It is an interesting article - I have read lately on the web which explains the symptoms of mercury toxicity which appears in amalgam fillings that the dentist use daily as a method to restore a decayed teeth. This is a highly toxic material which is banned in Germany , Sweeden and some other scandinavian countries.
If you have symptoms like Depression, anxiety , pain in arm and shoulders or joint bones , mental disorder, allergies, Never discount the possibility that these symptoms may appear as a result of the amalgam fillings in your mouth.
1) NEVER allow a dentist to place a silver/mercury filling in your mouth. If he or she protests, kindly ask him or her to read this article. If he or she still protests then, with respect, you have no other option but to find another dentist.
(2) NEVER believe that you will achieve optimal wellness while you have silver/mercury amalgam fillings in your mouth.
(3) NEVER discount the possibility that the silver/mercury fillings in your teeth are contributing to your ill health and/or your bad feelings.
(4) NEVER allow a dentist to remove your silver/mercury fillings unless he uses a full rubber dam and takes all the necessary precautions. See Protocols at
Not all dentist are aware of the dangers of this toxic material but latest research on the field revealed that the mercury escapes from the filling in your teeth and is transmitted through the blood cells in all organs in the body ie kidney , brain , etc .
There are mercury free dentist who replace the amalgam filling with the white composite filling which is not toxic. And If necessary they carry out a biocompatibility test to determine the materials your body is most likely to accept.
I have read many articles on this topic the last month including many reseraches carried out by Universities in USA , Switseland and I am more than happy to provide further information on the topic .The research examined a sample of patients suffering from all these symptoms. After having their amalgam fillings replaced the health had considerably improved .