insan wrote:bill cobbett wrote:insan wrote:bill cobbett wrote:The EU already has direct trade with the Occupied Areas for those goods which meet its standards and pass through the cease-fire lines.
Look, billy willy silly boy... show a little respect for ur Cy "bros" and stop ur humiliating crap! Otherwise it's not difficult for us to retaliate to u with a similar way u do!
Reh Insan,
Are you denying that there are goods to the value of millions of euros crossing both ways across the cease-fire line?
Our Beloved Pres X, Pres of all CYs, has encouraged this movement of goods, through the Green Line Regulations, and shown true regard for the interests of all CYs. On the other hand your Bellicose, Threatening, Former Terrorist Errorgluey stopped trade across the line in Potatoes. Presumably Errorgluey was upset he wasn't getting any back-handers under the table.
Reh Billy, I'm not denying it. I'm angry with u abt the way u treat Halil and me by trying to humiliate us and not respecting. Eroglu didn't stop the potatoe trade. We discussed it here on the forum and explained u what's that potatoes issue all about. Even I and Tim posted abt how the news regarding the potatoe trade issue was garbled.
Yes, Eroglu is a bad politican for at least half of the TCs and probably for most of the GCs but he can't dare to do anything he wishes. Please get ur facts staright and be a little suspicious abt the propaganda news spread of ur boys.
Insan This billy willy boy thinks he is very cleaver .he thinks by throwing the muds on us will help his onesided ideas . In here i am trying to show him and to others there is always other alternatives too .... come to your senses the way u are going does not help at all .... by not seeing the TC's ideas as well .... By trying humulate TC's pushes away the TC's from them they never understand Insan .They thinks we are begging for them ...this is the bigger mistake they are making .... many times i told them we are not any more in 60's..... without communication ,without transportation ,without electricity, fear in our minds before we goto our beds . They all gone .......
Billy ,willy boys my friends understands my ideas, my friends knows what kind of peace agreement i want .
The way u trying to humulate TC's only helps to nationalists groups . Everyday news papers are full up with your humulation ideas in north . Keep doing u are helping them a lot .... not much time left for u to face with Eroglu .... Than u will understand better . Go on still think about as joke or treat ........