuse of registering the cheap labor and developing great investments, Turkey has given a priviledge to make investments with the support of the government; there has been great amounts of population transfer from Turkey. The economic situation is already seriously difficult and moreover, this uncontrolable transfer flow and increasing in population caused many problems in terms of economic, social and educational budget. Even electricity and water privation needs can not be provided properly. There has been an increase in crimes. There are no enough places in the prisons and %95 of the prisoners are Turkish Citizens.
There is a pressure upon the secular Turkish Cypriots in order to ruin the social and cultural structure; this perssure is mostly because of the emposition of religious sanctions and Sunni Islam. The rights of the workers are tried to be changed; their rights in terms of salary and work is pushed to be similar with Turkey. In order to accelerate immigration of the Turkish Cypriots from the island and assimilation policy, these attacks of the collaborator governments are being organized sistematically and being hidden from the Europan Union as well as community. In accordance with these facts, we call out for international solidarity in order not to witness the abolishion of the Turkish Cypriots as European Union citizens.

Cyprus Turkish Teachers’ Trade Union (KTÖS), Cyprus Turkish Secondary School Teachers’ Trade Union (KTOEÖS), Cyprus Turkish Public Servants’ Trade Union (KTAMS), Customs Workers Trade Union (GÜÇ-SEN), Cooperative Workers’ Trade Union (KOOP-SEN), Municipality Workers’ Trade Union (BES), Telecommunication Workers Trade Union (TEL-SEN), Cyprus Turkish Physicians Trade Union (TIP-İŞ), Eastern Mediterranean University Unity and Solidarity Union (DAÜ-Bir-Sen)

Original: On Facebook


Adnan Eraslan - Turkish Cypriot Teachers Union KTOEO
(in Greek and Turkish)

05 October 2009

As broadcast by Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation's Bilingual - Biz Emeis

Introduction - Turkish Cypriot Unions have entered a new phase of activism currently, prompted on the one hand by economic problems and on the other by a reduction in their effectiveness as a result of the importation of settlers from Turkey and recent efforts to turn Turkish Cypriot society from a cosmopolitan one to an islamic one. This has led to the creation of an alliance of 29 unions which are protesting these developments. We have with us today Mr Adnan Eraslan, President of KTOEOS (Union of Teachers in Middle Education), one of the most active among these unions.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:


Zeki Βesiktepeli interviewed - 22.09.2009 (Multilingual with subs)
(in Greek and Turkish)

24 September 2009

Zeki Βesiktepeli was interviewed in CyBC's multilingual program called BIZ / Emeis.

Be sure to watch all 3 parts.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:


Please add your name to support the petition on the web, placed online by Turkish Cypriots, and already signed by many of the leaders of the Turkish Cypriot dissident movement:
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Postby bill cobbett » Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:39 am

Solidarity with the tissy trades unionists and the Brave Comrades in the Resistance to the Illegal Turkish Occupation who show us all the potential power of a CY Peoples' Revolution to end the Occupation.

Damn the Former Colonial Power and the Neo-Imperial Powers in Turkey and their lip-spittle supporters in the Illegal Regime.
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Postby insan » Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:17 am

This "Cypriot"(He even described what is TC and GC :wink: ) is exactly the "Cypriot" type GR look for to wage a military conflict against TCs and Turks... then who knows against GCs and Greeks of Cyprus too...

Beşiktepeli(the so-called socialist) claims that Cyprus has become the soil of European Emperor and he seems happy about European invasion of Cyprus. :lol:
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Postby Expatkiwi » Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:41 am

I'm rather concerned about the revelation regarding TRNC Law Enforcement. If indeed they are required to take orders from Ankara, rather than from their own government, then that makes the TRNC police rather redundant, not to mention making a mockery of the TRNC's soveriegnty. I hope this isn't so.
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Postby james_mav » Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:10 am

Expatkiwi wrote:I'm rather concerned about the revelation regarding TRNC Law Enforcement. If indeed they are required to take orders from Ankara, rather than from their own government, then that makes the TRNC police rather redundant, not to mention making a mockery of the TRNC's soveriegnty. I hope this isn't so.

