insan wrote:halil wrote:insan wrote:halil wrote:insan wrote:halil wrote:denizaksulu wrote:halil wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Good morning ALL. Only -2 deg C. Not that cold really.
Don't you sleep Bey ehendi ?........... eeee Gunaydin ......
Halil efendi ofcourse I sleep; but oly after I do a days work. I have not yet retired. Next week is my last. Even then I will be up early. It is a bad habit of mine taught by my grandmother. 'Never rise after the sun has' she would say.
Have a good day..
It is not easy to be Cypriot...kıbrıslı olmak golay değil..... soyuna çekmeyen soysuz olur....(will not attract degenerate descendants .... I hope correct translation)
4 years more for me to get retired. days are passes very quickly Deniz beyciğim. Kids are growing very fast. In july my son will marry. i am also too bussy with his home construction.
aaa i remembered now i found some yumurta otu last sunday.... tonight i will have it doesn't like the yumurta otu . u see my dear friend it's must be my fault not to teach them about our culture...they like to have fast food than having natural things....
Günaydı be ehendiler, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...Halil Ehendi i know u r very busy with many things especially for the future of ur son but please spare some time for me and come to have a cup of coffee and lahazanlık edelim...
I hope u bring some yumurta otu and ayrellicik to me... taze paklacık da uyar...![]()
Zeytin, ekmek, pakla; sevgilini dolaba sakla!Nasındı be o atasözü?
Vayyyy gardaşcığım vaaayyyy ....... wowwww my dear friend woooowwwww !!!!! how nice to jear your voice again.... i will call u gardash....Yes be gardash broadbeans are on the market now. olives+bread+broadbeans+ayran ............
we need more for ayrellicik and yumurta otu. U better go to Cami today and pray for it gardash.
why don't u come to buyukhan next saturday?
I didn't know that Ayran would be nice with zehdin, ekmek, pakla! I'll give it a try gardaçcıım...![]()
On Saturdays and Sundays, I work 17 hours daily...![]()
No rain, no yumurta otu; no ayrelli!
17 hours !!!!!!!!!!![]()
u learn new things everyday.....
True, gardash! I spare about 7 hours for reading and learning new things in that 17 hours of working time...![]()
I'm gonna try taze pakla + yoğurt + rakı on the new years day...
Don't tell me that u r working at YDÜ library..........
i said ayran ......... everyone knows to have it with yogurt.... try it with salted ayran....