Partition will result in regional instability and war. Partition has never resulted in anything good- look at the mess India and Pakistan is in.
Who will attack who? partition has physically taken place back in 1974.
If the the NATO alliance recognize an apartheid TRNC the treaties creating the British Bases will be invalidated. Accordingly they require the status quo to be maintained or a treaty reestablishing the bases.
You can have the Baes with love from the TRNC.
Indeed in the EU it would become meaningless. If An ethnically pure Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus apartheid state is shat out by partition it will soon be flooded by everyone under the sun including Greek Cypriots. How will the Turkish Apartheidist be able to deny democratic and voting rights to us then?
The TRNC would not be in the EU, so no flooding.
Anyone who wants partition is a racist and apartheidist.
When has wanting self determination as a result of years of fruitless negotations been racist (or apartheidist =no such word)?