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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:25 pm

good to hear you had such a good time vodka nose. snort some coke the smell will go away haha jk.

just drink lots of water before you go to bed you wont feel it much the next day. also i am told if you drink a pint of milk 1 hour before you go out you wont be sick. ( which usually you only get sick from mixing drinks)

last time i mixed drinks it was absinthe and I was drinking it down with champaign .. that was a nasty mix
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Postby fig head » Sat Jan 16, 2010 3:26 pm

eeww nasty lol.. matey i didnt mix drinks, i was even talkin it easy..!!

we were in the pub 9 pm and decided to not get on it badly coz its too early!

and to be honset the 1st couple of hours i felt soper.. well away from being loud and dancin like a loon wv my girlfriend

and i didnt drink any shots i kept drinkin vodca coke all night,

but after 12-ish i was bit on the dark side i guess coz by 2am i fink i wasnt consious lol

i guess good company gets you drunk!! my gal told me this morning she fell a sleep on the stairs infront of er house

so guess we were wankered haha.. now im feelin better thought.

full english breakfast can heal and cure any hangover !!
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Jan 16, 2010 3:42 pm

really? you can eat on a hangover? it does not all look horrible? or more alcohol the next day cures it?;p

haha she fell asleep on her front steps? that cant of been good when she woke up today in the middle of the steps. hopefully no one saw her and did something like steal what is in her pockets.

and you must of been drinking lots of vodka coke to have been that drunk. but just shows you had a good time. good company gets you drunk and makes sure you have a good time :D your right.

there is nothing like getting drunk and dancing the night away getting lost in a trance. your gf? girl that's a friend or lover gf? ;p
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Postby fig head » Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:17 pm

well im not sure if she even have naighburs bless her she lives near the airport haha

and her boyfriend saved her from sleepin on the stairs on this cold weather lol

.. and im not even size 6 and i can eat a lot!!

i eat like a fat fat man lol honestly i can finish up the biggest meals ever no problems!

i went to have english breafast in the pub and the waiter asked me medium or big!! i looked to him aand said the bigest you have

when he brought it to me i was wondering it doesnt rally look big! 5 minutes it was all gone in my tommy hahaa

!! and paliou mou EWWW i aint gay .. its my mate that happen to be a girl!

talking about that we had this conversation last night, she thought i went gay!!! just because once said i wanna be gay but i only said it cause i was pissed off men !!

anyway .. me and my mad girl going out next week end wearing the same haha that would be a laugh

strapless dresses only dofferent color, same shoe and same hairdo !!! gosh i love being wv my real friends there is nothing better
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:35 pm

i don't believe you.. biggest meals to women are like 2 chips and then they are full and you don't look fat in your pictures ;p

I'm jk...

I have not seen anywhere in Cyprus that serves English breakfast but then again I am never awake them hours lol well not normally. so you have a bigger appetite when your the next day after being drunk that's good

That would be bad for your friend living near the airport and being in that state with planes flying over all the time give her a bigger headache.

!! and paliou mou EWWW i aint gay .. its my mate that happen to be a girl!

I did not think so aggele mou ;)

talking about that we had this conversation last night, she thought i went gay!!! just because once said i wanna be gay but i only said it cause i was pissed off men !

that sounds familiar I have heard girls say this, i should turn lesbian/gay because they are upset with men just as a joke or not really meaning it. I can imagine your gay friends where wishing yes please turn gay lolol they would of loved to hear that.

strapless dress white dress *? same hairdo as like you have in the pictures?

Yes I know the feeling nothing like being with your friends having a good time. i used to spend months at a time non stop out spending time with friends then would spend weeks glued to the pc to save more money then spend in a week lol.
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Postby fig head » Sat Jan 16, 2010 6:53 pm

i eat a lot everyday!! nothing stops me from enjoyin a fat meal knowing that i wont put any extra weight !

i lose weight some how.. i should be 25 stone or sumin lol i guess im just natural ahaha

and ormally i cant eat when im hangova but i find that food makes me much better so i just do it lol

and we aint wearin white dresses! she wearing pink im wearin blue, black heels and hair should be done the same

"it wont be the same coz ive got the biggest curly hair ever and her hair is straight!! but we will try to get the best results!!

and i know what you on about it cost a small fortune to have a proper night out, yest we spend the 1st couple of hours in a pub we paid 120 euros for drinks between 3 of us!! then spent more when we went clubbin..

to be honest if im buyin bloody charlie and couple of E`s it will be cheaper !! but what can you do ! drugs are illegal :D
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:09 pm

fig head wrote:i eat a lot everyday!! nothing stops me from enjoyin a fat meal knowing that i wont put any extra weight !

i lose weight some how.. i should be 25 stone or sumin lol i guess im just natural ahaha

and ormally i cant eat when im hangova but i find that food makes me much better so i just do it lol

and we aint wearin white dresses! she wearing pink im wearin blue, black heels and hair should be done the same

"it wont be the same coz ive got the biggest curly hair ever and her hair is straight!! but we will try to get the best results!!

