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North Cyprus NGOs under attack

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North Cyprus NGOs under attack

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:04 pm

Yeni Düzen columnist Aysu Basri Akter reports that Article 8 of a draught replacement to the current Associations Law contains the following provision:

Amaç, düşünce, tutum veya faaliyet alanları aynı olsa bile, hiçbir Sivil Toplum Örgütü Bakanlar Kurulu kararı olmaksızın herhangi bir yabancı örgütle veya uluslararası bir örgüte kurucu üye, üye veya şube sıfatıyla bağlanamaz.

Even if their aims, thoughts, attitudes or areas of activity are identical, no Civil Society Organisation may, without a Council of Ministers resolution, become attached to any foreign organisation or international organisation in the capacity of founding member, member or branch.

The law currently in force apparently imposes no such restriction, which runs contrary to EU norms. Civil society organisations have said that they will not remain silent and will embark on a serious campaign of opposition to this move.

Akter, noting that a number of associations currently cooperate with international bodies and that others have been blocked by South Cyprus from establishing such relationships, speculates that the logic behind this proposal is a wish to cut off all relations with the outside world.

She argues:

Ama ne acıdır ki, “tanınma” siyaseti güttüğünü söyleyen bir siyasi partinin hükümeti, tam da “tanınmama” tam da kendini daha fazla tecrit etme anlayışı üzerinden çalışıyor.
Ve bunun yanında en iyi ihtimalle, adı üzerinde sivil toplum örgütleri (non-governmental organisations) tamamen siyasi iradeye bağımlı hale getiriliyor.

But how painful it is that the guiding philosophy of the government of a political party which claims to pursue the policy of “recognition” is one of total “non-recognition”; one of further isolating oneself.
In addition to this, at the very best what in name are civil society organisations (non-governmental organisations) are being brought into a position of total subjection to political authority.
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Postby insan » Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:21 pm

It seems, UBP government considers some of the NGOs as a threat against it's existence or their consideration of national interests of TCs. Though, it is a fact that some TC NGOs which significantly funded by foreign political groups/institutions r all under political control/influence of foreign political groups, especially regarding some issues that they have interests.
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Re: North Cyprus NGOs under attack

Postby denizaksulu » Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:03 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:

Yeni Düzen columnist Aysu Basri Akter reports that Article 8 of a draught replacement to the current Associations Law contains the following provision:

Amaç, düşünce, tutum veya faaliyet alanları aynı olsa bile, hiçbir Sivil Toplum Örgütü Bakanlar Kurulu kararı olmaksızın herhangi bir yabancı örgütle veya uluslararası bir örgüte kurucu üye, üye veya şube sıfatıyla bağlanamaz.

Even if their aims, thoughts, attitudes or areas of activity are identical, no Civil Society Organisation may, without a Council of Ministers resolution, become attached to any foreign organisation or international organisation in the capacity of founding member, member or branch.

The law currently in force apparently imposes no such restriction, which runs contrary to EU norms. Civil society organisations have said that they will not remain silent and will embark on a serious campaign of opposition to this move.

Akter, noting that a number of associations currently cooperate with international bodies and that others have been blocked by South Cyprus from establishing such relationships, speculates that the logic behind this proposal is a wish to cut off all relations with the outside world.

She argues:

Ama ne acıdır ki, “tanınma” siyaseti güttüğünü söyleyen bir siyasi partinin hükümeti, tam da “tanınmama” tam da kendini daha fazla tecrit etme anlayışı üzerinden çalışıyor.
Ve bunun yanında en iyi ihtimalle, adı üzerinde sivil toplum örgütleri (non-governmental organisations) tamamen siyasi iradeye bağımlı hale getiriliyor.

But how painful it is that the guiding philosophy of the government of a political party which claims to pursue the policy of “recognition” is one of total “non-recognition”; one of further isolating oneself.
In addition to this, at the very best what in name are civil society organisations (non-governmental organisations) are being brought into a position of total subjection to political authority.

KEO as a draught? I am lost.

Is it ia 'tasari'? draft? Sorry new PC doesnt know Turkish yet.
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:19 pm

I suppose this is what is called 'self inflicted EMBARGO's.

This does so much damage to the people working on the real embargo's inflicted on us.
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Re: North Cyprus NGOs under attack

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:29 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:

Yeni Düzen columnist Aysu Basri Akter reports that Article 8 of a draught replacement to the current Associations Law contains the following provision:

Amaç, düşünce, tutum veya faaliyet alanları aynı olsa bile, hiçbir Sivil Toplum Örgütü Bakanlar Kurulu kararı olmaksızın herhangi bir yabancı örgütle veya uluslararası bir örgüte kurucu üye, üye veya şube sıfatıyla bağlanamaz.

