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RoC President likens EU-Turkey relations to Nazi appeasement

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby insan » Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:50 pm

Get Real! wrote:
insan wrote:
-mikkie2- wrote:"1- Basic principles of ROT envisage a modernization through a westernization process. The fact is that EU is not what it used to was. EU with it's rapidly aging and degenerating population is going through a disastrous collapse. "


The UK ppopulation for example is predicted to increase to 70 million by 2030. Immigration but also higher birth rates will cause this.

Governments throughout the EU are incentivising people to have more children by giving them practical support, such as free childcare, tax incentives, longer maternity and paternity leave that is paid and so on. Over time this will have a big impact on birth rates and in fact it is doing so already.

Most statistics show a decline up to 2006. The UK is now 1.95 births per woman which is close to the 2.1 births per woman that is required to sustain the population. France I think has the highest birthrate in Europe and Germany one of the lowest, but incentives are in place now to change this.

Its not all doom and gloom for the EU just yet!

The EU average of fertility rate is 1.47 which is lower than the required 2.0 to atleast replace the population if not increase. On the other hand, drug usage and alcohol consumption r also in rising trends among especially youth and whole EU society in general.

Even if incentives urge people of EU have more children at least 2.0 rate to replace the population, the so-called European life style will still constitute a threat on raising healthy and promising new EU generations that r required to maintain firstly the existence of their own country and in general the existence and dynamics of EU.

When u take into consideration the higher fertility rate of the muslim population of Europe, it's not hard to predict that the next transformation of EU will be a disastrous collapse for the Christians of EU.

The US is a good example of a country where about half its population is either, a drug addict, a prostitute, an alcoholic, a homeless person, a sexual pervert, or some other kind of weirdo, yet the country has thus far been financially very successful!

In other words, social trends like the above are apparently not an indicator to a country’s financial/influential potential.

Insan, give up on your Turkic dreams because the Turkic people are on the whole the most useless on the planet and you will be bitterly disappointed! Image

We all well know where US gets it's financial success and influential potential. We also well know US's huge concerns regarding the decreasing of it's financial power and influential potential... we also very well know that the rising power of Asia, namely China, makes US shit in her pants!

In 2 to 5 years, balance of the powers will be changed from west to east... Chavez don't use US dollar, China decided not to use US dollar, Turkey, Russia and Iran have common plans not using US currency for international trade. Who is the main financer of US? China ofc... Watch the collapse of US economy in 2 to 5 years time. Even only China is capable to buy US economy.

Poor GR, u need to read more regarding the latest developments if u ever stop reading and posting some useless Obama, Bush, Blair etc bashing craps. :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:00 pm

insan wrote:Poor GR, u need to read more regarding the latest developments if u ever stop reading and posting some useless Obama, Bush, Blair etc bashing craps. :lol:

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Postby insan » Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:04 pm

-mikkie2- wrote:"Even if incentives urge people of EU have more children at least 2.0 rate to replace the population, the so-called European life style will still constitute a threat on raising healthy and promising new EU generations that r required to maintain firstly the existence of their own country and in general the existence and dynamics of EU."

So Turkey to the rescue then whith its young, dynamic, highly educated, drug and alcohol free population!

What a load of drivel you speak Insan.

You make it sound as though the streets of EU capitals are strewn with youths high on drugs and alcohol causing mayhem and growing up to be useless members of scociety! You pick up bad news stories and tar everyone with the same brush!

That is not really the case and you shouldn't believe 100% what you read in the press and the news. Unfortunately, news always picks up on the bad things and not on the good things. Thats human nature unfortunately.

The 'so called' European lifestyle is something to be enjoyed - have you visited other countries other than Turkey, Insan? Have you been to see and experience these things yourself?

To the contrary, mikkie, the EU countries or better to define them the well known EU political groups which r against the full EU membership of Turkey, mainly because of huge muslim population of Turkey which in case of full membership of Turkey would contribute the increase of muslim population of EU. This is a nightmare for those conservative, Christian Democrats of EU.