and i know what you on about it cost a small fortune to have a proper night out, yest we spend the 1st couple of hours in a pub we paid 120 euros for drinks between 3 of us!! then spent more when we went clubbin..

to be honest if im buyin bloody charlie and couple of E`s it will be cheaper !! but what can you do ! drugs are illegal :D

When I was a skinny beanpole, I had an apetite not unlike yours. One day you will wake up to find that you have ballooned. It will take more than a little prick to reduce your size. Beware. :lol: (a needle prick to burst the balloon).
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Postby fig head » Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:24 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
fig head wrote:i eat a lot everyday!! nothing stops me from enjoyin a fat meal knowing that i wont put any extra weight !

i lose weight some how.. i should be 25 stone or sumin lol i guess im just natural ahaha

and ormally i cant eat when im hangova but i find that food makes me much better so i just do it lol

and we aint wearin white dresses! she wearing pink im wearin blue, black heels and hair should be done the same

"it wont be the same coz ive got the biggest curly hair ever and her hair is straight!! but we will try to get the best results!!

and i know what you on about it cost a small fortune to have a proper night out, yest we spend the 1st couple of hours in a pub we paid 120 euros for drinks between 3 of us!! then spent more when we went clubbin..

to be honest if im buyin bloody charlie and couple of E`s it will be cheaper !! but what can you do ! drugs are illegal :D

When I was a skinny beanpole, I had an apetite not unlike yours. One day you will wake up to find that you have ballooned. It will take more than a little prick to reduce your size. Beware. :lol: (a needle prick to burst the balloon).

BUT im a hyper person, i walk a lot, i even bothor to work out !!

keepin fit isnt easy :D

im bit lazy now i cant deny it lol !!

i would never let my selfbe fat ever, not sayin fat people are bad im just happy being healthy and slim .

P.s my weight is never more than 50-52 kg

im showing off now haha
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:36 pm

fig head wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
fig head wrote:i eat a lot everyday!! nothing stops me from enjoyin a fat meal knowing that i wont put any extra weight !

i lose weight some how.. i should be 25 stone or sumin lol i guess im just natural ahaha

and ormally i cant eat when im hangova but i find that food makes me much better so i just do it lol

and we aint wearin white dresses! she wearing pink im wearin blue, black heels and hair should be done the same

"it wont be the same coz ive got the biggest curly hair ever and her hair is straight!! but we will try to get the best results!!

and i know what you on about it cost a small fortune to have a proper night out, yest we spend the 1st couple of hours in a pub we paid 120 euros for drinks between 3 of us!! then spent more when we went clubbin..

to be honest if im buyin bloody charlie and couple of E`s it will be cheaper !! but what can you do ! drugs are illegal :D

When I was a skinny beanpole, I had an apetite not unlike yours. One day you will wake up to find that you have ballooned. It will take more than a little prick to reduce your size. Beware. :lol: (a needle prick to burst the balloon).

BUT im a hyper person, i walk a lot, i even bothor to work out !!

keepin fit isnt easy :D

im bit lazy now i cant deny it lol !!

i would never let my selfbe fat ever, not sayin fat people are bad im just happy being healthy and slim .

P.s my weight is never more than 50-52 kg

im showing off now haha

Well, NEVER stop the 'working out'; else I will post a horrible full length pic of me. :lol: Now we dont want to do that do we. :oops:
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:40 pm

i eat a lot everyday!! nothing stops me from enjoyin a fat meal knowing that i wont put any extra weight !

i lose weight some how.. i should be 25 stone or sumin lol i guess im just natural ahaha

your lucky if you can get away with it and eat lots why not.

and ormally i cant eat when im hangova but i find that food makes me much better so i just do it lol

it does at first you think eww food but if you force yourself you do feel better

and we aint wearin white dresses! she wearing pink im wearin blue, black heels and hair should be done the same

"it wont be the same coz ive got the biggest curly hair ever and her hair is straight!! but we will try to get the best results!!

girly pink and blue.. nice colours:D

and i know what you on about it cost a small fortune to have a proper night out, yest we spend the 1st couple of hours in a pub we paid 120 euros for drinks between 3 of us!! then spent more when we went clubbin..

yes it can do depending on how much you drink and smoke and where you go but if your constantly going out you also get bored of it.. well i personally do i like to have a break from it. Not just for money reasons.

to be honest if im buyin bloody charlie and couple of E`s it will be cheaper !! but what can you do ! drugs are illegal :D

the thing is with drugs especially Class A drugs such as Cocaine and xtc the more you do it and the more frequently you do it, the more you need to feel the rush of the first time just like with drinking some get drunk after a beer or vodka and some it takes lots.

So you get these hard drug heads taking 20 or more tablets of E or mdma per night and cocaine costs a lot so you end up paying more then you ever would with alcohol but after a few years. that and its not legal as you say unless you go to Amsterdam and its decriminalized so they don't do much if your smoking crack in the streets they just try help you. that and mushrooms and weed you buy in the cafe. But the point is that it is just as expensive and even more so in the long run.
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