Even if their aims, thoughts, attitudes or areas of activity are identical, no Civil Society Organisation may, without a Council of Ministers resolution, become attached to any foreign organisation or international organisation in the capacity of founding member, member or branch.

The law currently in force apparently imposes no such restriction, which runs contrary to EU norms. Civil society organisations have said that they will not remain silent and will embark on a serious campaign of opposition to this move.

Akter, noting that a number of associations currently cooperate with international bodies and that others have been blocked by South Cyprus from establishing such relationships, speculates that the logic behind this proposal is a wish to cut off all relations with the outside world.

She argues:

Ama ne acıdır ki, “tanınma” siyaseti güttüğünü söyleyen bir siyasi partinin hükümeti, tam da “tanınmama” tam da kendini daha fazla tecrit etme anlayışı üzerinden çalışıyor.
Ve bunun yanında en iyi ihtimalle, adı üzerinde sivil toplum örgütleri (non-governmental organisations) tamamen siyasi iradeye bağımlı hale getiriliyor.

But how painful it is that the guiding philosophy of the government of a political party which claims to pursue the policy of “recognition” is one of total “non-recognition”; one of further isolating oneself.
In addition to this, at the very best what in name are civil society organisations (non-governmental organisations) are being brought into a position of total subjection to political authority.

KEO as a draught? I am lost.

Is it ia 'tasari'? draft? Sorry new PC doesnt know Turkish yet.

Oops! I think you are right. Although in US English 'draft' has both meanings, I believe.
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Re: North Cyprus NGOs under attack

Postby denizaksulu » Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:37 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:

Yeni Düzen columnist Aysu Basri Akter reports that Article 8 of a draught replacement to the current Associations Law contains the following provision:

Amaç, düşünce, tutum veya faaliyet alanları aynı olsa bile, hiçbir Sivil Toplum Örgütü Bakanlar Kurulu kararı olmaksızın herhangi bir yabancı örgütle veya uluslararası bir örgüte kurucu üye, üye veya şube sıfatıyla bağlanamaz.

Even if their aims, thoughts, attitudes or areas of activity are identical, no Civil Society Organisation may, without a Council of Ministers resolution, become attached to any foreign organisation or international organisation in the capacity of founding member, member or branch.

The law currently in force apparently imposes no such restriction, which runs contrary to EU norms. Civil society organisations have said that they will not remain silent and will embark on a serious campaign of opposition to this move.

Akter, noting that a number of associations currently cooperate with international bodies and that others have been blocked by South Cyprus from establishing such relationships, speculates that the logic behind this proposal is a wish to cut off all relations with the outside world.

She argues:

Ama ne acıdır ki, “tanınma” siyaseti güttüğünü söyleyen bir siyasi partinin hükümeti, tam da “tanınmama” tam da kendini daha fazla tecrit etme anlayışı üzerinden çalışıyor.
Ve bunun yanında en iyi ihtimalle, adı üzerinde sivil toplum örgütleri (non-governmental organisations) tamamen siyasi iradeye bağımlı hale getiriliyor.

But how painful it is that the guiding philosophy of the government of a political party which claims to pursue the policy of “recognition” is one of total “non-recognition”; one of further isolating oneself.
In addition to this, at the very best what in name are civil society organisations (non-governmental organisations) are being brought into a position of total subjection to political authority.

KEO as a draught? I am lost.

Is it ia 'tasari'? draft? Sorry new PC doesnt know Turkish yet.

Oops! I think you are right. Although in US English 'draft' has both meanings, I believe.

:oops: :oops:

Howdy gunslinger :lol: :lol:
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Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:21 pm

The real target here may be pancypriot NGOs like the women's organisation 'Hands Across the Divide'.
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Postby Nikitas » Fri Oct 23, 2009 1:07 am

NGOs are given wide ranging rights and powers by the EU.

Looking a little further than the attempt of the TRNC to place NGOs under government control, we must concede that NGOs promoting policy and taking on quasi governmental tasks is a strange situation. No citizen votes for NGOs, no NGO is accountable for mismanagement or faliure to deliver on its promises and its officers cannot be sued for misfeasance or malfeasance. Just think at organizations like WWF, Birdlife International and others who formulate policy and undertake projects. What if they are wrong or negligent?

It is a sticky one.
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Postby YFred » Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:06 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:The real target here may be pancypriot NGOs like the women's organisation 'Hands Across the Divide'.

Listen here old chap, you can't go round putting your hands on pancypriot women's orgs. :lol: :lol:
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Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:30 pm

YFred wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:The real target here may be pancypriot NGOs like the women's organisation 'Hands Across the Divide'.

Listen here old chap, you can't go round putting your hands on pancypriot women's orgs. :lol: :lol:

Anything goes nowadays here, matey. When were you last in Cyprus?
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