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Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:44 pm

Linichka wrote:Yes, the Islamists lifted a few leaves from Judaism, as did Christianity. And your point is, Yialoser?

Real Christianity has nothing to do with Judaism your thinking of Judeo Christians.
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Postby Linichka » Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:55 pm

Really? And what about your so-called "Old Testament"?
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Postby Floda » Mon Nov 16, 2009 1:08 am

Free Spirit wrote:
Floda wrote:
Free Spirit wrote: anyone knows that there aren't any virgins over 11 years in Glasgow

I think that this comment is offensive in the extreme and does very little to recommend the validity of the members views. :roll:

IF such were true, would not such a declaration be seen as positive proof that the Western standards of morality have become SO degraded that the resistance to join such 'Democratic' societies is justified. :?:

By constantly disrespecting the faiths and beliefs of others, one can only portray the lack of respect one has for oneself (IMHO) therefore I would strongly urge an abatement in such practices. :wink:

Have you been to Glasgow?

On several occasions, as I have been to various cities both in the UK and the USA, your comments do very little to promote the adoption of 'Democracy' in those nations (particularly of the East where I have also travelled extensively) which are SO adamantly opposed to it.

Backward (in terms of technology) they may be BUT, in terms of general morality, I think they have much to teach the Western aggressors, which apparently they are quite successfully doing at the moment (IMHO) :wink:
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Postby Linichka » Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:10 am

"Real Christianity has nothing to do with Judaism your thinking of Judeo Christians."

Come on, yialoser, tell me where the Ten Commandments and the first several books of the Bible came from!

Floda, could you expound some on the positive aspects of the Moslem culture which you have observed in your travels? As a woman, I find their repression of women and certain other cultural differences so negative that I would truly like to know what are the positives. I have only been to Turkey and Egypt, and so haven't the advantage of your broader view.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:49 am

Linichka wrote:As a woman, I find their repression of women and certain other cultural differences so negative that I would truly like to know what are the positives.

The Muslim oppression of women is hardly an issue when compared to the Israeli murder and torture of thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese men, women, and children!

You need to get your PRIORITIES right because your abysmal posts are a disgrace to humanity and femininity.

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Postby Linichka » Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:16 am

Don't be hysterical, GR.

We'd be happy to leave the Moslems 100% alone. They just seem unable to do us the same favor.
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Postby Floda » Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:18 am

Linichka wrote:

Floda, could you expound some on the positive aspects of the Moslem culture which you have observed in your travels? As a woman, I find their repression of women and certain other cultural differences so negative that I would truly like to know what are the positives. I have only been to Turkey and Egypt, and so haven't the advantage of your broader view.

Linichka, there are so many which you ( as one who invariably homes in on the 'treatment of women' as a yardstick for condemnation) would hardly be ready to entertain since YOUR views are so at odds with the values of those you so often ridicule.

Perhaps it might be helpful to offer an illustration of ONE fundamental point (regarding the women) in comparison with the general attitude of women in the UK.

Now notorious for the break up of family union, the UK has a great problem with the 'Youth' of their society.

It is a problem which has been created (like ALL problems related to it) by the very people in high office who now ponder so deeply on how to eradicate such problems.

Mothers in the UK are now FORCED to work in order to maintain a decent lifestyle, their absence has given rise to the serious consequences the behaviour of their children illustrates, lack of respect for themselves and others, foul language, sexual freedom, to name but a few.

Those women YOU so ridicule (and feign sympathy for) need neither your ridicule nor your sympathy, they are MOSTLY happy with their lives and family traditions.

Unfortunately, the Western influence has infiltrated the habits of SOME and as the old saying goes "The rotten apple in the barrel" contaminates the general decency and respectability of a culture which is actually superior to the one that infiltrates.

Our own Mothers and Fathers (I speak as a 40+ year old) also lived by similar standards, in that, Father worked and provided for the family, Mother raised and taught the children and instructed the Daughters in the basic arts of housewifery (which was enjoyed by both old and young).

Back to the UK, there are so many 'Single Mums' who know nothing of either caring for a child OR household duties, who live in squalor and are seemingly PROUD of their achievements (in that they have managed to 'retire' on state benefits) that the nation now faces ridicule itself, by the very nations that it is STILL trying to influence.

"Come in and join me, the water is fine !" :lol: :lol:

You ask for a positive, I ask you, do not the comparisons described above qualify for at least ONE ?. :wink:
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Postby Linichka » Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:33 am

Thank you for your reply, Floda.

If it still eludes me that women can be "happy" in a society granting them few choices, little freedom and severe consequences should they attempt to go against the grain - and it does - I do appreciate your observations about the deplorable effect Western society has had on our youth. I've often thought that we have it bassackwards: instead of requiring licenses for marriage, too bad that couples aren't required to apply for licenses to bear children, involving mandatory counseling and training and proof of financial / emotional commitment and intent. I've seen far too many thoughtlessly produce offspring, uncaring and uncommitted. Childbearing and child-raising should be regarded as a privilege, not an automatic biological right.
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Postby Me Ed » Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:20 pm

Somali woman stoned to death by islamists for adultery after giving birth to still-born baby.
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Postby Floda » Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:53 pm

Me Ed wrote:Somali woman stoned to death by islamists for adultery after giving birth to still-born baby.

If such be the law of the land and the people are aware of it, how does it differ from breaking the law of ANY land ?.

Had the woman in question NOT committed the perceived 'Crime', she would not have been punished, OR, do you advocate that it is permissable to commit adultery ?.

I think you make a strong case for 'Sharia Law' in the US/UK, such law would greatly reduce the populations of both nations extremely rapidly, (according to statistics). :roll:
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