My opinions r not based on what I've read in the press but on scientific researches and statistics.

I've been in some European countries and lived in London for 6 months. It has nothing to do with my arguments based on low fertility rates of European countries and the fact that rising drug usage and alcohol consumption would have negative impacts on new EU generations. Do u not agree that these will have a significant negative impact on future of EU? If u don't agree with me than come with ur counter arguements instead telling me to visit the European countries and experience the European way of life.

What r the general social trends in EU youth, currently? U tell us, by taking into consideration both ur own EU experiences and based on scientific researches regarding these social trends.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:39 pm

insan wrote:It has nothing to do with my arguments based on low fertility rates of European countries and the fact that rising drug usage and alcohol consumption would have negative impacts on new EU generations.

Insan, the fertility rate is an old Ottoman measure of “power”, but on its own it obviously doesn’t mean much in this day and age (or the Ottomans would still be around) other than a serious liability if they’re unskilled and uneducated! :lol:
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Postby YFred » Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:58 pm

Get Real! wrote:
insan wrote:It has nothing to do with my arguments based on low fertility rates of European countries and the fact that rising drug usage and alcohol consumption would have negative impacts on new EU generations.

Insan, the fertility rate is an old Ottoman measure of “power”, but on its own it obviously doesn’t mean much in this day and age (or the Ottomans would still be around) other than a serious liability if they’re unskilled and uneducated! :lol:

The old man used to say "the more children you have the wealthier you are", make that what you will. Which is why I have 18.
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Postby -mikkie2- » Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:10 am

Oh dear Insan! Six months in London and reading a few research articles and you know all about the social trends of youths in EU! Perhaps post some links to enlighten me.

Perhaps you havent noticed the Turkish gangs that operate in London going round shooting people and controling the heroin trade! Fine examples of Turkish youth right here in London. And what about honour killings which occur over here too? You heard of those from Turkish families here in the Uk?

in any case you make statements about drug and alcohol abuse leading to collapse of EU but you cant really back this up. If it is so bad then why is Turkey so desperate to join? Why doesnt Turkey call the bluff of the EU and walk away from accession negotiations?
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Postby Lit » Sat Oct 31, 2009 3:09 am

YFred wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
insan wrote:It has nothing to do with my arguments based on low fertility rates of European countries and the fact that rising drug usage and alcohol consumption would have negative impacts on new EU generations.

Insan, the fertility rate is an old Ottoman measure of “power”, but on its own it obviously doesn’t mean much in this day and age (or the Ottomans would still be around) other than a serious liability if they’re unskilled and uneducated! :lol:

The old man used to say "the more children you have the wealthier you are", make that what you will. Which is why I have 18.

Eighteen?! Eighteen, what? Is that your IQ?? :lol:

How do you find the time to spend your days and nights on this forum? :lol:
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Postby Lit » Sat Oct 31, 2009 3:13 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
Lit wrote:
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009. You may share using our article tools. Please don't cut articles from and redistribute by email or post to the web.

You naughty boy!

That's what she said! Yeeeees.
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Postby Hermes » Sat Oct 31, 2009 3:29 am

-mikkie2- wrote:Oh dear Insan! Six months in London and reading a few research articles and you know all about the social trends of youths in EU! Perhaps post some links to enlighten me.

Perhaps you havent noticed the Turkish gangs that operate in London going round shooting people and controling the heroin trade! Fine examples of Turkish youth right here in London. And what about honour killings which occur over here too? You heard of those from Turkish families here in the Uk?

in any case you make statements about drug and alcohol abuse leading to collapse of EU but you cant really back this up. If it is so bad then why is Turkey so desperate to join? Why doesnt Turkey call the bluff of the EU and walk away from accession negotiations?

