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Christophias 'village diplomacy'

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby B25 » Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:22 pm

Bananiot wrote:I warned you cymart, its impossible to talk sense to arteriosclerotics.

You talk sense, you have nothing sensible to say other than support your little shitbags in their quest to divide this island.

What sense reh, gare!
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Re: Christophias 'village diplomacy'

Postby RAFAELLA » Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:12 am

cymart wrote:Much as I want to believe in his sincerity on the Cyprus issue,Christophias has made a number of verbal blunders internationally which do not help the reputation of Cyprus as a modern E.U. member state.His reminiscing about his student days in the Soviet Union when he went to Moscow last year,which caused embarrasment to the Russian officials present,and his latest gaffe about Hitler and the Nazis at an E.U. meeting are just two examples!Sometimes keeping your mouth shut is far preferable to saying the wrong things at the wrong time...perhaps even worse though is his refusal to attend the ceremony on the 9th of November in Berlin for the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall,especially when Cyprus is the last divided country in Europe and only international heads of state have been invited!The excuse that he has such a full schedule is pretty pathetic,particularly when he only needs to be there for a few hours and could have stopped over on the way to London where he is due to meet Gordon Brown!Or is this perhaps a confirmation that Christophias still cannot accept that Soviet Communism was a failure and his refusal to go to Berlin reflects this??Even more ludicrous were the remarks by Garoyian in Moscow last week that Putin is more popular here than Obama!Who says so and what exactly has he done for Cyprus,except sell us more useless weapons which we don't need!

I agree. I was expecting such a behavior though.
He cannot get over the communism syndrom which reflects on his role and affects his role as a CyR president.
He had time to go to Syria, Cuba -btw what do we need the embasy in Cuba for?-, Qatar etc but he doesn't have time to "fulfill" his European "duties" or behave and act as a president of an EU country. ...sad really :?

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Postby BOF » Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:39 am

Ditto above.
Hes probably racked up more Air miles than any of the other statesmen since he was elected - it would be interesting to work out how much time he has actually spent abroad during his term......
It has been suggested that the reason for non attendance at what is Arguably a milestone in Northern European history is that he was against the Reunification.
Maybe Honeker the Horrible was an aquaintence?
Sadly his actions will not be beneficial to Cyprus within the EU.
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Postby Oracle » Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:58 am

Christophias should be given a chance to solve the problem in a different way. He's being true to his ideals. Why should he celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall when we painfully live with our version? What are the French and Germans, who were so vocal in their anti-Turkish sentiments, going to do about removing them from our country? Yes the Turks are like Nazis and if Germany has removed Nazis once from Europe, she better make sure they never return again in the guise of Turks!

Christophias is not making enemies of anyone with his humanitarian views (except the Turks) yet he is stoking up valuable world support. The concessions he speaks of will not come to pass; they serve merely to exemplify Turkey's over-zealous greed and expansionist demands! His best move yet!
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Postby RAFAELLA » Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:11 pm

There was just now in the news that, finally, our president accepted Merkel's invitation and he will attend the Berlin celebrations.
.... I guess all he needed was critisism to change his mind.
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Postby Oracle » Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:18 pm

Let's hope he made the Germans think again about the hypocrisy of the continuing acceptance of a "wall" in Cyprus ...
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Postby RAFAELLA » Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:27 pm

Oracle wrote:Christophias should be given a chance to solve the problem in a different way. He's being true to his ideals. Why should he celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall when we painfully live with our version? -Excactly for this reason! We have a divided country and we must remind our EU fellows that we live in a divided country due to the turkish occupation. A chance for our president to remind our EU fellows that our country is occupied and divided by an EU wannabe country, Turkey.- What are the French and Germans, who were so vocal in their anti-Turkish sentiments, going to do about removing them from our country? -What have WE done to earn their support for our cause? since we know they do not support Tr's EU membership. Have we asked for their support?- Yes the Turks are like Nazis and if Germany has removed Nazis once from Europe, she better make sure they never return again in the guise of Turks!

