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First crocodiles... now it's sharks...

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Is it safe to go into the water? :)

Total votes : 7

Postby petethegreek » Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:16 pm

cannedmoose wrote:
ex_pat wrote:Are you proud to defend racism?

You should hang your head in shame, marry a Cypriot and sell out to your own nation!

Sad really!

I think it's noteworthy that you claim I'm a defender of racism and then follow that statement with a totally racist comment yourself. You are the one who should be hanging your head in shame. I notice that you did not address the issue I raised some time ago in reference to those seeking asylum - would you send white Zimbabweans back? Or do you only believe that 'if they're black, send 'em back?' It's noticeable how you dodged that issue.

You have issues my friend, I suggest you deal with them before criticising me. Unlike you, I am a proud European, I realise my heritage stems beyond the bounds of this small group of islands off the north-west coast of France and I'm proud of it. If you're so deeply unhappy in Cyprus, why do you stay? Why not return to the UK, where the grass is greener and the people are so nice that they escort old ladies across the street and where all businessman are salt-of-the-earth folk?

Like I said before, you only get ripped off if you deserve to be ripped off. Just like countries routinely get the governments they deserve.

Favour please MOOSE.

Fill in the blanks for me. How did ex-pat get ripped off?
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Postby city » Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:22 pm

petethegreek wrote:Favour please MOOSE.

Fill in the blanks for me. How did ex-pat get ripped off?

read this thread:
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Postby petethegreek » Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:29 pm

city wrote:
petethegreek wrote:Favour please MOOSE.

Fill in the blanks for me. How did ex-pat get ripped off?

read this thread:

Thanks CITY.

So ex-pat thinks he got ripped off over some bottles of water?

Although I know this does happen in Cyprus where some shops try to rip off tourist, does he not think that he is over reacting?

With an attitude like his I agree that he should leave Cyprus.........because we dont need like him in our country.
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Postby Michael Coumas » Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:52 pm

Hello Ladies and Gents,
Have now found time to join in the forum again, it has been a busy week.
The topic I believe was Sharks. Can I be permitted to say that when it comes to matters Nautical, Surface or Sub Sea I tend to come into my own.
Many text books have been written about sharks and many theorists have had their say but I can tell you that Shark in the Med are found a lot shallower than 100 metres, try one to ten metres as well as all depths to the bottom. The books that claim Hammerhead sharks mainly live in the Caribbean but not the Med have not been read by the Hammerheads themselves, consequently they are still there, I have seen them, in fact one was caught on rod and line at one end of a salvage barge while I was on the seabed wrestling with a piece of metal of too many tons at the other end. Not a safe practice I grant you & I did put a stop to the fishing while diving operations were in progress thereafter but the point is the sharks were there.
I would not be too alarmed however, they only eat when they are hungry…….I think! Dogfish as has been said are exactly like baby shark, I used to grab them by the tail & they did their best to double over & bite the hand but a small flick of the wrist always prevented them from being able to reach. Their skin is like a sharks, smooth one way and very course the other, like glasspaper.
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Postby petethegreek » Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:59 pm

Michael Coumas wrote:Hello Ladies and Gents,
Have now found time to join in the forum again, it has been a busy week.
The topic I believe was Sharks. Can I be permitted to say that when it comes to matters Nautical, Surface or Sub Sea I tend to come into my own.
Many text books have been written about sharks and many theorists have had their say but I can tell you that Shark in the Med are found a lot shallower than 100 metres, try one to ten metres as well as all depths to the bottom. The books that claim Hammerhead sharks mainly live in the Caribbean but not the Med have not been read by the Hammerheads themselves, consequently they are still there, I have seen them, in fact one was caught on rod and line at one end of a salvage barge while I was on the seabed wrestling with a piece of metal of too many tons at the other end. Not a safe practice I grant you & I did put a stop to the fishing while diving operations were in progress thereafter but the point is the sharks were there.
I would not be too alarmed however, they only eat when they are hungry…….I think! Dogfish as has been said are exactly like baby shark, I used to grab them by the tail & they did their best to double over & bite the hand but a small flick of the wrist always prevented them from being able to reach. Their skin is like a sharks, smooth one way and very course the other, like glasspaper.

They only eat when they're hungry?

I only eat when I'm hungry but it's unlikely that I'm gonna rip someones leg off!

And ur an expert, ehhhhhhhhhh.
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Postby gabaston » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:01 am


erm ... exactly what time do they take their lunch break then?
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Postby petethegreek » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:06 am

gabaston wrote:michael

erm ... exactly what time do they take their lunch break then?

To find the answer to this question I suggest u go swimming in said area. When u feel a sharp pain most probably due to the lost of a limb then immediately check ur watch.

Hey presto! Its luch time.

Please make sure that if u lose said limb that its not the limb with the watch attached otherwise ur buggered! :D
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Postby gabaston » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:11 am

lol - nice comment

but igorance of shark lunch breaks sounds preferable.
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Postby petethegreek » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:13 am

gabaston wrote:lol - nice comment

but igorance of shark lunch breaks sounds preferable.

Who da expert, me or Michael Coumas?
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Postby cannedmoose » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:36 am

Blimey, I've never putting a toe in the Med again...

I know Great Whites are seen in deep water off Malta, but the chances of coming face to face with a Tiger or Bull shark would put me well off...
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