Good points. My opinion is that Turkey wants to join the EU but it wants to join on its own terms. It wants to be an EU member and to enjoy all the benefits of membership but it wants to continue to occupy Cyprus. It doesn't actually think there is a contradiction in this position. It believes it is justified in its occupation. It can't take the necessary steps to join the EU because it thinks these steps are concessions. It is caught in a zero-sum game. Not just on Cyprus but in all areas of EU legislation: human rights, press freedom, the role of the military etc.

Because it is refusing to fulfill its obligations its accession process has ground to a halt. Instead of realising the door is wide open, Turkey is blaming the EU for blocking its progress. In fact, Turkey is shutting itself out of the EU.

Cyprus is a test of Turkey' commitment to EU norms and standards. If it was bold, it would recognise Cyprus, open its ports and allow the return of Varosha to its rightful inhabitants. But because it sees these as concessions rather than obligations it cannot do anything and asks for something in return. It is a tired old game. Turkey is like a trapped beast. Unable to take the steps it needs to shake off its brutal and bloody past. It wants to look forward but is trapped, frozen, immobile staring into the headlights...
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Postby zmx » Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:15 pm

insan wrote:
-mikkie2- wrote:"1- Basic principles of ROT envisage a modernization through a westernization process. The fact is that EU is not what it used to was. EU with it's rapidly aging and degenerating population is going through a disastrous collapse. "


The UK ppopulation for example is predicted to increase to 70 million by 2030. Immigration but also higher birth rates will cause this.

Governments throughout the EU are incentivising people to have more children by giving them practical support, such as free childcare, tax incentives, longer maternity and paternity leave that is paid and so on. Over time this will have a big impact on birth rates and in fact it is doing so already.

Most statistics show a decline up to 2006. The UK is now 1.95 births per woman which is close to the 2.1 births per woman that is required to sustain the population. France I think has the highest birthrate in Europe and Germany one of the lowest, but incentives are in place now to change this.

Its not all doom and gloom for the EU just yet!

The EU average of fertility rate is 1.47 which is lower than the required 2.0 to atleast replace the population if not increase. On the other hand, drug usage and alcohol consumption r also in rising trends among especially youth and whole EU society in general.

Even if incentives urge people of EU have more children at least 2.0 rate to replace the population, the so-called European life style will still constitute a threat on raising healthy and promising new EU generations that r required to maintain firstly the existence of their own country and in general the existence and dynamics of EU.

When u take into consideration the higher fertility rate of the muslim population of Europe, it's not hard to predict that the next transformation of EU will be a disastrous collapse for the Christians of EU.

Alcohol consumption is also steadily rising in Turkey as this article points out:

Turkey's alcoholic drinks consumption on rise
Turkish people consumed 4.5 million liters of alcoholic beverages more in the first half of this year from the same period of 2008, figures revealed on Monday.

According to figures of Turkey's Regulatory Committee for Tobacco, Tobacco Products and Alcoholic Beverages Market (TAPDK), Turkish people drank 536.2 million liters of alcoholic beverages in the first six months of this year.

It was 453 million liters in the first half of 2006, 465 million in the same period of 2007 and 531.7 million liters in the first half of 2008.

Turkish people preferred mostly beer, raki, wine and vodka. Beer consumption increased to 485.3 million liters, while wine consumption reached 20.9 million liters. However, consumption of Turkey's national drink raki was slightly down to 22.2 million liters.

Sales of alcoholic drinks were made mostly in major cities and summer holiday resorts of Turkey. Number of tourists visiting Turkey also showed drastic rise since 2006. Number of tourists was up 6.5 million in 2008 from 19.8 million in 2006. ... -rise.html

The idea that somehow Turkish society is free of any type of vice is laughable.

as Turkish youth becomes increasingly westernized the problems that plague many European societies E.g. alcoholism, drug abuse etc will affect Turkey too, in fact it has already begun happening there.

also so what if the birth rate amongst Muslim migrants in the EU is higher than the EU average? Much of the "Muslim" youth in Europe can hardly be described as devout. Most are westernized to the point where most of them would never be able to integrate back into the country of their ancestors origin.
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