cymart wrote:My fathers family originally came from what is now called Lviv in Ukraine,although when him and his mother went to England in the late 1930's because they were afraid(and quite rightly as it turned out!)that Germany would invade Poland and being Jews they would be in danger,the city was in Poland.After Germany invaded,the Soviets were next to occupy the place and Stalin decided that the post-war boundary of Poland would be shifted westwards,making it part of the Ukraine under his control!The Polish population were kicked out and replaced by Soviets and nobody in the West has ever raised the question of compensating them,even though many Poles fought with the Allies against Germany in the war...and remember the Poles had done nothing to deserve what happened to them,any more than many Greek Cypriots in 1974.
It's all a question of geopolitical expediency,and as other people have rightly pointed out,justice is not equally distributed among all countries-try asking the Poles about it,or the Sudeten Germans etc etc...
Part of the Cyprus solution has to involve a compromise on properties and that means compensation in more than a few cases.After 35 years the E.U. will not ignore the rights of people who have been born in northern Cyprus since their parents came here after 1974-once again this involves compromise.A considerable number of Greek and Turkish Cypriots will not choose to return to their previous homes anyway and will opt for compensation so they can stay where they are now-once again a compromise is possible.
What I am trying to say is the case of Cyprus is not unique in world history and similar situations-or worse have happened in many other places...otherwise the Poles might as well start suing Russia,the American Natives the U.S. government,Greeks from Istanbul suing Ankara about past grievances etc etc while the situation on the ground consolidates and the greedy corrupt lawyers continue to deceive and exploit the gullible and the naive!
Morally, sentimentally we all have a case,but the world is grounded on harder principles and we have to live with reality!
Of course nobody is going to accept peanuts and there will be international contributions towards compensation,even though economic conditions in the past would probably have allowed more to be paid out than under current conditions internationally...but that's another disadvantage of the passge of time...
But if the rights of the property owner have been acknowledged by the other side whats the point of this post?