insan wrote:Piratis wrote:insan wrote:Multiculturalism cannot possibly survive. Anyone with an ounce of common sense sees it - it is the deliberate thrusting together of cultures to create a conflict. The conflict will be permanent until one culture dominates. And in this case one culture is not wasting any time thank you - our good friend Islam. Multiculturalism is a collection of cultures - cultures are based on an ethnic group or a collection of subgroups who originate in a geographical location and have a history. If that culture is exported, it either has to dominate in order for future generations to perpetuate it or the future generations lose it. That is a fact.
If it dominates then you have merely replaced the original dominant culture with a new dominant culture. You no longer have multiculturalism or you have a class riven society. In the UK and in Canada you had a dominant culture which was enlightened enough to tolerate a small minority of other cultures who either happily assimilated or were pleased to remain a microcosm and took advantage of their "differences" i.e. Chinatown and Indian areas. They still supported the doiminant culture because they knew what side their bread was buttered. Canada - have you forgotten Quebec? The Quebecois have always demanded either to be dominant or to be seperated - thats multiculturalism? Thats failure of multiculturalism. The only way to make it work is to mix a bunch of ethnicities together and create a new culture and what do you have? A domnant culture!!!! Argue around circles, multiculturalism does not work by definition and is the potential destruction of all the developments that could still be good for this planet. If populations are permitted to assimilate and mix organically rather than by force then over say a thousand years the races will mix but the cultures will die. If you force it, you are are another Stalin.
In Cyprus TCs demand either to be the equals or to be seperated while GCs demand either to be the dominant or to be the dominant!
So when are you going back to Turkey so we can solve the problem you deliberately created by coming to our island?
It is not ur island... However if u believe buggering off of one ethnic group would solve the problem then u go back to where u come from, why should we the TCs leave?
Because you are the one who has a problem with Multiculturalism. Didn't you just say that Multiculturalism "is the deliberate thrusting together of cultures to create a conflict"? We have already been on the island for 1000s of years before you came to deliberately create conflict. You came here creating the problem, and since Multiculturalism can not work (according to you) the only way to end the conflict and the problem is for you to go back to where you came from.