denizaksulu wrote:quattro wrote:halil wrote:denizaksulu wrote:halil wrote:Hi Cyprus fom Slovania.
How do you cope with NO Turkish coffee?
no problem Deniz, just ask KAVA TURSKA ...... u get it. Last night we were at Albanian place and no problem at all...they speak good Turkish .
also he said to us " Gene goruselim gardasciglar " tomorrow we will go to Mekadonia ,,,,, and friday we will go to Bosnia....we are feeling at home Deniz in these places. saturday back to home via Turkey.
Are you entering Cyprus illegally Halil![]()
That is what I am doing.
Most of the people are happy with Turkish airlines services Deniz. On our way to slovenia from Istanbul plane was full up. We had very good chances to talk people of the Slovenian . we had good interviews with them ...they all know how we are badly cheated by the world. Everything is a political game on their eyes.... to hear from them face to face made me happy Deniz gardash..... we are on right track. they all know how TC's were willing for unification of the island. I bet we can hear same words from Macedonia and Bosnia too.