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Islamic crimes against humainty - another day in paradise.

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Postby Me Ed » Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:08 pm

Floda wrote:
Me Ed wrote:Somali woman stoned to death by islamists for adultery after giving birth to still-born baby.

If such be the law of the land and the people are aware of it, how does it differ from breaking the law of ANY land ?.

Had the woman in question NOT committed the perceived 'Crime', she would not have been punished, OR, do you advocate that it is permissable to commit adultery ?.

I think you make a strong case for 'Sharia Law' in the US/UK, such law would greatly reduce the populations of both nations extremely rapidly, (according to statistics). :roll:

I can't believe you are defending these sick and repugnent attitudes.

People make mistakes in their lives, perhaps if she was your daughter, you might have a different view.
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Postby Floda » Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:30 pm

Me Ed wrote:
Floda wrote:
Me Ed wrote:Somali woman stoned to death by islamists for adultery after giving birth to still-born baby.

If such be the law of the land and the people are aware of it, how does it differ from breaking the law of ANY land ?.

Had the woman in question NOT committed the perceived 'Crime', she would not have been punished, OR, do you advocate that it is permissable to commit adultery ?.

I think you make a strong case for 'Sharia Law' in the US/UK, such law would greatly reduce the populations of both nations extremely rapidly, (according to statistics). :roll:

I can't believe you are defending these sick and repugnent attitudes.

People make mistakes in their lives, perhaps if she was your daughter, you might have a different view.

Me Ed, I cannot see that my response to your comments should be taken as a defence for (as YOU perceive them to be) sick and repugnant attitudes.

It may surprise you to know that the people of Somalia regard OUR attitudes as sick and repugnant (possibly) and furthermore, they regard OUR society as inferior to their own.

They are of a different culture and are fully entitled to conduct their affairs in the manner they are accustomed to, WE of the West, should (by example) exhibit OUR culture as superior to theirs and possibly entice THEM to adopt OUR principles.

Unfortunately, a cursory glance through any one of the daily (or weekly) newspapers, an evening's viewing of Western television programmes OR, an examination of the foul language and insults hurled across the screens of THIS medium, would greatly discourage such adoption. (IMHO) :wink:
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Postby Talisker » Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:46 pm

Free Spirit wrote:
Floda wrote:
Free Spirit wrote: anyone knows that there aren't any virgins over 11 years in Glasgow

I think that this comment is offensive in the extreme and does very little to recommend the validity of the members views. :roll:

IF such were true, would not such a declaration be seen as positive proof that the Western standards of morality have become SO degraded that the resistance to join such 'Democratic' societies is justified. :?:

By constantly disrespecting the faiths and beliefs of others, one can only portray the lack of respect one has for oneself (IMHO) therefore I would strongly urge an abatement in such practices. :wink:

Have you been to Glasgow?

Come on then, our expert in all things Glaswegian. Tell us about the time you ventured the opinion 'anyone knows that there aren't any virgins over 11 years in Glasgow' in a pub in Glasgow. Or are you just a coward hiding behind a completely inappropriate name? 'Free spirit' you ain't. 'Prejudiced, ignorant tosser' might be closer to the truth. You know sod all about Glasgow or Glaswegians.
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Postby Floda » Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:54 pm

Talisker wrote:
Free Spirit wrote:
Floda wrote:
Free Spirit wrote: anyone knows that there aren't any virgins over 11 years in Glasgow

I think that this comment is offensive in the extreme and does very little to recommend the validity of the members views. :roll:

IF such were true, would not such a declaration be seen as positive proof that the Western standards of morality have become SO degraded that the resistance to join such 'Democratic' societies is justified. :?:

By constantly disrespecting the faiths and beliefs of others, one can only portray the lack of respect one has for oneself (IMHO) therefore I would strongly urge an abatement in such practices. :wink:

Have you been to Glasgow?

Come on then, our expert in all things Glaswegian. Tell us about the time you ventured the opinion 'anyone knows that there aren't any virgins over 11 years in Glasgow' in a pub in Glasgow. Or are you just a coward hiding behind a completely inappropriate name? 'Free spirit' you ain't. 'Prejudiced, ignorant tosser' might be closer to the truth. You know sod all about Glasgow or Glaswegians.

Absolutely Talisker. :wink:
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Postby yialousa1971 » Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:03 am

Well this Jew thinks its paradise. :D
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Postby Floda » Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:26 am

yialousa1971 wrote:

Well this Jew thinks its paradise. :D

Quite an enjoyable piece of music yialousa 1971, the young musicians of today are worthy of credit for their expertise BUT, whereas you and I (together with millions of others) may find the music exciting and pleasant, we should be aware that those of the Somalian culture may not be so enthusiastic.

Actually, I know that they would consider the name of the piece coupled with such an exhibition as an offence to their own beliefs, Good Luck to them, it is their opinion and is as valid as our own. (IMHO) :wink:
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Postby Me Ed » Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:51 am

Floda wrote:
Me Ed wrote:
Floda wrote:
Me Ed wrote:Somali woman stoned to death by islamists for adultery after giving birth to still-born baby.

If such be the law of the land and the people are aware of it, how does it differ from breaking the law of ANY land ?.

Had the woman in question NOT committed the perceived 'Crime', she would not have been punished, OR, do you advocate that it is permissable to commit adultery ?.

I think you make a strong case for 'Sharia Law' in the US/UK, such law would greatly reduce the populations of both nations extremely rapidly, (according to statistics). :roll:

I can't believe you are defending these sick and repugnent attitudes.

People make mistakes in their lives, perhaps if she was your daughter, you might have a different view.

Me Ed, I cannot see that my response to your comments should be taken as a defence for (as YOU perceive them to be) sick and repugnant attitudes.

