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CY National Drink & Food-5- Mucendra Pilavi

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Postby T_C » Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:42 am

Me too! I'm absolutely starving now... :twisted:

What I'm really craving for is some village made manti. :cry:

Hate the ones you can buy pre-made...they taste like plastic and the mincemeat inside (what there is of it) has this awful sandy texture. :?

I've tried so many times to make it myself. I just don't have patience to sit there and yogurayim hamuru :roll: takes so much patience and practice to get the dough at the right consistency...its too difficult to get it thin enough in one piece! :twisted:
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:51 am

T_C wrote:Me too! I'm absolutely starving now... :twisted:

What I'm really craving for is some village made manti. :cry:

Hate the ones you can buy pre-made...they taste like plastic and the mincemeat inside (what there is of it) has this awful sandy texture. :?

I've tried so many times to make it myself. I just don't have patience to sit there and yogurayim hamuru :roll: takes so much patience and practice to get the dough at the right consistency...its too difficult to get it thin enough in one piece! :twisted:

Is 'manti' what we call 'Tatar Böreği' or are they different recipe's. I have had Manti in Turkey and Turkish Restaurants in London, but they taste different.
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Postby insan » Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:30 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
T_C wrote:Me too! I'm absolutely starving now... :twisted:

What I'm really craving for is some village made manti. :cry:

Hate the ones you can buy pre-made...they taste like plastic and the mincemeat inside (what there is of it) has this awful sandy texture. :?

I've tried so many times to make it myself. I just don't have patience to sit there and yogurayim hamuru :roll: takes so much patience and practice to get the dough at the right consistency...its too difficult to get it thin enough in one piece! :twisted:

Is 'manti' what we call 'Tatar Böreği' or are they different recipe's. I have had Manti in Turkey and Turkish Restaurants in London, but they taste different.

Although mantı, tatar böreği, pirohu, russian manti all almost look similar; they taste different because of different ingredients of dough and meat or cheese besides cooking method. I've eaten many kinds of these manti varieties. The most palatable delight for me was the one cooked by a Turkmen woman and called Russiam manti. Instead of minced meat, she used very small pieces of half fatty lamb meat, small pieces of potatoes and onions to fill inside of abt 3 times bigger than the standard manti dough pieces. She cooked them in a special steam oven. ater the mantis were cooked she put some high quality sheep yoghurt on it and add the chilli pepper sauce on it that she fried in a small amount of vegetable oil. It was extremely tasty. The best ever I've eaten among it's alikes.

Even the taste of same mantı may differ in various regions of Turkey and even in different restaurants. Cooking method, cooking time, serving time after it was cooked and many other ingredients; even the quality of water used can change it's taste, positively or negatively.
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Re: CY National Drink & Food-5- Mucendra Pilavi

Postby SSBubbles » Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:56 pm

insan wrote:
SSBubbles wrote:Thanks for the recipe insan - this is one I will definitely attempt! One question though, would you steep your lentils and rice in water first to help them soften? Cheers!

No Bubbles, u don't need to steep them in water... though the recipe I posted is a bit westernized style. TC style mücendra pilavi is cooked a bit differently and it has a slightly different look but I assure u it's the most palatable delight! Cheers! :D

Thanks! :)
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:12 pm

Reh Insan, bou eese reh?

May be less than happy with you.

Is this genuine tissy food? One which qualifies for CY National Food and Drink?

We don't want any Bleeding Greek or Blooming Turkish stuff contaminating CY F&D!

Please confirm this is genuine tissy fare.
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Postby insan » Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:32 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Reh Insan, bou eese reh?

May be less than happy with you.

Is this genuine tissy food? One which qualifies for CY National Food and Drink?

We don't want any Bleeding Greek or Blooming Turkish stuff contaminating CY F&D!

Please confirm this is genuine tissy fare.

It's a regional food that we CYs adopted it with our unique cooking style and in time the CY style of mücendra became a very genuine, national food that still is very popular in at least TC community. Haven't u ever heard or eaten this extremely tasty and nourishing special pilavi? If not, sorry but I cannot consider u as a genuine Cy. :lol:
Last edited by insan on Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby insan » Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:42 pm

halil wrote:
insan wrote:Whta's that white thing u covered the top of ginaras be Halil?

Onion dolmades Re Insan .......... did u teste before .... Dolmades can be done from spondo Potato also Auburgine(egg plant)'s too.

My wife makes the dolmades not me ........... also she makes dolmades and kolakas in same pan .(she puts the kolakas and lamb in to the pan and adds top of the kolakas vineleaf dolmades .... test of it wonderfull)

Ah, they r pieces of onion, not onion dolmasi be Halil. If they were escalloped onions filled with dolma ingredients then it would be onion dolma. I can't imagine gologaz and dolmas cooked in same pan. :shock: It takes longer to cook golagaz than cooking dolmas and golagaz has a totally different taste than dolmas. I've never heard before that they could be cooked in same pan. :shock:
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:43 pm

insan wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Reh Insan, bou eese reh?

May be less than happy with you.

Is this genuine tissy food? One which qualifies for CY National Food and Drink?

We don't want any Bleeding Greek or Blooming Turkish stuff contaminating CY F&D!

Please confirm this is genuine tissy fare.

It's a regional food that we CYs adopted it with our unique cooking style and in time the CY style of mücendra became a very genine, national food that still is very popular in at least TC community. Haven't u ever heard or eaten this extremely tasty and nourishing special pilavi? If not, sorry but I cannot consider u as a genuine Cy. :lol:

Fair enough mate. Just checking.

Certainly had pilafi many, many times.

Am not a genuine CY, am a Charlatan.
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Postby insan » Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:46 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
insan wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Reh Insan, bou eese reh?

May be less than happy with you.

Is this genuine tissy food? One which qualifies for CY National Food and Drink?

We don't want any Bleeding Greek or Blooming Turkish stuff contaminating CY F&D!

Please confirm this is genuine tissy fare.

It's a regional food that we CYs adopted it with our unique cooking style and in time the CY style of mücendra became a very genine, national food that still is very popular in at least TC community. Haven't u ever heard or eaten this extremely tasty and nourishing special pilavi? If not, sorry but I cannot consider u as a genuine Cy. :lol:

Fair enough mate. Just checking.

Certainly had pilafi many, many times.

Am not a genuine CY, am a Charlatan.

I had doubts abt ur charlatanism now I'm sure with ur own confession. :lol: Why most of the GCs always like to disappoint their "national brothers"; TCs. :?
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:54 pm

insan wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
insan wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Reh Insan, bou eese reh?

May be less than happy with you.

Is this genuine tissy food? One which qualifies for CY National Food and Drink?

We don't want any Bleeding Greek or Blooming Turkish stuff contaminating CY F&D!

Please confirm this is genuine tissy fare.

It's a regional food that we CYs adopted it with our unique cooking style and in time the CY style of mücendra became a very genine, national food that still is very popular in at least TC community. Haven't u ever heard or eaten this extremely tasty and nourishing special pilavi? If not, sorry but I cannot consider u as a genuine Cy. :lol:

Fair enough mate. Just checking.

Certainly had pilafi many, many times.

Am not a genuine CY, am a Charlatan.

I had doubts abt ur charlatanism now I'm sure with ur own confession. :lol: Why most of the GCs always like to disappoint their "national brothers"; TCs. :?

Pack it in with the "gcs" and the "tcs" mate, then we may have a chance of being CY Brothers .... and Sisters, ... celebrating with the CY Food and Drink that, like us, has roots in CY soil.
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