i eat a lot everyday!! nothing stops me from enjoyin a fat meal knowing that i wont put any extra weight !
i lose weight some how.. i should be 25 stone or sumin lol i guess im just natural ahaha
your lucky if you can get away with it and eat lots why not.
and ormally i cant eat when im hangova but i find that food makes me much better so i just do it lol
it does at first you think eww food but if you force yourself you do feel better
and we aint wearin white dresses! she wearing pink im wearin blue, black heels and hair should be done the same
"it wont be the same coz ive got the biggest curly hair ever and her hair is straight!! but we will try to get the best results!!
girly pink and blue.. nice colours:D
and i know what you on about it cost a small fortune to have a proper night out, yest we spend the 1st couple of hours in a pub we paid 120 euros for drinks between 3 of us!! then spent more when we went clubbin..
yes it can do depending on how much you drink and smoke and where you go but if your constantly going out you also get bored of it.. well i personally do i like to have a break from it. Not just for money reasons.
to be honest if im buyin bloody charlie and couple of E`s it will be cheaper !! but what can you do ! drugs are illegal

the thing is with drugs especially Class A drugs such as Cocaine and xtc the more you do it and the more frequently you do it, the more you need to feel the rush of the first time just like with drinking some get drunk after a beer or vodka and some it takes lots.
So you get these hard drug heads taking 20 or more tablets of E or mdma per night and cocaine costs a lot so you end up paying more then you ever would with alcohol but after a few years. that and its not legal as you say unless you go to Amsterdam and its decriminalized so they don't do much if your smoking crack in the streets they just try help you. that and mushrooms and weed you buy in the cafe. But the point is that it is just as expensive and even more so in the long run.