Christophias is not making enemies of anyone with his humanitarian views (except the Turks) yet he is stoking up valuable world support. The concessions he speaks of will not come to pass; they serve merely to exemplify Turkey's over-zealous greed and expansionist demands! His best move yet!
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Postby Oracle » Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:39 pm

RAFAELLA wrote:Oracle
Oracle wrote:Christophias should be given a chance to solve the problem in a different way. He's being true to his ideals. Why should he celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall when we painfully live with our version? -Excactly for this reason! We have a divided country and we must remind our EU fellows that we live in a divided country due to the turkish occupation. A chance for our president to remind our EU fellows that our country is occupied and divided by an EU wannabe country, Turkey.- What are the French and Germans, who were so vocal in their anti-Turkish sentiments, going to do about removing them from our country? -What have WE done to earn their support for our cause? since we know they do not support Tr's EU membership. Have we asked for their support?- Yes the Turks are like Nazis and if Germany has removed Nazis once from Europe, she better make sure they never return again in the guise of Turks!

Christophias is not making enemies of anyone with his humanitarian views (except the Turks) yet he is stoking up valuable world support. The concessions he speaks of will not come to pass; they serve merely to exemplify Turkey's over-zealous greed and expansionist demands! His best move yet!

I completely agree with you, Rafaella. But, if Christophias had not made them take notice of the "wall" parallels by withholding his immediate acceptance of the invitation, they would have carried on forgetting our plight. Having made his point, perhaps, he is now attending. The fact he makes these silent gestures of protest (the last one was abstaining from voting for the recent refugees in Georgia) remind the politicians of what we have been putting up with for so long. He is being noticed and Cyprus will not be forgotten (our biggest worry!). I just think he takes quite a lateral view and I am willing to believe he is more intelligent than some of the people who criticise his ways.

All we can do is trust our President, since the majority have put their hopes in him ...
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I never said I personally disliked the guy....

Postby cymart » Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:59 pm

But Cyprus is a small country,as the article in todays Cyprus Mail pointed out and acting as if it is a superpower is not the way to earn respect or support-this kind of experimentation was tried by previous leaders from Makarios to Papad. and did not do us any good,except get Cyprus ridiculed!The E.U. Commission were not at all pleased with the lack of diplomacy or the contents of the things Christophias said last week and that is the last thing we need at such a crucial time when people such as Papandreou are making a co-ordinated effort to get them to apply discrete but effective pressure on Turkey to finally contribute to sorting out the situation in Cyprus.What matters are the results,not the words shouted around by various people and some of the bantering we have seen on this site by various contributors from time to time!O.K. this is a website where everyone can let off steam and say what they feel,but in the case we are referring to this was an international summit meeting of E.U. leaders for Gods sake, and I'm sure they had plenty of things on their agenda apart from Christophias and his blustering about Nazi Germany etc!!
If he has changed his mind and goes to Berlin after all then I will be really pleased,provided he doesn't make any more gaffes like he did last week!
I wonder why he changed his mind-could it be because Putin,the K.G.B./F.S.B. worm is attending and he doesn't want to feel left-out?or maybe he has realised that he has created a very negative impression by his initial refusal?
But one thing is for sure,at the end of the day,Cyprus will find its problem can only be solved by using discrete diplomatic gestures in the right places,not by posturing and popularist demagoguery which might win support from rejectionists at home,but does nothing to help its cause internationally and that is what really counts!Papandreou has realised this long ago and we are really lucky he came to power when he did-I just hope Christphias follows his example,rather than trying to act and think like Castro,Chavez and other third-world dictators!

On the subject of former East Germany I had personal experience of life there in the early 70's and it really drives me mad when I hear some people in Cyprus trying to pretend it was a great country to live in etc!
Ditto the Soviet Union and especially Dracula Causecus Romania!
As for Honecker and his evil wife who is still alive in Chile and survived her husband after they went there in exile ask any of the Stasis victims about them or watch 'The Lives of Others' even though it is a very mild portrait of the reality of the so-called D.D.R.!
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Re: I never said I personally disliked the guy....

Postby Get Real! » Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:05 pm

cymart wrote:But Cyprus is a small country,as the article in todays Cyprus Mail pointed out and acting as if it is a superpower is not the way to earn respect or support-this kind of experimentation was tried by previous leaders from Makarios to Papad.

International law makes NO differentiation whatsoever between a “super power” and a micro state, yet you seem to be in favor of super powers having an upper hand… a firm believer of might is right?

Is that how you run your family at home by any chance?
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