SSBubbles wrote:paliometoxo wrote:oh to have sex with her before i go?;p i only say that because you say for bubbles to explain, shes the one that explains everything to me ;p
No sex before marriage please palio
What D is saying is for you NOT to have sex whilst you are away from home. (as if you would!

oh i see thanks bubbles. no sex before marrage?

i know this girl who would not even have sex with her husband AFTER they where married , i wonder why they are divorced now lol...
sex before marry with this girl is a little late for that ;p a lot late for that lol
and Deniz, thanks i love my gf very much i would not go with another woman, lots of girls here like those guys i was on a double date years ago and my friend he came out and told his date he has another gf and wants more then one, she did not care.
im not one of those types that likes to have 100 gfs i am happy with one ;p