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Tooth pain

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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:50 pm

YFred wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
YFred wrote:
Cap wrote:
Oracle wrote:
umit07 wrote:
Oracle wrote:
umit07 wrote:
Oracle wrote:I knew it was just an EXAM-avoidance tactical toothache! :roll:

I knew you'd say that :? . I've NEVER missed an examination in my life. But this freakin tooth ache is too much to bare. I've got two other exams on Thursday and Friday, I have to get rid of this pain asap.

Well, then there is a grain of truth in it! Perhaps you need to tackle your fear of exams!

How did you draw that conclusion?


You left the "trnc" because you failed some exams and these are your first exams since leaving to start afresh!

You harbour guilt/worry/stress/anxiety and it manifests itself in this raging "tooth pain".

LOL! You should've been a psychiatrist Oracle.
Now, about my anxiety neurosis.......

How about this one.
Every time Oracle posts, I feel a sudden urge to visit the toilet. Is there a connection. What does it mean?

You should visit a Prostate specialist. Really. :cry:

I know I am slightly dyslexic but what has prostitute got to do with it? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sexual dysfunction? :lol:
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Postby T_C » Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:58 pm

Oracle wrote:
T_C wrote:Definitely sounds like an abscess!

Clove oil with painkillers is your only hope...

Make sure you go to the dentist tomorrow or it'll only get worse....

Hi T_C

What happened with your abscess?

Welcome back Oracle...

My abscess came back last night!!!! :shock:

Unbelievable!!!! :shock:

My face is so swollen right now. I can't get over it just reappearing after reading about Umit.. :?

I had root canal before. The tooth was fine till last night when I developed a slight ache. Thought nothing of it, but I woke up in the middle of the night in agony!

How could that happen? :shock:
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Postby umit07 » Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:24 pm

Shit TC what bad luck. I was on the luckier side today though, went to the dental hospital the dentist put some paste onto the tooth and told me to come back in a weeks time. He took a x-ray of the tooth and said the root looked ok. Apparently I've got shrinking gums which made the tooth more sensitive. I asked for pain killers but he didn't give me any, so I went back to my local GP and got prescribed Tramal ( Tramadol hydrochloride), I took one and slept it made me extremely drowsy. I also got some local anesthetic gel caled Xylocaine. It still hurts a bit but it's a lot better, gotta be careful not to eat anything hot or cold.
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:28 pm

umit07 wrote:Shit TC what bad luck. I was on the luckier side today though, went to the dental hospital the dentist put some paste onto the tooth and told me to come back in a weeks time. He took a x-ray of the tooth and said the root looked ok. Apparently I've got shrinking gums which made the tooth more sensitive. I asked for pain killers but he didn't give me any, so I went back to my local GP and got prescribed Tramal ( Tramadol hydrochloride), I took one and slept it made me extremely drowsy. I also got some local anesthetic gel caled Xylocaine. It still hurts a bit but it's a lot better, gotta be careful not to eat anything hot or cold.

So you need Sensodyne.(dental 'polyfilla'). :lol:
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Postby Floda » Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:13 pm

An Irish lady was complaining to an Irish gentleman that she was suffering with toothache.

"Oh God !" said she "Isn't a roaring tooth the worst pain of all ?"

"Ah no Ma'am" replied the Irish gentleman "Sure, did you ever get a good kick in the bollocks ?" :wink:
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