I am Cypriot, I am Turkish, I have Uk passport and there is a lot about me that is English (i.e. I wouldn't be the person I am if I was born in some other place). I am an internationalist. I think I can be all of these and more without being confused. Things aren't so simple to just choose a single idendity because my life is more complicated than that.
There is discussion about the importance of Cypriot idendity to counteract Turkish and Greek Cypriot conflicts but at the end of the day we will still have a separate mother tongue and separate religious outlook. The answer isn't to focus on Greek and Turkish aspects either (that's how we got into this mess). Still there is much for us to be proud about with regard to our history and also issues to be uncomfortable about. Being born in 1965 ther is only so much historical responsibility I can bear.
The solution to our problems isn't going to be found by denying our Turkishness and seeing the state of Turkey as the problem. I'm not going to ask Greek Cypriot's to cut themselves off from the state of Greece either. In an age when Cyprus has just joined EU it doesn't make a lot of sense to me to think small, better to think big. A solution for us also has to be a solution that Greece and Turkey are comfortable with. I don't mean they should have veto on solution or rights to interfere with internal affairs.