You're taking the mickey right? You can't possibly be that stupid.

A few fun facts:
(1) Every civil servant in the occupied north from talat down to YFred's toilet scrubbing uncle draw their salaries from ankara, and as they say: "he who pays the piper calls the tune"
(2) The occupied north does not have a "government" in the sense that you understand it. Due to point (1), this "government" is in fact an illegitimate puppet regime of the occupying power whose main purpose is to further the interests of the occupying power under the guise of a democratically elected government.
(3) The "trnc" is not in any way sovereign; to discuss the sovereignty of the "trnc" is to make a mockery of the very concept of sovereignty. On the one hand, the rule of the "trnc" "government" has no basis in law. On the other hand, they are completely dependent upon ankara - either condition would sufficient to logically deny the "trnc's" sovereignty, but in this case, both conditions are present. The trnc "government" is merely a conduit for for the illegitimate control of the north by a foreign power carrying on an illegal occupation.
(4) The "trnc" police are not at all redundant - they perform the critical duty of keeping the population in the occupied north from getting uppity and undermining or otherwise damaging the interests of the occupying know, stupid things like actually coming to terms with the government of the RoC.

Now please go back to your fiction writing.
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Postby Expatkiwi » Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:24 am

james_mav wrote:
A few fun facts:
(1) Every civil servant in the occupied north from talat down to YFred's toilet scrubbing uncle draw their salaries from ankara, and as they say: "he who pays the piper calls the tune"
(2) The occupied north does not have a "government" in the sense that you understand it. Due to point (1), this "government" is in fact an illegitimate puppet regime of the occupying power whose main purpose is to further the interests of the occupying power under the guise of a democratically elected government.
(3) The "trnc" is not in any way sovereign; to discuss the sovereignty of the "trnc" is to make a mockery of the very concept of sovereignty. On the one hand, the rule of the "trnc" "government" has no basis in law. On the other hand, they are completely dependent upon ankara - either condition would sufficient to logically deny the "trnc's" sovereignty, but in this case, both conditions are present. The trnc "government" is merely a conduit for for the illegitimate control of the north by a foreign power carrying on an illegal occupation.
(4) The "trnc" police are not at all redundant - they perform the critical duty of keeping the population in the occupied north from getting uppity and undermining or otherwise damaging the interests of the occupying know, stupid things like actually coming to terms with the government of the RoC.

Now please go back to your fiction writing.

1. If the TRNC has to be economically reliant on Turkey due to the embargoes, then this first point of yours is a no-brainer.

2. The TRNC Government is representative in that it is voted in by the electorate living in TRNC, so in that respect, it is representative, even if not internationally recognized as 'ligitimate'

3. I believe in the TRNC being a sovereign state, but thanks to the state of siege it is in, Turkey calling the shots is unpleasently unavoidable. To this extent, it can more accurately be described at best as a dependency, or a dominion, which I find distasteful.

4. The concept of the police not answering to its own government is also highly distasteful to me.

Self-determination for the Turkish Cypriots is not fiction. It is an inalienable right. I don't sit well with the TRNC being a puppet state, but if this state of affairs is purely a result of being forced by the embargoes - which it seems to me to be - then the fault for this is not only confined to turkey.
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Postby james_mav » Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:18 am

Expatkiwi wrote:1. If the TRNC has to be economically reliant on Turkey due to the embargoes, then this first point of yours is a no-brainer.

My point is certainly correct, but your response is incorrect.

There is no embargo. If people refuse to buy stolen cars from a car thief, that thief is not embargoed - car buyers are simply refusing to trade in stolen goods. This principal applies directly to the occupied north. It doesn't take too much intelligence to imagine how the occupying power might subtly try to reinforce this supposed "embargo" in order to make the occupied north more dependant upon her, and hence better secure her interests.

