fig head wrote:bill cobbett wrote:halil wrote:Good Evening World ....... Cyprus calling ......... we are all ok in here !
how is the rest of the world tonight ......
Am so... oooo bored, am going to make myself a CY Coffeee ... in my microwave!
watch a movie, have a glass of wine or 2, play mafia wars or read a book.
hope all go well wv the coffee..
i guess the winter is really here

That was a really nice CY coffee. Now for the video ...
What have we got here?
"Confessions of a Swedish Nymphomaniac". No, watched that last night.
"Makarios, My Talks with Rough Donktosh". Not on a Saturday night methinks.
Oh here we are this will be a treat ... "British Steam Trains in the '50s" .
Damn, anyone know how to work this video?