Talat today apparently stated he was pleased that the GC side agreed to start discussing "criteria" in connection with the property issue, hence making some progress in this chapter.
I, for one, have not authorised either of the two to negotiate my personal property ownership rights. This is a strictly private matter concerning individuals and NO ONE should have the right to intervene and in any way remove or limit personal rights that are protected by the ECHR etc.
If Mr Christofias wants to discuss "criteria" regarding the ownership of GC property, perhaps he can do so in respect of his country house in Kellaki - but not my property in the occupied areas.
Does anyone know if, in case it becomes apparent that the GC leadership is starting to accept such "criteria" i.e. compulsory purchases of private property for purposes other than public roads, projects etc, an injuction could be obtained at a Cyprus or EU court preventing them from continuing this specific part of the negotiation?