Expatkiwi wrote:2. The TRNC Government is representative in that it is voted in by the electorate living in TRNC, so in that respect, it is representative, even if not internationally recognized as 'ligitimate'

Representative of whom? Of the settlers illegally shipped from anatolia, who overwhelm the vote. These same settlers stand to lose the most in the case of a comprehensive settlement, and their interests are hence well aligned with those of the occupying power, They will tend to vote in representitives who will oppose any kind of settlement.

Expatkiwi wrote:3. I believe in the TRNC being a sovereign state, but thanks to the state of siege it is in, Turkey calling the shots is unpleasently unavoidable. To this extent, it can more accurately be described at best as a dependency, or a dominion, which I find distasteful.

Again, wrong. Firstly, your belief is not relevant. Secondly, your belief has been demonstrated to be incorrect (unless you're asserting that in this case, "belief in sovereignty" is a matter of faith). Thirdly, there is no "embargo". Fourth, your conclusion is not logical. Why does the occupying power have to call the shots even if we assume that this "embargo" exists? Regardless of what the occupying power does, the supposed embargo will go on, right? So why is it unavoidable that the occupying power has to call the shots? Even if that assertion is true and we take that it is correct for the occupying power to call the shots on behalf of the "trnc", then why the sham of a trnc "government" if all decisions are made by the occupiers?

By the way, the word you're looking for is "colony"

Expatkiwi wrote:4. The concept of the police not answering to its own government is also highly distasteful to me.

Even the "trnc" police recognises that their "government" is illegitimate. Why the hell are you not yet convinced?

Expatkiwi wrote:Self-determination for the Turkish Cypriots is not fiction.

At the moment, that's exactly what it is, and many people are working hard to keep it that way.

Expatkiwi wrote:It is an inalienable right.

Under a treaty? Under a UN convention? Does every ethnic minority in every nation have an "inalienable right" to self determination?

Your conclusion...incorrect.

Expatkiwi wrote: I don't sit well with the TRNC being a puppet state, but if this state of affairs is purely a result of being forced by the embargoes - which it seems to me to be - then the fault for this is not only confined to turkey.

Again, your conclusions...incorrect. The "trnc" is a legal fiction, it only exists in the imagination of the occupier. The reality is an armed occupation of the territory of a sovereign nation, and a puppet regime for the purposes of propaganda.
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Postby Expatkiwi » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:20 am

James, I still feel that given the animosities between the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots (demonstrated in December 1963, and the Sampson coup of 1974), the Turkish Cypriots can only feel safe in a partitioned Cyprus. The TRNC depends upon Turkey for its survival, and at the moment, the line between them being either 'protective' or 'occupation' forces (at least IHMO) is still up for debate. I don't want Turkey to annex the north, or control the TRNC government, yet I don't want to see the Turkish Cypriots marginalized again in a unitary state.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:23 am

Expatkiwi wrote:I'm rather concerned about the revelation regarding TRNC Law Enforcement. If indeed they are required to take orders from Ankara, rather than from their own government, then that makes the TRNC police rather redundant, not to mention making a mockery of the TRNC's soveriegnty. I hope this isn't so.

The police force in northern Cyprus is directly controlled by the Turkish military. The elected civilian government has no authority over it.
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Postby Jerry » Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:50 am

Expatkiwi wrote:James, I still feel that given the animosities between the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots (demonstrated in December 1963, and the Sampson coup of 1974), the Turkish Cypriots can only feel safe in a partitioned Cyprus. The TRNC depends upon Turkey for its survival, and at the moment, the line between them being either 'protective' or 'occupation' forces (at least IHMO) is still up for debate. I don't want Turkey to annex the north, or control the TRNC government, yet I don't want to see the Turkish Cypriots marginalized again in a unitary state.

"The Sampson coup" Your use of this phrase alone demonstrates your ignorance of Cyprus's history. The coup originated in Athens, Sampson may have been in favour of it but he was not the instigator nor was he preferred choice as President.

You people always dig up the past to support your notions of animosity. Take a look at the report in yesterday's Cyprus Mail, on a personal level inter-communal relations are improving.
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