It may surprise you to know that the people of Somalia regard OUR attitudes as sick and repugnant (possibly) and furthermore, they regard OUR society as inferior to their own.

They are of a different culture and are fully entitled to conduct their affairs in the manner they are accustomed to, WE of the West, should (by example) exhibit OUR culture as superior to theirs and possibly entice THEM to adopt OUR principles.

Unfortunately, a cursory glance through any one of the daily (or weekly) newspapers, an evening's viewing of Western television programmes OR, an examination of the foul language and insults hurled across the screens of THIS medium, would greatly discourage such adoption. (IMHO) :wink:


Please let me know what qualifies you to speak for the Somalian people's attitude.

It may surprise you to know that there are many Somalian people seeking asylum in the West from this regime.

Why would such an enlightened people be motivated to move to the evil west.

Finally, you quote the media, but most people in the west are decent honest people.

Yet you quote the very institution that would make us believe that all muslims are terrorist, which is about as true as saying everyone in the west is immoral which is what the islamists believe, both of which are untrue.

As someone who lives in the comfort of the west, I find your defence of these regimes sick.

The last person who had the "stone them to death" attitude was Hitler and like the islamists, he was also a facist.

In the west we like to better ourselves through education and not ignorance, intollerance and fear.
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Postby AmericanGC » Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:26 am

Islam is the work of a delusional perverted man who had a psychotic episode. Muslims are the biggest cowards on Earth. They target women and children, set bombs and run. They can't fight and they are afraid of facing real men one on one because they ALWAYS lose. The only battle they will willingly fight is one where they have a overwhelming advantage and even then they sometimes lose. I have been in battle with Muslims and they are cowards. In Muslim nations you see women covered up, beaten and abused in every way. The women do all the work including hard labor while the so called Muslim men sit around doing nothing. These are all signs of the huge insecurities of Muslim men. They hate the west because we are secure strong and we give our women rights. We always beat their ass on the battlefield, every Muslim military sucks. Just take Israel, they can and have beat almost every Muslim military single handed at once. These extremist convince young Muslim men that they will be with virgins if they blow themselves up killing people even children in the process. The shock they must feel when they get to hell and the devil is anally rapping them, they must think what happen to the virgins. The fact is the west is to tolerant of these people. It is a perverted sick and evil religion.
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Postby Floda » Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:44 am

Floda wrote:
Me Ed wrote:
Floda wrote:
Me Ed wrote:Somali woman stoned to death by islamists for adultery after giving birth to still-born baby.

If such be the law of the land and the people are aware of it, how does it differ from breaking the law of ANY land ?.

Had the woman in question NOT committed the perceived 'Crime', she would not have been punished, OR, do you advocate that it is permissable to commit adultery ?.

I think you make a strong case for 'Sharia Law' in the US/UK, such law would greatly reduce the populations of both nations extremely rapidly, (according to statistics). :roll:

I can't believe you are defending these sick and repugnent attitudes.

People make mistakes in their lives, perhaps if she was your daughter, you might have a different view.

Me Ed, I cannot see that my response to your comments should be taken as a defence for (as YOU perceive them to be) sick and repugnant attitudes.

It may surprise you to know that the people of Somalia regard OUR attitudes as sick and repugnant (possibly) and furthermore, they regard OUR society as inferior to their own.

They are of a different culture and are fully entitled to conduct their affairs in the manner they are accustomed to, WE of the West, should (by example) exhibit OUR culture as superior to theirs and possibly entice THEM to adopt OUR principles.

Unfortunately, a cursory glance through any one of the daily (or weekly) newspapers, an evening's viewing of Western television programmes OR, an examination of the foul language and insults hurled across the screens of THIS medium, would greatly discourage such adoption. (IMHO) :wink:

Me Ed, having lived among the Somalians and having taken note of their general attitudes and beliefs (not my own) I do feel that there is some justice in my comments NOT in defence of (as you suggest) of any sick and/or repugnant actions.

I make no apology for stating that the Somalian people are as entitled to conduct their affairs (as they see fit) as are we of the West.

Generalising is always very difficult and the fact that there are many Somalians seeking refuge in the West is an indication that SOME have decided to leave their homeland in the hope of a (perhaps) easier life.

However, from my own experience of those Somalians that HAVE made the move, I would suggest that they have also brought their OWN cultural beliefs with them, NOT to the extent that they observe back home but certainly (with close family issues) precisely the same attitudes with regard to their morality as they practise there. (although obviously there may be exceptions).

As to the 'Media', that the Western population is manipulated by it IS (in my opinion) beyond doubt, to highlight one very small example, consider the recent quotes by our Western leaders that "Afghanistan MUST eradicate the corruption in their government departments" on the very eve of President Hamid Karzai's second term of office.

THAT'S GOOD, coming from the mouths of spokespersons who are part of probably the most notoriously corrupt governments on the face of the earth (IMHO) :lol: :lol: If it didn't make you laugh, it would make you cry................... perhaps the 'Media' has managed to convince the general public that they have been dreaming for the past few years.

As to your comment that I regard ALL Muslims as terrorists, I am quite gobsmacked since NEVER have I suggested nor have I implied, that such is the case, I have many friends who are quite devout followers of Islam and your suggestion that I am a Fascist would dismay them I am quite sure.

I agree that the Western societies place great score on educational matters, it is quite sad that the society itself is apparently suffering from a 'Lack of respect' for those less fortunate than ourselves (despite all the 'Media Hype' to the contrary).

Finally, as to AmericanGC, "Get your head out of your arse Yank, you are the epitome of everything that is wrong with your adopted nation's mindset".

At least Me Ed is an intelligent person. (IMHO) of course. :wink:
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Postby Me Ed » Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:11 am

Taliban murders more innocent civilians today:
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